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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I don't watch TV news for the exact same reason. It's crap, all of it.
  2. mei lan


    Hey, this is a pretty good idear. Me likey.
  3. I think this would be a big need. More than one of my social worker friends who have worked in the field of adult care tell me that the people who get the best care in nursing homes aren't the ones with the most money...they are the ones whose family checks on them often. If I lived far away, I surely would want someone checking on my loved one. Sounds like you might have some good ideas here.
  4. I tend to agree...it should be voluntary.
  5. Haven't thought about it a great deal, but I am inclined to agree with you. I'm glad that cameras (so far) haven't made it into the SCOTUS.
  6. This. HAHAHAHAHAA Glad you got your priorities in order. You carry on with your cover of customer service guru...I'll holler when things get bad and need you to slap some stupid down.
  7. What's Blondie's bidness? Besides being my #2 in Ruling the Universe, that is?
  8. Crap. I hate when that happens. I thought 1987 was like 11 years ago.
  9. Reminds me of that t-shirt: "I hear banjos...paddle harder!" hahahaha Anyhoo, I'm not much of a Helen person...I'm more of a Highlands person. Quiet, awesome little shops, etc. Not sure about cabin availability, though. Hiwassee is cute as well, but not as mountain-y...more foothills-y. Dillard is really pretty as well. Not sure of cost. So basically, I'm no help. But I will say this - 11 years with no vacation is a sin and a shame! I'm glad you're going somewhere!!!
  10. Oh, now that is just sad. I'll bet you're like 24 years old and don't listen to country music. (He's a country music singer who was popular a decade or so ago.)
  11. Oh, right. I think it was a LE officer who was tried on the civil rights thing in CA, come to think of it. Thanks for the input.
  12. Well, they're saying that NOW...wait a little bit down the road and see how thrilled people are with that. Didn't the pron people withdraw their offer because they got so much negative feedback? And she'll still owe gazillions in taxes on whatever she makes. Bottom line, I fully expect her to be in prison, dead, (and I'm adding this one) or bankrupt by the time she's 30. She's already proven the life skills she has, and they are not many nor strong.
  13. Unless somehow somebody could bring a civil rights aspect into it...didn't they do that with somebody in CA a number of years ago where jeopardy was attached? Just asking...you're the legal mind here, not me. Or maybe conspiracy, if something surfaced to support that? (I'm just rambling now...)
  14. HAHAHAHAA And the IRS! hahahahaahahaaa Oh, life is good. I'm guessing when she's no longer a cause celebre, her lawyers will sort of ditch her. heh
  15. I don't know what kind of reply you're looking for, but asked and answered. BTW - I was not the one who mentioned "sin" or "crime". Bottom line, if I did something which by its very nature and obviousness of act was in direct violation of everything I had previously said I believed in, then I should not be surprised when people no longer believe what I say. Actions have consequences.
  16. :GASP: You mean you do not use the royal "we"? How...common.
  17. OK, so FL is going after her, that TX company is going after her, and isn't the woman she claimed kidnapped Caylee (the Zanny Nanny person who is a real person but who was never a nanny) filing suit for defamation of character as well? Gooooood. Give her lawyers something to do. Heh. Heh. Heh.
  18. HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAA That is hilarious. I had to ask the gas station attendant one time how to get the gas cap off on a new car I had. It was hard!
  19. I kind of like the way you beat around the bush, but if you want to get your point across, you really need to work on saying what you mean. And being assertive. At least you didn't use the dreaded "t" word.
  20. HAHAHAHAHAHAA Bet she didn't see that one coming. Oh, well.
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