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Posts posted by drosser

  1. Did you know the intercetion of hwy 41 and Windy hill raises over 1.6 million last year?


    Everybody talks about how bad this intersection is and how many accidents happen there. I have worked very near this interesection for 13 years and go through there twice every day. I have NEVER seen an accident there in all that time, except for the one morning I was rear-ended by a crazy lady who was determined to get through that yellow light!!!


    They do have cameras there, but it doesn't stop people from running the lights.

  2. RR:


    My heart goes out to you. I have a daughter who I worry about all the time. She has tried to commit suicide twice but, thankfully, failed both times. I pray for her every day that she will get emotionally stronger and be able to put her past behind her.


    I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. I have a mother like that!! She and I are not close and won't ever be. She has ALWAYS tried to butt into my business. I've always been a bad parent - to her. Except now my kids are 25 and 22 and are totally independent. I think I did an excellent job with them with what little I had. My mother always tried to make me the bad guy in my two divorces. It was always my fault even though the first one was cheating on me, had beat me up, and was going to prison for burglary. The second one turned into a drunk and a child molester. That was my fault, too, somehow.


    I don't have very much contact with her for those reasons. She would never have come close to being parent of the year, and my dad divorced her when I was 17 months old. She never remarried.


    Tell you mom to stay out of it. It's none of her business. You sound like a very good mom and are being very responsible about your kids and the divorce. Hang in there!!!

  4. I hope everyone is ok too, there was a woman killed in a head on with a police officer last night in Douglasville. She was 44...RIP. Officer has several broken bones and is hospitalized. He was on the way to a call and went over the line, still under investigation though.
    The woman that was killed was the wife of another Douglas County Sheriff's Deputy. The officer who hit her was responding to a robbery at Arbor Place Mall. Last I heard, it was being investigated as to whether or not he had his lights and siren on. Very sad situation.
    Any details on this accident? I grew up in D'ville and family still lives in area.
    The woman who was killed was Tammy Barnwell. The office who hit her was Chris Black.
  5. :huh:


    If it's my family or friends in the wreck... I'd want to know it as soon as possible.

    That might be via phone call... but it might be via Pcom, TV news, radio or scanner.

    However I can get that information the quickest, it is most welcome, I assure you.

    I wouldn't want to find out about it two days after the fact.


    Yeah, I probably would go to the scene.

    Either that, or directly to the hospital, if I knew they'd already been transported.

    But... if I have an accident on the way there, that has zero to do with where I got my information :rolleyes:



    Amen!! Sometimes the family doesn't find out for several hours. The sooner I could find out, the better. I don't care how I find out. If one of my family members or friends is in an accident, I want to know as soon as possible.

  6. Dr. Patel at Chronic Pain Management Center off Mulkey Road is absolutely outstanding!! They understand pain and how to manage it. Dr. Patel is the bomb!


    I am a Workers' Comp adjuster. At least Dr. Patel doesn't try to get his patient's hooked on narcotics but, he will recommend unnecessary surgery in WC cases. If you're not a WC claimant, he's pretty good.


  7. I disagree, it doesn't happen as much to people who are more careful and less careless..........



    I feel exactly the same way. I've seen a lot of near-misses while people are on their cell phones. If you are careful, pay attention, and don't drink and drive, you stand a better chance of not being in an accident.

  8. I'm right where you are!! I try to keep busy, but sometimes I just don't feel like doing anything. I'm been keeping busy with church and my grandkids. This is #3 for me and it was harder than #1 & #2 put together. Of course, I have no self-esteem. They say time heals and that it will get better. It sure doesn't seem like it's getting any better!!


    I just read about the Divorce Recovery program at West Ridge. I think I might go next week. I think it might help to speak to others who are in the same situation.

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