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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. me...me...me...I wanna seeeeeeee
  2. When I moved my parents out of the house I grew up in We found some from the 70's also from Richway, woolworth, Rich's and zares. I was like mom I think you can throw these away. The return policy is no longer in effect she still didn't want to throw them away so they got "lost" in the move
  3. my all time fave and soon to be yours for recipes...lol http://www.copykat.com/
  4. then you are not listening to the right station (some will get this) what station is that and I hope they never ring your doorbell
  5. copy cat... I did the girl scout joke 1st... oddly nobody has said anything about it
  6. get someone to chew and spit tobacco on ya.. lol that is what my great great granny did to me. She died when I was 6 but her tobacco chewing and tobacco healings is what I remember most about her
  7. I do not want to play in this sandbox (thread) no more... you people need some chill pills , midol and maybe even a drink to loosen up the answer here is simple... if you like her then vote for her. If you don't like her then vote for some else. If you do not vote or she isn't in your district then hush I guess we will find out the answer in less than a month!!!
  8. i just got home and saw it so I didn't hit the minus... I will hit q plusw for ya to help ya out;. but I could not ever go democrat...that would be the death of my daddy...lol
  9. I called the cops when these 2 cute girls rang my door bell... but the cops didn't do nothing but buy cookies from them... geez, what is this world coming to
  10. I got a matching backside to go along with it but I will spare ya that pic.. ha this sucks... where can I exchange this at
  11. already answered silly willy... scroll up
  12. My hubby has one of those special jobs that allows me to meet a lot of people and to do some really cool things I do like her cooking, well I liked her assistants cooking
  13. When I met Paula she asked me if I have eaten at her Cousin's Restaurant ... she does have one in this area but I don't remember where at. after spending the day with her ?I am no longer a fan
  14. Thanks for sharing Millcreek. My dd goes to SPHS am I the only one with homecoming pics? lol and you know she hates hearing that too... but our younger pics do look a lot a like. Although I did have better hair because it was 80's hair..someone really needs to bring that look back
  15. I will never be able to drive the way my hubby wants me too.. haha Heck I am the one with a spotless (knock on wood) driving record I will never complete the to do list either... but it is all good. He hasn't completed the one I made for him either. with that said does anyone wanna come move a fan and install one for me and paint
  16. 1.) take a chill pill or Midol which ever you prefer 2.) I did not say they HAD to twitter/facebook or anyother thing to keep in touch with me. I simply said I had to explain what it was to my mom. I will never force her to twiiter , facebook or pcom for that matter 3.)um, for real
  17. well it isn't you because the blasted thing is still beeping or either you didn't listen to my PSA
  18. here are a few pics from last night of my daughter and her friends I wanna see yours too My dd is the one on the end in all black
  19. When I was in Elementary/Middle school I had such the biggest crush on your EX...
  20. awesome... I will be there at 4
  21. what booth and I will come say hi to you
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