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Status Updates posted by Baileybleu

  1. i miss u in my dads clothes!hahaha

  2. i only chose brandon bc i have a pic of him and me on my fb together. look under old school pics. i was going to tag brandon in it and it would not let me. i like dylan better also

  3. i rated you a five- for making me feel special :) lol

  4. i really hate people now lol

  5. i really want to laugh at that. haha

  6. I wish you would stop talking to me

  7. just bumped you bc I do not think we ever have. lol

  8. Just bumping your stars :) Are you going to be at Chamber Thursday? I am setting up there.

  9. Just wanted to say. hi! I do not even know if you are on here anymore :)

  10. made u a five also. lol

  11. me tto. that is why i am asking. the kid in school who grabbed someone lmao

  12. no. I did not even know there was one. And what does that sign mean? I am in to you? I do not not get it. lol

  13. nothing much! I have been not on pcom as much lately. it has been boring to me. :) Hope you are doing well!

  14. Now I know how you always feel. LOL People need to learn to read. ha

  15. now rate my star rating a five. someone made it go down:( i just rated you a five

  16. Now that I feel like a major ass. I really am sorry for your loss. Please do not think I was trying to not be sensitive towards you and your feelings. I really am sorry. I hope you and your family will be okay.

  17. oh. hahha that makes way more since!

  18. Pleasure to meet you last night! It was fun.

  19. Prayer for you and your family.

  20. So good to meet you! Glad to know you are female! ha Female business owners rock! Oh and you both are on my bowling team if I start one. ha

  21. So have you figured out your stalker?

  22. Thank you for taking us home! We all really appreciate it!

  23. Thanks for the tables this past saturday. Everyone had a blast and a bunch a people got to bowl! FYI- Our servers were very nice. I know we were hard to keep up with :) Thanks!

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