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Posts posted by drosser

  1. I don't agree. You and the family are outside and a dog "makes advancements" towards you. You gather the family and head inside. You come back out with a gun and dog is over smelling something in your bushes and is no threat. Discharge the weapon and see what happens. There is no good cause for shooting the dog at that point and the proper course of action would have been to call animal control.


    I agree 100%.

  2. I'd love to have cosmetic surgery!! I really would like some liposuction and possibly a tummy tuck!!!


    I love what they do on Extreme Makeover!! I just couldn't afford to take the time off work.

  3. I'm Sorry..... I made it to 10 years before she decided she wanted to move to another state.....never easy and I suppsoe the best word...is... betrayed. But I have a beautiful little girl so I've moved on.....Single, house, car, job.........just be nice to go on trips and do things with someone..... (true....attractive and in shape has become very important, but intelligent and honest has taken over first place....


    My heart's broken and my self-esteem is non-existant right now. But when the phone rang and it was a bill collector looking for him, I did take great pleasure in giving them his cell phone number and the new girlfriend's phone number. At least they won't be calling my house any more.


    I know it will get get better, but it's really really hard right now.

  4. Oh, that's awful. Makes me think of that movie Signs where the only thing keeping her alive was the car and when they moved it she died. :( I pray she's okay.


    I saw an episode of ER once where a guy was pinned underneath a steel beam and, when they moved it, he died. There is a name for this? It really bothered me because they guy was conscious and knew what was going to happen.


    I sure hope the lady in Asbury Woods is going to be ok.

  5. Our dog is definitely loved!! He is so much a part of this family that some people think we're crazy!! He's an 80-pound chocolate lab, and he sleeps in the bed with us. He gets up in my lap every morning while I watch the news before leaving for work. He has a doggie door, so he can go in and out as necessary. Because of the hot weather, he goes outside to do his business and then comes back in and lays on the vent in my office!!


    He runs this place!! I absolutely hate to hear about people who have pets but don't treat them like part of the family. I cannot imagine keeping Luke outside in this heat!! My heart breaks for any animal that is mistreated.

  6. I'll have to ask the hubby about receiving stolen property.


    Is he a policeman? If so, ask him why neither Douglas County (where it was stolen from) nor Dekalb County (where it was found)did not notify us immediately. It would really have saved us a lot of money if we'd known sooner.


    Had the insurance company already started paperwork on it? Maybe the claim will cover the storage/impound fee?


    We only had liability on the truck. It's a 1989.



    so I take it the guy who bought the truck is being charged with theft by receiving? Glad you are getting your truck back. Stuff like that would turn our life upside down as we wouldn't have the money to replace a vehicle and then be able to pay to get it back.


    He was charged with theft by receving. If my husband's business partner hadn't had a van that he would drive, we'd have been in one heck of a mess. Still, he has to replace the tools that were stolen and can only do it one at a time.

  7. Usually people don't get their stuff back or it has been damaged beyond repair. Glad to hear that you got it back with no damage. It sucks that you had to pay the storage or towing fee. Looks like they would make it part of the theives problem.


    We feel very fortunate that it was not damaged. We got a Victim Assistance package from Dekalb County. The storage/towing fee, cost of times that were removed from the vehicle, money he didn't make because it was his only work vehicle, etc. will supposedly be taken into consideration when he is sentenced. It will be quite a bit of restitution, but we doubt we'll ever see any of it.



    Makes you wonder if the guy that bought it knew that it was stolen or not? It would be terrible for him sitting in jail not having a clue that he bought a stolen truck. If he did know then he is where he needs to be!!!


    That was my first thought, but I just feel like he should have known something was not right. Also, he knows who he bought it from. He should have gotten a bill of sale from the person who sold it to him. We're going to go through all the stuff in the truck to see what all is in there. But, it he had a bill of sale with the seller's name on it, Dekalb County probably has that. I will be calling them first thing in the morning!!



    Is he still in jail?


    Yes, with a $3,500 bond. He's been there since 08/15.

  8. Several weeks ago, I posted on here about my husband's truck being stolen. It has been recovered!!! Someone stole it and then sold it to someone else, who was using it as a work truck. Dekalb County pulled the guy over on Memorial Drive. He's in jail and our truck has been impounded in Lithonia.


    No damage done to it at all!! They painted the primered door and took the lettering off the back windshield. They also put a "Chevrolet" sticker on the back tailgate. It's not a Chevrolet!! It's a GMC!!


    Of course, the ladders, tool box, and tools were gone, but the truck was still in great condition. The guy who was driving it was either a plumber or electrition because all his tools were in the back.


    What I don't understand is this. It was recovered on 08/15. Douglas County never bothered to notify us that it had been found. We could already have gotten it, but now it's going to cost quite a bit of money to get it back. The towing company sent us a certified letter to let us know they had it. I guess DC wasn't too interested in our truck.


    Anyway--my husband's is very happy to have his truck back!!

  9. Does anyone know what time this all began? I was coming westbound on I-20 around 5:30 and traffic was backing up bad going eastbound. I hadn't seen an accident or anything and was just glad I was going the other direction.

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