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Everything posted by Gone

  1. Hated Deal. Hated Barnes. You know when it comes to taking advantage of money Deal is not entitled to; he has no control of himself. If he can twist in his mind that there is a loop hole, and he might not get caught...he's going to do it even if it is illegal, and it is unethical. So now, if Deal is asked to step down... because you know when you turn over rocks you find more slugs... (They will find more I think … the guy is scum ... ) Does that mean by default we then get "Give me a Lewinski" Lt. Governor Casey Cagle? Cagle has had a long standing affa
  2. Haaa haa haaa Then I guess it was good you did not return the favor ...She might have run off into the ditch trying to outdo you!
  3. Interesting article. The bottom line is the increase they saw with the repeal of the blue laws was an increase in the male under 21 population...and there are ALREADY LAWS against this set group of people purchasing, or drinking on Sunday or any of the other remaining 6 days! Aside from that if a church feels it is imperative to your relationship to God and Christ that the congregation does not buy alcohol on a Sunday, they need to make that a living value to the congregation. No amount of government restriction is going to make up for what is taught or not taught in church.
  4. When did she tell you she was 16? ...or was it a family memeber
  5. I had one on the way to work. The driver in front of me had their foot on the break going down a hill. They were under the speed limit, and slowing. I drive this road every morning and can coast down the hill using no gas, and have enough momentum to get up the next little rise without much fuel needed. So my car is rolling, and I'm wondering why they are slowing and keep tapping on or using their breaks...perhaps they plan to turn off on a road or driveway, even though at that spot there were no roads or houses. So I'm thinking they are unsure where they are. Then they slow to 15 MPH
  6. Yep...I tell people it is my hope that we have enough friction that they will dislike living with us enough that they will be ready to move out. It is my only assurance that I will not have my 40 year old "child" still living on my sofa! And one of my favorite quotes: When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years. ~Mark Twain, "Old Times on the Mississippi" Atlantic Monthly, 1874 Adolescence is perhaps nature's way of prepar
  7. Yeah.... Sad. I hope Herman Cain can gain more recognition beyond the South. Unfortunately it might take some sort of "rock star personality" to win. Most voters get their news from US magazine, People magazine, Jon Stewart, and Stephen Colbert on Comedy Central. Trump has that connection to TV ... however I can't see him getting much of the vote...he is too abrasive and disliked. Same problem with Gingrich, and Palin. I think Gingrich could get our economy going again. He has a brilliant mind ... he just represents the wrong type of politician for today. And
  8. So, maybe there were excluding experienced dog bathers ... blah blah blah ... the person shoud get the job within??????? !!!!! I have tried to explain to my children that spell check is not the end all. You must also know the correct word homonyms. Or in the case of OP’s Help Wanted sign, the correct word usage. When my kids have a big project and I ask if they would like me to look it over ...they will say, Oh no, I used Spell Check. Bless their little heart... that usually means errors just like the OP's sign! It's their grade; they will learn more when they lose poi
  9. Once a year verses once every thirty years or so... I guess they could parlay another wedding if Harry marries...will his be on TV? Then your wife will double her time wasted in 30 years! I did not watch either.
  10. WOW! I had no idea a tree could do that! Remind me not to plant that one!
  11. Just as grocery stores are now open 24 hours and on Sunday , and we think nothing of it.... It will be just a matter of time until the liquor stores will see Sunday as just another day they employ sales clerks to ring up the business. Go to any other state and liquor is sold all 7 days - no brainer.
  12. Target has been difficult to deal with for years now. I used shop there weekly ... now not so much. They changed return policies and after that it just seemed non- consumer friendly! And there are so many others to shop from ... I don't get it.
  13. As I said the first time: I am against the government choosing a winner. They picked the winner .... They gave ONE company 7 years of exclusive rights to distribute a drug that was in use, it just was not readily on the shelf. It has been compounded for quite some time. I had friends 20 years ago that took these shots after they had lost several pregnancies, and it was found their body needed higher hormone levels to keep the pregnancy. All of them had healthy babies after it was found out what the problem was. All pharmacies play by the same rules...that was until the government
  14. No, the real lesson is that the GOVERNMENT should not be allowed to PICK A WINNER! The FDA, or our Government, in its effort to regulate, messed with capitalism. From your article: “The approval of Makena gave the company seven years of exclusive rights.” “The result is that the FDA could, based on the NIH study, award 'monopoly' status on the Makena version and prohibit the use of pharmacy compounded versions which initially it did.” The government GAVE this company seven years of exclusive rights to something THAT HAD ALREADY BEEN in the market saving babies! KV Pharmaceu
  15. No! Well, did they cut the funding so it has not been repaired? Or did insurance cover it?
  16. Thanks for the link! Ouch ... that is gonna cost someone a job and some insurance company even more!
  17. I had sort of forgotten, and I bet I did not renew my membership. I'll have to go back through my records. Maybe they will still let me renew. I would love a look at the improvements. I'm sure after the 2009 September floods there were a lot of updates as they repaired the damages. They did finish those didn't they?
  18. Gone

    Sister Wives

    The one show I watched of sister wives, reminded me of what was happening across the street from our house last year, only without any marriages. However, I thought at least the sister wives know what’s going on, AND they know that they are supporting the slacker guy? … Or gigolo in the case of my neighbor? The guy who rented the house across from us was a total slacker and player. Four kids, three different baby mommas, plus scores of other women - most with young kids under 5!!! He would have at least 2 to 4 women for sleepovers each week, some weeks it was every night. The
  19. I thought they delayed it because so many thought they knew all about it...so they had to make it look like all the rumors were just that. It sort of worked. No much chatter anymore. I don't think there have been any tours since they started working on the airport. That was a Loooong time ago!
  20. Wow! I am a little less cynical today! That's nice to hear.
  21. In 1998, we purchased our second house for less than what we sold our first one. We had more equity in our second house than the first time we purchased - which was a good feeling. We have never taken any equity out. We have gone through two unemployed periods and luckily we were able to pay that low mortgage, as well as the other bills. Most people pay more in their car payments nowadays than we do for our mortgage. After seeing what has happened the past five years or so, I would like to get the house paid off so we just never have to worry about being homeless. It b
  22. This is from 2008! updated 6/3/2008 *** 9:11:05 PM **** ET 2008-06-04T01:11:05 Looks like it was all taken care of. The industry kept them in check because financially it was to their advantage.... From your article: Sanderson, based in Laurel, Miss., has argued it lost a $4 million account to Tyson because of the advertising campaign, and Salisbury, Md.-based Perdue claims it has lost about $10 million in revenue since last year. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24956860/ns/business-consumer_news/
  23. I understand that ...the person had a radar detector, it did not go off, and they WERE GOING the speed limit up hill. In court, the county dropped the speed, didn't put it on the record....but still wanted the money? I've heard that too many times about Powder. Walks like a duck and all... A neighbor told me all this when we first moved here ... and over 13 years there are scores of other validations by similar stories. I have been very aware when driving to the airport to never go above the posted 55. Ironically this conversation came up when one of the neighbor's wifes got t
  24. Well you just cleared up a mystery as to why so much meat now contains brine. Question for you: Why does it look like the meat has been punctured every few centimeters? Wouldn’t that introduce bacteria into the middle of the meat? This makes me as a consumer feel like a patsy!
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