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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. I know... my friend L'Oreal reminds me every month ( more and more gray to cover) for 16 She wanted a sweet 16 vacay instead of a big blown out party and she chose to go to Hogwarts(Islands Of Adventure), Universal, sea world and Disney last week. While we were there she asked if she could go to Vegas for her 21st.. hahaha I am sooo not ready! Thanks ! Thanks, so far so good.. She had her annual Birthday Breakfast at the Waffle House
  2. omg...for real... I wanna know how I told my friends I could do that too and I took some gum and put on one... lol I was cool for like 3 seconds until they snatched it up..haha
  3. Weebles!!!!!!!!!! I loved me some weeble woobles back in the day singing" weebles wobble but they don't fall down"
  4. today my baby turns 16 Happy Sweet 16 my love!!!!!!!! :wub: I could not be prouder of the person she has become
  5. Friday night is 104.7 the Fish's Birthday Bash there... you should come... Hawk Nelson is there that night and my daughter is more than excited
  6. type in scanner... it showed up 3rd on my list... i got the free app on the 1.99 app you can pause, rewind and search the name on the app is 5-0radio police scanner lite ( the free app) but if you type in scanners a few options come up
  7. if you have an iphone/ ipad/ or itouch there is an app for that it is called 5-0 radio
  8. This is from my hunky Make Your Mark Karaoke he just had to add his 2 cents
  9. sounds like a business that Ned Flanders would name ( from the Simpson's)
  10. my friend has one and looooves it
  11. Wall to Wall Karaoke ( cause you know how to pack a place.. ha) Walkin after Midnight Karaoke ( for the patsy lover in you) Imagine That Karaoke ( cause you never know what is gonna happen)
  12. There is a pcommer who does it for a living... Pm her...her handle is lisabug28 she is the diggity
  13. wifi and 3 g are 2 different things.. and even though my dd can get on Facebook she is limited to what she can do on those web pages
  14. would I be banned from the site if I put Pubby JUUUUSTTTT KIIIIDDDDING I will not see anything if it has Antonio Banderas in it...he is just nasty to me
  15. maybe waffle house will make the kidd rock special I guess he gave new meaning to scattered , covered and smoothered that day ( sorry bad joke, I know )
  16. my dd has the 3g nook and loooooves it. She can even do facebook from the sucker... and everytime she takes it to barns and nobel she gets free stuff
  17. it's clean, I haven't been here long enough to clutter it up... I am in The Georgian now I am doing laundry today and packing... bring a pizza when you come.. i be honnnngry someone has beat you too it... he went to Alabama yesterday to spend a week with his granny and papa. Disney will let rats, ducks, beast and goofy looking dogs in but not lil yorkies now I do comment on lil teens pic that do the mirror pics telling them to clean the mirror or ask them why the sink hole isn't big enough to spit in cause some of their pics look like the miss the sink and just spit in the mirror
  18. lol.. girl it isn't you... I will tell you if I thought so just check our mutual friends.. you are not friends with them
  19. ok...no lie...my mom just called and said she heard them talk about twittering on the news I asked her what they said...she said IDK, once I heard the word twitter I got excited and called you
  20. okkk, that just really made me laugh out loud :rofl: :rofl:
  21. soooo That is why Lil Jon says ahhh skeet skeet skeet in his song... :blink: :blink: :blink:
  22. I would have told her it was for one of those midnight cravings.. lol my mom is over the computer fad thing... ven though they don't have one she knows what it can do... she is more amazed at the phone" your little phone can do all that?" "yes mom, there is an app for that"
  23. and there is a certain pcom/fb member that drives me crazy when they post pics of their kids... I want to post "I can't tell if your kid is cute or not because your lack of house keeping skills has me distracted" but I am to nice to post that
  24. hmmm, so it isn't fair that you know who I am and I don't know who you are i just bought a new one today... it is the sweatshirt one and I it
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