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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Completely agree, stradial. Also, one reason we have higher prison population than we otherwise could is the number of people in jail for small amounts of pot.
  2. Wow. She looks a little bit like Elinor Donahue.
  3. Like I said - when I believe it to be necessary, I will not shy away from conflict. The quote attributed to Edmund Burke is correct - all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
  4. Low, your comments here are both insightful and chilling. Very well said, dearest. AMEN AND AMEN AND AMEN!!! I would give this a thousand likes if I could. Ten thousand, even.
  5. I generally try to stay away from controversial topics where mud is being slung back and forth (or I can tell it will be). I will at times give my opinion on a major issue if I think it's called for, but I am not one for back-and-forth yammering, talking AT each other. This is a MAJOR reason I am not on FB, do not watch TV news/political talk shows, and I do not have the political and religious forums turned on here. I can talk any major controversial issue with a liberal all day long - IF said liberal is willing to be honest and just discuss the matter and allow freedom of expression on
  6. Can't watch the video, 'cause I'm not in the mood to cry. I completely agree...every time I hear something about how little our armed forces are paid, it makes me sick. I personally think Congresscritters should be paid the average wage of the military men and women, and get the exact same benefits. God bless you veterans - every one.
  7. How close is the lake water to the pool, Blondie?
  8. Love ya, Eddie, but 18 suicides out of 400,000 workers is less than the average for all of China. China is 57th on the list of suicide rate by country, with 7.9/100,000 (or 31.6/400,000) people. The US is 30th, with 12.5/100,000 (or 50/400,000). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_suicide_rate Believe me when I say that I am no fan of the ChiComs, and as my recent topic flatly stated, I am no fan of products being made in China. However, that report just doesn't hold up.
  9. The Sheriff of the kid's county in PA is a lady, and she made the original call to the Sheriff in SC (she already knew him, probably since their counties have the same name). I just thougt the whole story was precious. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the SC sheriff.
  10. IDK - call the tag office on Monday. And srsly? Parents can't get along enough to title a car? Geez, some days I just wanna slap people...
  11. Welllllllllll, doggies. RIP, Ellie May.
  12. Oh, dear Lord...15 and 16 years old. Holy sheeze.
  13. Maybe the Peachtree City Police Chief who shot his wife twice by mistake had just read this thread. (Although newer reports are saying she wasn't shot twice.) Maybe the Peachtree City Police Chief who shot his wife twice by mistake had just read this thread. (Although newer reports are saying she wasn't shot twice.) In which case, it seems to me stradial is guilty of more than a double post. In which case, it seems to me stradial is guilty of more than a double post.
  14. Oops - he says he shot her accidentally. Twice. Alrighty, then. She's in critical condition. http://www.ajc.com/news/news/peachtree-city-police-chiefs-wife-shot-and-critica/njdy2/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2893591/Georgia-police-chief-s-wife-critical-condition-accidentally-shot-two-times-early-New-Year-s-Day-incident.html
  15. You are so cute, CC - but I believe the post I noted above yours shows Zorro going on record to agree with the firing of these two. And I agree with him.
  16. Woo hoo! I checked last night and no egg, but watching! :clappinghandsexcitedly:
  17. Cantelopes. HAHAHAHA The Great Wall of Michigan.
  18. Yeah, I'm feelin' all weepy today over similar things as well.
  19. OK, admit it - who's headed to the Possum Drop in Bowden or Bremen or wherever it is? Give my love to the Possum...I'm about to hie myself off to bed. Waaaaaay yonder too little sleep in the past few days. Here's hoping 2015 is as stellar as 2014 (and several years prior) was sucky.
  20. Absolutely precious story about a boy who wanted to learn to hunt and fish, but who didn't have anyone to teach him (his mother is sick, and apparently no father in the picture). Great couple of Sheriffs there... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2892584/9-year-old-boy-Chester-County-Pennsylvania-gets-hunting-trip-lifetime-mistakenly-writing-sheriff-Chester-County-South-Carolina.html
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