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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I lose 10 IQ points every time I hear the name Kardashian.
  2. Stir. And thank you, Blondie, for enriching our lives by bringing attention to such a weighty subject. I salute you.
  3. Yeppers. GT references this in the post above, but one of the stories said he's now widely suspected in child molestations in VA and Lumpkin County where he previously lived. Also, in a much earlier post, I said if he viewed the child porn on his roommate's computer, I hoped somebody was investigating the roommate. I later read he looked at the kiddie porn online, which wouldn't implicate the roommate. Stuff like this just takes my breath away.
  4. Clockwork Orange (gah!) would be on about the same level as Agent Orange. I do like Orange Blossom Special, though. No negative connotations. Not dissin' you...if I lived anywhere near, I'd stop in and try your stuff. Just commenting because somebody else brought it up...
  5. I'm with you there, sister. And I'm still loving you for changing that hideous avatar. (Did you see her running in her platform stilettos recently, or walking some dogs? Ye gods. What a train wreck.)
  6. After the Wiki, et al, blackout yesterday, 18 Senators have dropped their backing of these bills (or at least SOPA, but I think both), including Marco Rubio, one of the sponsors. DER. Just shut up and stop trying to run our lives. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2087673/Wikipedia-blackout-SOPA-protest-US-senators-withdraw-support-anti-piracy-bills.html
  7. Studies out as recently as a couple of weeks ago show such video games adversely affect the brains of kids who play them a lot. Don't have time to find link...maybe later.
  8. Ditto that. Better an empty shoe than a single shoe with a foot in it. (GAH!!! I just grossed myself out. I am warped, y'all.)
  9. Stupe, as the nephews say. One of the dumbest things this country has ever initiated. :sigh:
  10. I knew when I saw that step that it was ripe for trouble. I personally think it's a dumb idea, but what do I know. I would stick with the noise-making, though. The parental units had a fairly new Town Car once and were driving on 75S at Delk Road when the hood just flew up. My father was a shade-tree mechanic, and there's NO WAY that hood wasn't closed the last time he worked on it. Ford said no, it was user error, they never heard of such, blah blah blah. He made a stink with the dealership and with Ford HQ. Still nothing. Several months later, they got a recall notice on the hood
  11. Dude. Stop with the common sense. It's making my head hurt.
  12. EWWWWWWWW!!! Those things creep me out!!! I love that movie, but I always cover my eyes at that part. If I came in contact with one in the water (and you should see some of the hideous pics in my nephew's book about ugly sea creatures!), I'd just die of a heart attack right there on the spot...no drowning for me, nosirree...
  13. I should think if anybody could figure out something to help, it would be you. Not being all sappy-like...you're just a very resourceful person.
  14. I'm guessing the drug co. will receive a bit of blowback from this. I'm not against her making money if she wants, and she's not the reason anybody else has diabeeetus, but it's not the most natural pairing in the world.
  15. Or as the kuntry folks would say, "amEEbers". But I'm another one that cannot abide the thought of going in lake water. Just yuck.
  16. YES!!! YES, YES, YES, YES, YES!!!!!!! Also, I agree. But OH, how right you are!!!
  17. I wouldn't call it a fear, but I have thought about it.
  18. Eym, I got nothin'. I have been bugged by this very question ever since I posted the Tate execution thread. How on God's green earth does a 15-year-old boy get to the place where he thinks it's the right thing to do to slit the throat of a 3-year-old? How on God's green earth does a 20-year-old get to the point where he thinks it's ok to rape and murder a 7-year-old little girl? I firmly believe childhood environment plays a huge role. Yes, we all know the stories (first-hand, many of us) of people who went off the rails but who were raised in good homes. RE: adoption - many times, w
  19. Last summer, I saw half a dozen little kids (the oldest MIGHT have been 9) sitting on the curb there next to the First Baptist Church of Acworth...away from the church parking lot and wearing swimsuits, so it was clear they weren't at a church activity. I just about had a heart attack. Looking back, I think I should have stopped and called 911. Although, they would have just left and the popo would probably have said we can't do anything. But it bothered me not a little.
  20. My nephews (one of whom is a 15 and a third-degree black belt in tae kwon do) know when we go anywhere and they have to use the restroom, this is the drill. At the Atlanta Aquarium, I held onto one nephew's shirt neck the entire time because it was so packed and dark and I didn't want him to get separated from me.
  21. As we have discussed ad nauseum, it just takes one time. :sigh:
  22. I KNOW!!! I hate most of what's out there.
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