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Mrs G

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Everything posted by Mrs G

  1. Thanks EVERYONE!!!! I will try the paint.net, also. I will do the updates and see how it works. Thanks again.
  2. I use Picasa and just today I got a pop up that said there was an update and it was 3.8. As far as I know I have 3.0 but, my question is, If I update to the 3.8 would It update the in between stuff?? (the updates from 3.0 to 3.8?) I didn't do anything just yet, I wanted to ask on pcom, what you all had to say about it first. tia!!!
  3. I also say, forget the rest, A Friendly Geek IS the best!!!!!
  4. When was the car stolen from Kroger on Ridge Rd? I don't recall hearing about it. Oh wait, we don't have a local, real "NEWS" source to report any such happenings. I hope the car/vehicle is recovered in better condition than what it was, when it was stolen. When are people going to realize that doing crimes is NOT worth doing the time, when they finally "do" get caught. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!!!!
  5. Here we go again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like my freedom too much. I'd like to know that IF any of my family members are hurt and need me to be there with them, that I can just jump in MY CAR and get there in a hurry. Yes, I DO drive safely!!!! I do NOT put my life in the hands of others except for my hubby, my daughter and both of my son-n-laws. Every now and then, we will go on a field trip with some of the church members and even then, I know that we are in good hands. Other than that, I drive myself.
  6. I didn't know that Walmart was a commerce member??????????????? hmmmmmmmmm
  7. I try to stay out of the Political Forum, my blood pressure rises when I go there. I'm glad you all are OK. Just kind of not been seeing you, lately.
  8. We visited the new Aldi store in D'ville last week and we liked it. The frozen (my idea of fresh ) vegetables were still 16 ozs and they were only .89 cents. Kroger brand frozen veggies are 10-12 ozs and usually $1.00-$1.39. Soooo, when we go to D'ville, we'll make a run to Aldi's.
  9. It's almost midnight and NO ONE (I did search) has posted about this being the 33rd Anniversary of Elvis's death.
  10. Just checking, making sure they're still on the payroll!!! Seriously, I haven't seen any of them in a while.
  11. We give vouchers to our clients, providing they have a complete file, for "The Thrift Store, The Been or Classy Thrift". These stores are very generous with their donations to our clients and we try to refer anyone that calls or comes to Helping Hands wanting to donate clothes/furniture to those stores. Kind of like....... you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.
  12. You could always take those visa gift cards and purchase a regular Walmart gift card, couldn't you???
  13. So, I just need to "not" open it and delete it? Or, open it to determine if I can tell where it really came from? What to do??? Thanks to all, who replied!!!
  14. I got this email from "myself" (NOT) and I really did not send it, It kind of has me worried. Did someone hack into my computer again???? How does this happen?
  15. If you can finance through Greystone Credit Union, you could buy the extended warranty and it covers just about everything. "B" sounds like the better option, we bought our vehicle it was only 6 months old and had 23,??? miles on it and it was a rental, it was serviced regular and it's still a great vehicle. No problems from the vehicle and we got great a interest rate from Greystone and we would do it again.
  16. I'm with you on that on!!!! I'd have to say something, I'm not one to keep my mouth shut when it comes to children or older people. I ran into a young mother last week, in public and her child was kicking, screaming and slapping her mother. She almost hit me and I said does someone need a spanking??? She left with the screaming child, I never saw the mother discipline the child either. Where do these people get off thinking it's OK to let their child(ren) act like this? Whast do they think the child(ren) will act like in the futrure? You know, watching people in stores (most especially in Walm
  17. MrsB, I was just thinking about the baby of your friend. How are they doing? Are there any updates? My heart breaks for them. Thank the Lord, all my grandchildren were born without any bad health issues.
  18. I see it or hear of it, just about everyday!! It's sad but, it's true!!!
  19. Where's JerryluvsLSU to complain about this picture??
  20. Because it's "NEWS", something that we have no way of knowing in the county because the paper, that we DO have does NOT report "NEWS", it only reports the birthdays, anniversaries and sports stuff but, NO REAL NEWS!! Besides, everytime I call something in to Paulding.com, Pubby always asks me if I can get pictures. So, therefore, I thought it was OK to do so.
  21. I do believe it is, I don't know for sure but, I zoomed in on the picture and it did have a roof rack. If you need me to email you the picture just send me a pm.
  22. To me, she has Elvis' eyes. She's most definately, beautiful!!!!
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