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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. it got stuck in my head after a commercial...sorry I got it stuck in your head too
  2. believe me... we are not redneck enough to go... it is big ole trucks driving through mud
  3. did Walking Tall change his screen name...The Postman sounds a lot like him
  4. she does have cute stuff in there... I stopped by today shhh, don't tell the DH
  5. I look at that as a more respect thing than being scared. I HATE HATE HATE pther people going through my purse!!!! So I always say bring me my purse and I will get it for you. But the hubby has no issue holding my purse for me if I need him to and yes I have asked him to get something out of it for me and he will always say are you sure you want me to...I know how you are.
  6. wow... will you eat this sandwich in your new target outfit
  7. Prayers for Laura and her family.... Glad Amy is doing better...how scarey
  8. did you read down to where the add says "Fill your desire for something long, juicy and flame-grilled," the ad continues. I am like ummmmmmm , okay!
  9. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,529576,00.html wow...
  10. He was on springer.... I don't watch that... but I wil have to youtube it
  11. awwww AGG is such a sweetie... I really like her she has a cute dog toooo. I hope your dog didn't cause her doggie any drama that will make her have nightmares seeing that your is such a bully
  12. did you see how his lady friend was dressed
  13. Sadie612


    posting and asking questions... what do you wanna know and I will try and help
  14. If I am still explaining this video to you 2 to 3 years from now your really gonna be on my nerves
  15. Sadie612


    I was the same way when I got started 1 year and over 5,000 post later I am still learning but having fun along the way welcome to pcom
  16. Sadie612


    my hubby hates to paint and the fumes make me toooo sick so I have plain jane walls
  17. no he didn't mention hamsters or cats...I did silly willy I guess that was some back woods paulding county speakin...idk
  18. Sadie612


    this weeks homework or next weeks home work btw...you called me a goober today...pay back is a commin ....might be in the form of a judi chop
  19. basically here is the run down Don't go Ninja'in who don't need ninja'in and don;t try it on your kids or dogs...but cats and hamsters are ok oh and watch your judi chop when your kicking your leg...would hate for you to break your leg but this ninja didn't have any high quality h20
  20. I know... I lost it by that point...toooo funny he didn't say cats though...hmmmmmmm
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