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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. I so forgot about that show.. I liked it even though it got more creepy than scary at most points. I also like Being Human of syfy
  2. love it!!! Poor John Ross and Christopher can't catch a break at all
  3. they make apps to help you keep up with your usage... My dd has the app and she checks it everyday she went over once and didn't like having to pay for it
  4. I just hand some banana puddin.. the best part was ALL OF IT and the part I liked the least was it is gone now hubby had a nutty buddy and dr pepper
  5. My hubby wanted to go to the mall today I told him NO! He didn't believe me it was tax free weekend so we went to the mall just to leave because it was stinkin insane...lol then to best buy then drove to carrollton to eat at Little Hawaiian for dinner and Evans BBQ for dessert in villa rica now home watching a stupid movie( hubby isn't allowed to pick movies anymore) and reading Pcom
  6. i'm sorry sweetie.. I went through pain everyday for over 2 years with a back injury..hand in there girlie
  7. Nurse Jackie Dexter Weeds Big Brother Common Law Necessary Roughness Walking Dead Jerseylious ( shameful, I know) HOw I Met Your Mother BIg Bang Theory Broke Girls Property Brothers House Hunters Real House Wives of Atlanta( another guilty pleasure) many many many more...I have 2 DVR's going all the time
  8. Sadie612


    I love South Cobb OBGYN... they have offices at Cobb Hospital and Douglas too
  9. our water bill use to be anywhere from 60 to 90 dollars for a family of 3 Water and sewer,,, I moved a few months ago and have not changed my water usage habits and it is now $33 for water and sewer. We had the county out twice to check our old address for leaks and other whatknots but came up with nothing. I like the lower bill
  10. i do agree with this and as a parent I too look back and would change a few things but I also did not put those things on national tv... in my book that is an open invite to talk about it and all the issues we as viewers saw. as I have said before in another thread this show has been on for awhile and they knew what they were getting into. This show has not really every made any family look perfect sure some of the problems were editing but a lot of it was the parents actions again ..am I perfect..heck no but then again I didn't put my family on tv no all publicity is good pu
  11. have you asked them about a cell phone booster... My parents had to get one (from another company) for their house because of poor signal and tons of dropped calls
  12. not to sound mean but Bella needs a tad bit of discipline..the mom seemed proud and laughed at Bella being "kicked out" of 4 day cares at 2 years old The only positive thing I could say about the show is that You did not name her Honey BooBoo I was embarrassed for Dallas, GA tonight
  13. also not to sound mean.. your daughter is very cute but sadly this show will come back to bite her down the road when she gets in school... kids are mean I pray that it doesn't but hopefully she will have a cool, funny snazzy comment by then to handle it all if it does
  14. in all fairness we are not the ones that went on national tv.. so you should expect this.. not that it is fair but such is life <----my hubby's hair is in my pic... it's hair i suppose
  15. what is the point if they didn't get paid i am watching Dallas too..gotta find out about that cutie John Ross I will DVR toddlers so I can make comments here...
  16. twin.. you took the words out of my mouth The baby is cute but the show always makes the parents look bad and mad or not nobody needs to act like your hubby acted (btw, did she really call her lawyer?)and I too would be embarrassed but laughing all the way to the bank to cash TLC's check. I will watch too p.s. thank you for listening to your child and the world thanks you for not making her the next honey boo boo oh CE I was driving the other day to a friends house in lithia springs and I passed the big gypsy house
  17. Congrats... I didn't know you were related to Pastor Matt
  18. I'm 37 and I have bought a few books but sadly they have not been touched... I read 0 books a month but about 3 a year My daughter is 17 and reads 5 or more a month.
  19. such a sweet little girl... I had the pleasure of meeting her a few times! Her cousin is one of my husbands employees and my heart and prayers goes out to the family
  20. my dd and I count how many eye rolls per show... we have made it a game lol
  21. I got show time lady year but 4 guest was left in the house and the after dark was boring as crap. I heard the beginning was the best... Now if Rachel comes back... I might go a tad insane
  22. I got my DVR set and I actually got Showtime too... I can't wait to watch!
  23. Such a proud moment... Not to sound mean but why on earth would you want the negative publicity. I have yet to see TLC make any family look good on this show
  24. Bought some hoping my kid WOULD play with them and learn how to do laundry I
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