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Posts posted by drosser

  1. I'm having a yard sale tomorrow and Saturday. I have a lot of stuff that I need to get rid of. I have Harley Davidson stuff, an older model Snapper riding lawn mower, a curio cabinet, a porch swing, a bassinette, an infant car seat, large pieces of carpet and lineoleum, and lots of other stuff.


    A friend of mine is bringing some stuff over, too.


    The address is 184 Poole Bridge Drive, Hiram. It's in Poole Bridge Park Subdivison which is off Ridge Road near P B Ritch.


    The hours are 8 to 4 tomorrow and 8 to 3 on Saturday.

  2. After church, I went to the Ross on Chapel Hill. As I was leaving, I saw a helicopter circling and hovering. When I got to I-20, the entire interstate, eastbound, was closed. Traffic was completely stopped and backed up as far as I could see coming from the west. I stopped by the house to check out the traffic website, but nothing was on there. I've listened to the scanner for the last 20 minutes, and nothing has been said. I know some of our P.com people listen to Douglas County.


    If anyone knows anything, please post. I'm thinking the helicopter might have been life flight.

  3. Paulding County was the only office that ever got me any money!!! My case was with Cobb, then Douglas, then Paulding, then back to Cobb. I always got my money when Paulding worked the case. If you think Paulding is bad, be glad your case is not in Cobb. My kids are 22 and 25, and he still owes about $35,000 in arrearage. Every now and them I get a small amount added to the card that they give you.

  4. My oldest was about a month old when we left her with my mother-in-law overnight so that I could get some much-needed sleep. After that first time, we let the in-laws or my mother keep her regularly. Same when my youngest was born.


    I've always felt that your world should not stop just because you have children. Adults are entitled to free time without the kids and should not feel guilty about leaving them as long as they are left with someone you trust.


    I started keeping my 1st grandson overnight when he was almost 2 months old.

  5. I pass this crossing at least once a week. It is very said that the lady was hit and lost her life. I just don't see how a person can not see something as big as a train!!! I've seen many trains pass by there, and they always blow the horn and are easy to see. The crossing doesn't have flashing lights, but the view is not obstructed.


    I think a lot of people get involved in things other than their driving--cell phones, radio, etc.--and just don't pay attention.


    Prayers said for the lady and her family.

  6. Even though I'm soon to be divorced from him, I'm glad my soon-to-be ex is selling his bike. I would always get sick to my stomach whenever he was out, and I heard a call on the scanner about a motorcycle accident. Even though I can't stand him at this point in time, I don't want him to be hurt and, sometimes, he was very careless on his bike. I've heard stories about stupid stuff he did when I wasn't riding with him.


    Prayers said for this man and his family.

  7. Air bags are great, but they can also cause injuries!! I once worked in a personal injury attorney's office, and they had a case where the woman was hit by another driver. Her air bag deployed and her entire chest was BLACK!! She said that hurt wose than the broken bones she suffered as a result of the idiot who hit her.


    Glad your husband is ok!! I'd take sore and whiney anyday over hurt bad!!

  8. I am looking forward too it. I live really close to the Kroger, and will have to pass it to go to Ingles, but I think Kroger is outrageous on their prices most of the time. And there are things that Ingles carries that Kroger doesn't. I just like to have a choice, instead of HAVING to go to Kroger.



    I agree 100%. I just don't know how people afford to shop at Kroger!! It's 5 minutes from my house, but I go to Wal-Mart because I can get so much more for my money.


    I'm hoping Ingles will have decent prices and keep them reasonable. When the Target opened in Hiram, I used to do my grocery shopping there because they had such good prices. That didn't last long!! I guess they had to pay for the new store!!

  9. My daughter and I recently ate at the Briar Patch. They were the best!!! I love their pulled pork because it is really pulled!! It's not chopped nor does it have big hunks! It was delicious. I haven't eaten at Rodney's yet, but Sonny's was my favorite until the Briar Patch.

  10. I saw part of it. I thought eating raw meat, especially chicken, could make you very sick! When her husband was in their nasty bathroom crying like someone had died, I knew they were crazy!!! I feel sorry for any child that has to live like that.


    I don't watch it on a regular basis, but that's probably the grossest one I've ever seen.

  11. They should ban the use of cell phones for all ages while you are driving.



    I don't think they should totally ban the use of cell phones while driving. I do think if you get a call, you should pull over and get off the road. I do not think that teen drivers should be signaled out because I have seen a whole lot worse with adults who are talking on the phone and driving.


    I admit that I sometimes talk on my phone while driving, but I NEVER make a call. I will answer the phone if it rings in case it's one of my kids. Then, depending on where I am and the amount of traffic, I make the decision to keep driving or pull over.


    There are so many other things that distract a driver: eating, smoking a cigarette, putting on make-up, other people in the car, etc. Cell phones are just another distraction.

  12. Those pictures are awesome!! When the kids were little, we lived in Temple for a couple of years. My youngest found this large, bright green "worm" and wanted to keep it for a pet. We put it in a mason jar with some grass and leaves and holes in the top. The next day, it had formed a coccoon. Jessica kept it in her room but we soon forgot about it. About a year later, I found it in the back of her closet. The coccoon looked perfect.


    My husband wanted to cut it open to see what it looked like inside. When he took it out and put it on the table, it started to shake just a little bit. The think was still living!! We put it on the entertainment center so that we could check on it everyday. About 6 months later, yes--that long, a beautiful HUGE brown month came out of that coccoon. It was amazing to watch it emerge.


    I can't believe it took that long to tranform!!


    That was probably one of the coolest things I've ever seen!!

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