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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. When my DD was like 5 we took her and she ordered her a hot dog with nothing on it. Of course they yelled a naked dog. my dd made sure she wasn't getting anything naked because it wasn't nice. they laughed at her and put a napkin over her hot dog
  2. what do you like to get at the varsity I am craving some of their onion rings right now
  3. not that anyone cares but today while I was shopping this annoying lil 5 year old kept singing that stupid Miley Cryus song Party in the USA over and over...I could not wait to leave the store to get away from her... sadly she was at the next store I went to ... it was a curse. When I got in my car I was thankful until I turned it on and can you guess what song was playing on the radio..I turned the station real fast so now it is stuck in my head
  4. Sunkist Orange sherbet Clown hair Dum dums Skittles m&m's My 83 year old granny's hair
  5. Sadie612


    well satan isn't in this movie...lol
  6. Sadie612


    I am just sayin the movie was good... not sayin anything is gonna happen
  7. Onstar changes tires... so yeah I myself have never changed a tire either and never learned...sad I know but I am gonna go woth ya can't teach a old dog new tricks... onstar to save the day and for the car that doesn't have that has AAA
  8. Sadie612


    shuttie up goober it wasn't a christian movie silly... just an end of the world{maybe} kinda of movie... It was good none the less
  9. Sadie612


    ha... what would you do to prepare silly
  10. Sadie612


    I just got home from a screening of 2012... it was good!!! I love me some John Cusack, things blowing up and tons of action. all around great movie
  11. I miss coming to lunches Maybe next week... I gotta run some errands for my parents tomorrow
  12. I just thought... SBE would love this bread
  13. I still like it too... I am not happy that Chad died and was killed a cheesy way but other than that I likie
  14. I haven't rode the pink pig in over 25 years!!! When I did go to the pig it was at the Rich's in Downtown. I even got a stuffed Priscella the pig from Rich's
  15. no finger pulling people here
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cblJd8Yc0I yeah...it worked
  17. I did silly... But I wanna know how to post a video on the new pcom
  18. to post you have to do in between the media post the whole link ok I am having issues posting ha the 1st is then the link and the last is [/meadia] no spaces and all together her is the video for ya football [media]GmIdLNuCqvs to post you have to do in between the media post the whole link ok I am having issues posting ha the 1st is then the link and the last is no spaces and all together her is the video for ya football GmIdLNuCqvs lets try it again grrrrrrrr
  19. Welcome to pcom...most of us don't bite have fun posting
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