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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. I shut every door except a small bathroom. It tried to attack me when it saw there was no outlet. I threw a sheet up and got it... I let it go outside and it could not fly away fast enough. It pooped on the sheet though...grrrr It was a sheet for twin bed though... and we don't have a twin... so that is a plus... A minus is I have a stupid wasp in here now
  2. My day that is....oh snap... I left the back door open for the doggie when I went to take something outside and a stinkin bird flew in my house and I can not get it out... ugh
  3. Torrid it is a chain store but a lot of peeps don't know about it
  4. my mom is too sick this year so we canceled dinner. I told her when she gets well we will have a Thankful dinner she has recovered . so it will be our 1st staying home
  5. I wonder if Oprah wears Spanx... I need to get me some of those
  6. My DH did ask my daddy... Daddy said just don't bring me back that I was not returnable
  7. oprah is bigger than me... yeah that worked well for her
  8. Ha...why hobblewobble...tooo cute
  9. Stone Mountain for their Christmas thingiemabob... I really like Christmas out there
  10. So my hubby post a pic on his Facebook and tells everyone this is his next project in the house... I had to quickly reply to him... Think Again...Not in my house I think he is 10 years old sometimes whatcha think Oh yeah and on the other side of the pic is an R2D2 salt shaker/grinder thingiemabob
  11. well I guess I am a slow learner then... my DD thought I was nuts this morning. She wouldn't let me pinch her for some reason
  12. don't cut me... but feel free to pinch me..wait yeah only pinch my elbow because I can't feel it have you tried it
  13. I don't like the taste of getting skinny thought... lol. I find enjoyment in my food I use to be very skinny... now I have some cushion. But I am still happy and a very awesome person.
  14. yeah we all have silly thoughts but many don't voice them.. I do all the time on Fb and people get chuckles out of it But this morning I had something get stuck on my elbow and I have to kinda pinch it to get it off and I did not feel it.. I thought..hmmm So I pinched my elbow again with the same result... It did not hurt!!! So what I am wondering is why no matter how hard you pinch the skin on your elbow, it doesnt hurt. I know your trying it now arent you?
  15. it was awesome how everyone was cheering and clapping all through the movie.. someone even screamed out...you go girl at one point...it was funny
  16. JLH I mentioned you in my thread called the Blind Side... check it Buuuuuuudddddy and you shutie up ya goober
  17. Is it paparazzi??? Maybe trying to get pics of all the pcom stars where's my sunglasses
  18. I called you ummm ummm Sunshine..yeah.. Sunshine!!! That is my story and I am sticking to it
  19. 34 views and not to may replies.. I see how it is
  20. ME...M...>ME... I AM Can ya see me...can ya hear me now
  21. Is this thing on???? Who's here? why you looking at this and being quite? I am awake Lets talk/hijack/ fight...do sumfin... I be bored
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