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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. this was funny!!! No... my ball-n-chain is not a pcommer at all
  2. Just got home from a premiere ... It is GOOD!!!! The theater Laughed, cried, cheered and clapped... just left ya with an all around goood feelin And no JLH it isn't a movie about God But it is about choices and doing the right things Plus I LOVE Sandra Bullock
  3. ok... time to go out for the night... you guys play nice and I will see you guys later tonight
  4. nope... you can buy beer, Cigarettes and a wedding cake.. a friend at one of the grocery stores said someone paid for their wedding cake with food stamps I googled it and it is all legal
  5. idk.. I gotta coupon for some pet food if anyone needs it though...ha
  6. I think what MEW is saying is yes they are for people in need and she is ok with helping needy people. But Beer and Cigarettes should not be paid for by the taxpayer I agree with not paying for someone elses beer... my cousin sent it to me today... it was for realz yo I must of missed it
  7. well in my opinion beer and cigarettes are not "an acceptable" way to spend the tax payers money. m
  8. I did not mean for people to gets snarky... that is not the reason for this thread.I am sorry if it got you upset ok... back to Texaco and beer
  9. my threads are nice threads... lets all play nice
  10. my doggie is apart of my family so maybe she was just wondering
  11. I have no clue... there has got to be a better guide lines
  12. I hope not either... I am all for helping those in need out but Beer and cigarettes are a tad bit over the line
  13. we live close by and heard all the sirens... I have no clue what happened
  14. My cousin took this and sent it to me... Sooo I am buying peoples smokes and drinks now Is this legal?
  15. My DD read them but I couldn't get into them... I will wait for the movie..haha
  16. We had Media passes to see it this past Tuesday but someone stole them My daughter was DEVASTATED... Now the showing all her friends are going to is sold out... I called her Aunt and told her. Her Aunt doesn't get to see her much but she is taking off Monday and taking her
  17. Good Morning... I gotta lot to do today! I have a few errands in Douglasville and thought I would head to the mall for a few(pay a bill or 2) I hope you all have a great day
  18. yeah... I guess very dry humor.. as I tell my DD at times... um sweetie that isn't funny
  19. And I know how to color in the lines too
  20. I have one that color...come on over and I will hook ya up
  21. yeah..Do you need my Sharpie now when I am done with it The Marker says it is permanent
  22. so the other day something flew off the road way and hit the crap out of my car and scratched it. So today I got tired of looking at the scratch and colored it with a Sharpie .. My hubby rolled his eyes and called me dumb I wonder how long sharpie will will stay on the car
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