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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. maybe because they are new they might of posted in the wrong forum ...it happens
  2. why did he wait to the last minute to do it. My dd has a project due when she gets back but it was given to her 2 weeks ago
  3. I am ok with Gay people in the Military... doesn't bother me a bit
  4. 1st time not going out .... I was done with shopping before thanksgiving I do have to work today at 3 so I gotta get out =(
  5. I use to send them to everyone... now I don't. I will send about 6 this year to the people that live to far away... but I can't afford to send them to everyone anymore...sad but true
  6. But they were not the 1st...., 104.7 the fish started about 8 this morning I am already tired of Christmas Music..ha
  7. I have Moxie too...it is an iphone app I love really I love that app...word games are my thing
  8. it is still a good deal..... I usually drop neflix during the winter because there is so many non reruns to watch and pick it back up in the summer... I can't wait to get it back
  9. Morning sunshine... hope you have an awesome day
  10. she can not by law pay the taxes... the person receiving the gift has to pay them. Even if Oprah gave each guest cash to pay taxes for the gifts, the guests would then have to pay tax on the gifts + cash. but I would not complain about paying taxes on a free car I like it.... it is cute
  11. I am Thankful to still have my mommy... those who have known me awhile knew she was in the hospital for most of November last year and was very touch and go for awhile. I am thankful to finally got a job last week...although it is on;y partime it it more than what I had just sitting at home I am Thankful for my DD and DH...they are just awesome this has been one of the roughest years my family had to endure...I am thankful we all came through it together and stronger
  12. no... I do not get a pay check from them... but yeah one of her jobs is to update the facebook of the business so facebook is part of the job...ha no stalking...it shows up in the news feeds... I only stalk fitfabandfree
  13. um not much out there for boys...yake them to play laser tag at stars and strikes or bowling..ha
  14. Harry Potter is scary I have never thought that unstoppable ....life as we know it those are both playing at 278 and both were good
  15. when did you become a pcommer ya silly
  16. lurk/stalk.... lol it is all good... we all do it some more than other *coughfitfbafreecough*
  17. it is the fb app... it is a feature hat comes with it
  18. she isn't on pcom...i assure you
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