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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. what they said.. worst move ever with them
  2. The Club house at the georgian is on fire ---not the pool one but the one for the golf course
  3. Mrs Obama is on the show.. sadly, I will watch it .. i love real house wives
  4. have you lived down Toddlers and Tiaras yet? what church is she from in Paulding?
  5. sometimes I plan and sometimes I fly by the seat of my pants... it all determined by the scale of vacation I am taking. I normally book cruises in way in advance to get the early prices
  6. how often have you tasted an elephant rectum would be the better question here
  7. i don't like their food...it is way to salty for me
  8. My dd is 18... We still do it! Sometimes we get the eye roll and sometimes we get giggles
  9. i had to google that... they were not around when I was in high school silly
  10. One of my teachers was reading a book and the teenager in the book was named Sadie... When they read the description of the girl it fit me to a Tee! So everyone started calling me Sadie.I wished I could remember the book title now!
  11. I love how his commercials mention Pcom ... it makes me lol
  12. yall are more cultured than I am... I have only been there once
  13. where is this so I will know not to go lol
  14. I am a great great great great Granddaughter of John B. Gordon. He was kinda a big deal in GA...me, not so much lol
  15. oh how I wished I could hire you... my company is making me start doing the bookeeping and I have to go to a class to teach me quickbooks... not looking forward to it... pray for me I will keep my ears open for ya
  16. what do you do? what would you like to do?
  17. LinkedIn it is an amazing tool for networking
  18. Lawd have mercy ... you know I am gonna wana see your stomach the next time I see you now ... lawd@ the mental pic
  19. big girls need to be loved too
  20. it is entertaining to watch but I would snatch my child up so fast for talking the way her children do lack of manners and common curtsey towards others is a pet peeve of mine Their trip to the restaurant was also entertaining but I would not want them to be sitting near me ...lol
  21. i thought we could post in the threads a non comm member just not in titles yall have fun!
  22. nope, I wasn't.. I was thinking more along the lines hit them with what... car, cain, a ten foot pole
  23. it is on it's own planet called Nevada that they disguise as part of the US ha
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