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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. nope, you can make friends with a few people that live there like I did and mooch off of them
  2. I wanna baked tater you should do a tater and soup/or salad meal
  3. she is always looking ... so yes and your not to far away from me ...so that is a plus
  4. she is soon to be 15. (so 14 for a few more months)
  5. My daughter has people that pay her anywhere from $5 to $10 an hour Heck she had sooo much fun with a family this weekend she told them not to pay her
  6. I am a sucker for a good hair wash... I am not high maintenance, so all the other fluff services I don't use
  7. I don't need any mental pics of you and your DH You always have kelly to buy from...
  8. Sorry Kelly for slightly High jacking your thread...please forgive me
  9. ya know... it is like they want me to get in trouble... He doesn't care what I post or say. It cracks him up but annoys the heck out of me.
  10. well a lot of people do... his contact info is on the internet he has had a handful of pcommers contact him to sponsor stuff or to see if they can get free stuff that is what I am sayin... my DH knows that I am a handful... he doesn't have to have someone telling him
  11. lol@RG.. yeah I am anything but freaky Who e-mailed my hubby at work????? grrrrr I just got a text from my hubby saying Slumber Parties by Kelly... really? U gonna sale? Then forwarded the e-mail to me. It is from a stinkin yahoo account with no name attached for the past 2 weeks someone has been e-mailing my hubby at telling him about stuff I am doing on the board If I post in the tonk or just being silly they tell on me He knows I post and knows how sarcastic I am soooo who ever it is can stop tattling on me. I am a big girl... I don't have
  12. lol I have no place to sale the stuff other than Bible study... lppt tried showing me the bboklet I couldn't even look at it
  13. sick of all that and would like the money but I am toooooooooooooooooooooooooooo shy to sale that stuff
  14. he is still stuck at atinkin work... so looks like we will not malke it
  15. depending on what time the ball-n-chain gets home from work we MIGHT be there. He didn't get home till almost 8 last night. He has big wigs in town that he has to be at their beck and call this week
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