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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. lol... you know I was just playin I thought it was funny and even more shocked JLH didn't comment on it yet... but he might be getting his rub a dub dub
  2. nothing wrong with a rub and tug
  3. celebrate freedom is a free concert and is located at the Conyers Horse park. It will be in September. My hubby is in Texas helping with theirs and he is in Charge of the one that happens here in Georgia here is Atlanta's website http://www.celebratefreedomatlanta.com/
  4. what she said I am sorry for you and hate to see another store sit empty but if your excited then I am excited for you! good luck
  5. I wanna see JLH give JBA a spakin... I would pay to see that
  6. Happy Birthday Steven!!! Guess what Your old ily
  7. We are leaving early in the morning to head out there. My granny wants to go too and My dad and Granny asked me to wait on her. Thanks for all the prayers. I am waiting on Daddy to call me again after all the test are run and she gets back to her room. thanks again for all the prayers
  8. you can get a round plastic pool (kiddie) at wal-mart for $19.98... it even comes with a small slide This is the pool that is in my budget... the 14 year old DD doesn't want it though...I wonder why
  9. he is odd...none of that really shocked me except for the day He believes in CHRISTmas wow...who knew
  10. I just spoke with my daddy... My mom is resting( they gave her drugs to rest and for some reason she worried about my doggie Ozzie) and the in about an hour they will be running test on her for a few hours. He asked me to wait to drive out there in the morning so I can drive my grandmother.
  11. it is in another state.. none near here
  12. they really don't know much... I talked to her this morning and she was on her way to the doctors. They sent her from there to the hospital. But I have been so so sick and still coughing they will not even let me see her. I have clothes in the dryer and as soon as they are done we are gonna pack and head that way
  13. I just got a call that they put my mommy in ICU and because I have been sick and still coughing I can't go see her. I am waiting on word from my daddy then me and the DD might head out of town to see them. But right now Daddy told me to just sit tight at home because there is nothing I can do They have no clue what is wrong they think her Gall Bladder surgery went wrong 2 months ago and is leaking toxins into her system( but this is just a guess from the doc, they have to run more test) My hubby is out flew out on business this morning and I am a ball of coughing nerves.
  14. you can also do it through a website...that is how my hubby did it this year and then they sent it to him through the mail
  15. Morning... we are all sad at my house...the DD and I shipped the DH off on a business trip this morning. We hate it when he travels!!!!
  16. well...if you put it in writing it always does lol... your funny do you have any man friends on Fb...you have quiet a lady following
  17. someone posted this a few days ago on here
  18. well at least I have a goal now...Thanks P... btw hey you (((hugs))) I thought that was every night I just have that gift I guess
  19. my mom saved my chipmunk stuff from when I was a kid
  20. I did see on FB where you like AGG's shoes that were blue and had bows...
  21. ok... I can give you a hug... I like Hugs
  22. :activatingalarmsystem: and I am not on GPS so good luck
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