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Posts posted by drosser

  1. What really makes me sick is the fact that even though he will do time, his sick arse will still be out an about in a few years. An apology is not enough for what he did. He has issues than run far deeper than greed. Anyone who could kill an innocent animal with their bare hands for cash needs to lay on someone's couch for a few thousand years.


    I hope Atlanta drops him on his ass and spends the $$$ on someone worth it.


    You summed it up beautifully!!!

  2. I've come across this situation before, except the parents were getting ready to go to work that night. Both parents worked from 8:00pm till 5:00am and had to leave their 8 year old and 5 year old alone all night. They basically put them to bed and then went to work. Neither had a high school diploma, so the income choices were limited, these were the best jobs they could get. And no grandparents or friends to watch the kids on a regular basis. It's a truely horrible choice to make that very few of us can identify with. For some you gotta do what keeps the lights on, the rent paid, and food on the table. It's will be easy for some on here to say one of them should have got a day job, but when the choice is $5.10 an hour at a rural McDonalds by day or $13.00 an hour at a local manufactoring company by night, it's not hard to decide, your gonna do what makes ends meet...


    ...And they took no government assistance, they stated that to me emphatically...



    Just my opinion, but I think government assistance would be better than leaving children that young at home alone anytime, much less at night.

  3. A little personal safety goes a long way. I DO feel bad for her, but COME ON. You play with fire, you WILL get burned. If her car had broken down, she should have done what I was always taught to do....stay in your car, DO NOT accept rides from anyone.



    My feelings exactly!! You cannot trust strangers! Sometimes, you can't trust people you know. I'm very sorry that this happened to her. No woman deserves to be raped. But, I also believe that a woman should not put herself in certain situations. Hitchhiking is one of them.

  4. I just opened mine today. It was $111.00. I was pretty relieved because I was afraid it might be higher. We have a small house but have a very high ceiling in the living room. It is always warm in the summer and cold in the winter. I keep the thermostat on 78 at all times and have ceiling fans in the living room and bedrooms. I can't imagine a $495.00 electricity bill!!!

  5. If it had been logo's of where to get drugs I am sure more would have been done!!! Not that I support drug use!! I am just sick of it be more important to the "higher ups" what a "doper" does to himself than what someone else can do to our children!!! :angry2:


    You said it perfectly!! A child molester gets a slap on the hand and probation. A drug used can get 10 years or more on the first offense.

  6. Asylum adjudication is not "the court system", so you can't blame the courts for most of this. It is an administrative agency adjudication that could be appealed to the court system, but usually does not advance that far The Atlanta INS/DHS region (where immigraton administrative adjudications are held) is by far the "meanest", most conservative region in the US.



    Yes, you are right. The INS/DHS have some of the most screwed-up ideas! Their rules and laws are so totally different from any court system that we have. I have a friend who has a friend whose boyfriend was deported back to Mexico. This man has two children who are American citizens, and the INS doesn't care that the mother now has very little support and will most likely end up being taken care of by "us", the citizens of the US. This man was hard-working and took excellent of his family here and back in Mexico. I know he was here illegally, but he was in the process of looking into becoming a citizen. Now he doesn't even have the opportunity. I know this off-track, but I hate the INS. I hate them even more to know they denied asylum to this poor woman who was trying to make a better life for herself and her children.

  7. What I find odd is that now they are trying to send their remains back to Kenya.


    I found that odd, too. If the woman brought her children to the United States and was seeking asylum, why would anyone think she'd want to be buried in Kenya? That just doesn't make any sense to me.


    I guess maybe it's because that's where her husband was buried.

  8. The only thing they said was that they had talked to one of the boys but could not release any information about what they learned. They are looking into the backgrounds of all the family members and are even looking into people in Kenya that knew the family.


    They did say that the crime scene inside the house was horrible.


    They said they were releasing so little information so as not to jeopardize the investigation.


    Did anyone watch another channel?

  9. The thought of shots really turns me off. I'd prefer liposuction if I could afford it. I know a girl who had total body liposuction in California about 12 years ago. Cost her $10,000, but she was absolutely beautiful afterwards. She has not gained an ounce back and she eats pretty much whatever she wants to. She just doesn't pig out.


    I might could stand the shots, but don't want to do anything that is not FDA approved.


    Has anyone tried the new diet pill - Alli?

  10. I heard on WSB this morning that autopsies were done during the night, but they have not released the cause of death. The two boys are under police protection at the hospital. That makes me think that the person(s) who did this thought they were dead and now know they are not. It seems like the police are making sure that no one tries to finish what they started.


    I just wish we could be told if it was random or not. That would at least give some piece of mind to the neighbors and others close by.

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