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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Good luck with that. Unless she's breaking a law or harming someone, she has a right to behave as she pleases.
  2. That's the entire purpose behind Facebook. They are mining data to sell to companies. It helps that people enjoy giving them data. It was a very good article about how Target does it. Thanks for posting. Edited to add that tons of companies do this...my mind just went to FB where people think it's all about social interaction (and it is), but there's a purpose behind all that social interacting. Angry birds and farmville and talking amongst friends aren't what's making the company worth $50B in its IPO.
  3. Well, I feel left out, because I've never run into this lady nor Miss Jessie. Of course, now that I said that, I'll probably see them both in the same day.
  4. Oh, dear Lord - I think that's the saddest thing I've ever heard! British accents make me drool.
  5. No, I did not, slacker that I am. Thanks for the info...I'm making a note to order this weekend.
  6. You slacker, you. Except in the bottom center frame, of course.
  7. Ooh...I'm so checking out those dahlias...thanks! The roses, though, I'm pickier about. I want to plant some kind of heirloom climbing rose...really old-looking. Like from that heirloom catalog that Butterfly Lion posted about awhile back. I need to get looking, though...
  8. Me, too!!! But then I remember that the average last frost is something like April 15, and that scotches any idea of putting in annuals, which I always want to do too early. I, too, have thought about roses and dahlias this year...yippee!!! Also, we need the rain, so I'm not sorry to see it.
  9. I'm telling you - we're gonna have a blizzard afore this winter's over. The weather has just been too weird!
  10. AGREED. Also, the unfeeling vitriol so freely spewed by many about her being a druggie, crack ho, etc., is just tasteless and tacky. The girl's body isn't even in the grave, for crying out loud. Even if what they said is true, it's just tacky to focus on it. Yes, we get that she was an addict, and we know she was spiraling downward for a long time. And yes, we get that she threw away opportunities most people never can imagine having. But it doesn't change the fact that she was a real person with real people who loved her, and that addiction is a horrible, terrible thing. I hope those w
  11. You are SOOOO correct! I get e-mails from people almost daily about some crap or other that's been debunked for years. And if you point that out with a link to the truth, you get snarky comments back. That's one of the reasons I closed my FB account. It was a minor reason, but it still factored in. It's also why you don't generally see me in the pw-protected forums here. My life is too short for such vitriol and willing stupidity (speaking here of people who blindly believe any and everything they read/hear/see/whatever).
  12. I think she probably read it the way you meant it, Laurie. I certainly did. Those are good questions; I didn't respond because I don't have any answers. But to your question #2 - yes, I think those who are new-media-savvy are certainly good at perhaps not controlling, but greatly influencing the behavior and thoughts of an awful lot of people.
  13. Crap, AGG...snuck a pinterest link in on me. That place is the DEBIL!!! Now I'll have to sit and look at all the recently-posted stuff instead of what I'm supposed to be doing. Lean over here so I can thump you.
  14. I say no to the flat at half-staff. And... I love you. I truly do.
  15. I knew it had to be something big for them to cancel outright during sweeps month. I like him; he seems like a stand-up guy (no pun intended) IRL. And he's funny.
  16. As strange as it may sound to some, it is not correct flag etiquette to lower it for such an occasion. But I haven't been a fan of Christie's for a long time. I like his plain-spokenness and his style of not backing down; however, that only goes so far.
  17. I heard Floyd County is opposing this. Don't remember if a lawsuit has been filed or not...
  18. Clean as a pin, I'm sure. They dump all their crap elsewhere.
  19. MONEY. Money, money, money. I'm no tree-hugging greenie-weenie, but I LOVE nature, and I love trees. When developers come in and raze everything on the site, it makes life a LOT easier (read: cheaper) for them, and they still get to charge the same for houses. If they have to work around trees, it takes longer and costs them more in time (and therefore, money). If I were a developer, I'd do it the hard way and work around trees. But you don't find many of those these days. Mostly what you find these days are developers who raze every living thing inside the total property line, and the
  20. We don't really know how small the estate is since everything (including home, etc.) hasn't been liquidated yet.
  21. Are all gay threads born that way, or does environment come into play, or is it a combination of both? Or can anyone really know for sure? I think we need an NPR article and a 2007 pie chart to understand it all better.
  22. Well, I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. RE: mrnn - I'm so sorry. My heart hurts for you. When my father walked on several years ago, we had ZERO issues with his estate because he and Mother set everything up nice and tidy (which I know your mother thought she did), and us kids have determined that we would rather just let everything go rather than get involved in a big brouhaha. I feel for you. RE: OP - It sounds like seeing a lawyer to handle this thing really would be the best idea. This thing could get way messy in a big hurry. That was the way I read
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