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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. ***Mallrats Brodie: Renee broke up with me today TC: why Brodie: Because I farted TC: I don't think Renee is that shallow Brodie: She was going Down on me at the time TC: then you are lucky that is all she did ***also Mallrats A sailboat!?! Brenda ***American Pie This one time at band camp ***role models and I like boobies ***I have many many more but I am tooo tired to think
  2. nope... she was laughing at some green furry stuff
  3. I would but I am already here and staying in a resort for the week.
  4. no, I am spending the week at stone mountain .... our hotel is amazing. I don't wanna leave it
  5. I have never got chiggers from sitting on the rock... anyway it isn't crowded today it will be more people saturday and Friday I have had a few tell me they are coming out thursday for skillet lol... your child is making fun of me... she will not stop laughing for some odd reason
  6. lol..she asked for free tickets yesterday ...so you are sol on that one *lol*. I feel a little better today. I have more energy..still no taste or smell though
  7. a ton of artist... you can find the info at their website www.atlantafest.com
  8. Is anyone coming to Stone Mountain for Atlanta Fest this week... www.atlantafest.com I need someone to entertain me. I know it is field with entertainers but My hubby is busy working, my daughter and her friend are doing their own thing so I need a partner in crime. pm me if your coming or reply here... whatever floats your boat
  9. That's a negative because I am out of town I am still sick , still can't taste or smell. ...
  10. ick...just say NOOOOO to the whale tail
  11. I wanted to Add Ladies if you wear a sleeveless shirt please SHAVE YOUR PITS!!! Also the lady in front of me at Kroger todat was wearing cute flip flops...to bad she also needed to shave her toes
  12. what ever floats your boat but I am kinda glad your not my neighbor cause your yard is kinda not purdy
  13. With all joking aside... I have been sick for so long they actually tested me for swine flu today... I guess I passed. I got to go home. no i didn't see it... my back yard is still holeless and you said you would... so you lied to me :cray:
  14. Thats why you jam the zipper to get it stuck... worked for me.
  15. this is old...like 7 people beat you to this Not funny because it is also BLASPHEMY...KTF ROCKS
  16. ya know if you tie people up and duck tape their mouths the next step is ...SHARPIE .... gotta love sharpies to the face it takes forever to come off ... never draw a mustache on a kid the day before a wedding that he is in... I did this to a cousin when I was 12... he had to get wedding pics taken with his stash
  17. but I am sick...my voice is cracking and snotty and all... what if I pimp my hubby for a song...any song you want him to sing
  18. yes it does rock... but writing in complete sentences rocks even more
  19. Why did you do the throw up icon silly for the heading of this topic
  20. with it being my birthday will you wear your Kilt for me plllllleeeeeeaaaaase
  21. nope I can't tonight Next Friday is my Birthday and the DH is taking off work so we will be there then hopefully
  22. I wished I could come but we have a stupid rehearsal dinner to go to
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