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Posts posted by drosser

  1. This is horrible!! I watched the news on WSB and they didn't know much of anything. Fox 5 did say that they did not think it was domestic and it was not a murder/suicide. They are hoping the surviving boys can shed some light on who did this.


    Also, the mother worked at Paulding Nursing Home.


    This just makes me sick! We used to live in Powder Springs and both my daughters had friends who lived in Country Walk. My ex-husband roofed a lot of the houses in there.


    Prayers said for all those invovled in this terrible tragedy.

  2. My mom took me to the doctor to get my ears pierced. I can't remember exactly how they did it, but I do remember it hurt really bad. They got infected, and I have always had a problem with my ears getting infected if I wear earrings. I don't know what causes it.


    I had both my kids' ears done with a gun at the mall. They turned out just fine. My oldest was a year old and they did one ear at a time. She didn't cry after the first one but cried a little after the second one. I waited until my youngest got old enough to ask for hers to be done. She was two and would point at her ear lobes and say "holes". She wanted holes like her sister. They used two guns and did each ear on the count of three. She never made a sound. She was so proud of her new holes.


    She got her belly button pierced for her 14th birthday. We had it done in Douglasville at a tattoo place in the Kroger Shopping Center. She swore it didn't hurt, but I didn't believe her. It took two years for me to get up the courage to have mine done. I went to the same place and it was a breeze. To me, that was easier than getting my ears done. It certainly hurt a lot less.

  3. My oldest daughter fell out of buggy at the old Zayres store in Smyrna. I was there with my cousin and his son. I had my oldest sitting in the seat, but there was no strap. My cousin's son was standing up in the cart part of the buggy. It was right before Christmas, and he saw some bright wrapping paper and leaned out of the buggy trying to get it. My cousin was supposed to be keeping an eye on the kids but wasn't. When his son leaned out, it was enough to cause the buggy to tip over. My daughter fell with it and hit her chin on a shelf. Split her chin open. We spent a lot of time in the emergency room that night getting her stitched up. Of course, it didn't hurt my cousin's son at all!!


    After that, I always made my kids sit in the seat and I made sure they had a strap. I would never allow either of them to ride in the back part.


    My grandson, who has just turned two, can buckle the strap himself. That's the first thing he does when you put him in the buggy!! It takes him some time, but it's so cute to watch him do it.

  4. Walk to the movies on Friday night when I was about 13. Mom always picked me up at 9:00, but I got to walk there by myself or with friends. Stayed out all day long roaming the neighboorhood. Never checked in during the day unless I got hungry. I knew when it started getting dark, it was time to go home.


    Hitch-hiked a few times. Once in Panama City. That was the last time because the guys that gave me and my friend a ride really creeped us out.

  5. These kids made some bad choices. Thankfully, they are all alive and will recover. God works in mysterious ways. This was a wake-up call. I hope they have learned a valuable lesson and will leave the alcohol and drugs alone.


    Prayers said for all these boys and their families.

  6. Absolutely!! When I was interviewed for the job I have now, I knew I really wanted it. I had been interviewing for a while and got an offer from a company that I wasn't too crazy about. I didn't really want to take it, but needed a job. I called the company I wanted to work at, and was very up front and told them about the other offer. I was told to sit tight, and two days later, I got the call I'd been waiting for. I've been there 13 years.

  7. Give the insurance company a little time to see if they are going to do the right thing. If they do, then you don't need an attorney. I worked for a personal injury attorney for 6 1/2 years. 99% of them are out for themselves. They don't do anything that you can't do yourself, and they take 33% of your money if there is no litigation and 40% if there is.


    And if your're not seriously injured, there's definitely no reason to hire an attorney.


    If it turns out that you do need one, do not hire one off the TV. I am a Workers' Comp adjuster and those who advertise are slime bags. Some of them don't really do the work themselves. They give your case off to someone else. Prime example is Morgan and Morgan. They are NOT for the people!!


    One good attorney is Susan Sadow. She is by the Galleria and is honest and won't take a case unless it's a valid injury.

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