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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. I doubt it, but I've never been there, so I can't say for sure. It does have its own web site (pauldingairport.com, maybe?), so maybe that tells...
  2. Neuman's ex-wife has/had a PI looking into everything as well, so he may have given something about her to the prosecution that nobody knows about.
  3. Have you decided which area you're going to look in? That may winnow the list. Also, I think the realtor should be able to pull up listings using a filter "community pool".
  4. Yes, it is off 278 going west from Dallas as you near the Polk County line. It's on the left if you're going west. You can't miss it - it used to have a huge sign that said ATLANTA AIRPORT Paulding Northwest I think now it says PAULDING Northwest Atlanta AIRPORT
  5. She not only called the cops on the kid, but stuck around to talk to them? Classic.
  6. The end is sounding like a horse? OH, wait...you meant NIGH. My bad.
  7. I don't know what he's thinking with that defense. Everything I've heard points to his being calm, rational, sensible, etc. Of course, they'll have an expert or eight to say he was teh crazee at that moment, but I'm guessing the jury won't buy it.
  8. You know I love you, dude, but that doesn't even make sense on its face. If you don't want government interference, then by definition, you're saying competition can spring up. The case for government interference would be that you don't want competition, which theoretically you could get the government to outlaw. People who want FREEDOM from government interference want FREEDOM to operate in a free market. If a Home Depot opens near a Lowe's everybody benefits...studies have proven both stores prosper and the public at large profits from having both stores.
  9. God in heaven. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT STUPIDITY? I read of a case lately where these morons who killed this woman for money (i.e., husband hired them) were convicted of something piddly in Georgia, but because they had taken her across the state line in Alabama (or she was there first, or something...I can't remember), they convicted them of murder and executed one of them. I just cannot comprehend this level of evil.
  10. Based purely on women's intuition (esp. that part where women can tell about other women), I'd say she's praying they never find enough evidence to charge her. My woman-dar (like gay-dar) went off big-time both the times I watched her testimony. I'm guessing she wasn't as stupid as that girl in Rome who put her boyfriend up to killing her husband...they were both eat up with stupid and the cops had all manner of evidence. IIRC, the only woman currently on death row in Georgia is there for getting her boyfriend to kill her husband (I believe bf turned state's evidence in exchange for a life
  11. Yuo're at Berry? I just talked with my sister in Rome...several roofs (rooves...hoof/hooves?) gone off houses and damage to a convenience store east of town.
  12. Kudos for posting something that wasn't flattering to someone on the left. I had seen that earlier on another site...I think he poorly faked some document or other in order to discredit climate skeptics. Stupid, whoever does it. You gotta know somebody's gonna find out...information is too easy to come by these days to try to fake something and think you're gonna get away with it.
  13. The GRANDMOTHER was the one who instigated it and the stepmother watched and did nothing. I'm THRILLED they're both charged with murder. I agree...this isn't the first such incident in that poor child's life. Frickin' evil. God bless that poor child...at least she's safe in the arms of Jesus now where they can't hurt her.
  14. Skyline is who did ours about three years ago. We were pleased.
  15. I have them. They're just hidden under some...other...er...stuff. Yeah, that's it.
  16. Boy, I'd be hopping mad if you called me a hippie.
  17. Yeppers, and I agree. I could count on one hand the times I've had to ask off from work because of something like this. I did do it when necessary, and one of the situations was the death of a very close family friend. I certainly can't imagine losing a job over something like this. I suppose there are people who would fire a person over such a non-issue, but I wouldn't want to be working for them anyway.
  18. 1 - DEFINITELY more important than work. 2 - Depends. Can I go to the funeral home instead? Do they live nearby? Am I particularly close to them (either the extended family member or the dead person)? Is other immediate family member (of mine) going to be there so we're not unrepresented? 3 - Probably I'd take off to go to the funeral. Close family friend implies great attachment, in which case, I'd want to pay my respects at the funeral (in addition to funeral home or whatever).
  19. HEY!!! (said in my best Jack/Sean Hayes voice and waving hand)
  20. I'm pretty sure criminal behavior wouldn't be included on any discrimination list (race, color, religion, etc.). So I'm guessing yes. Otherwise, you'd have to rent to everybody. BUT I should think you'd have to be able to back it up instead of using a fake excuse not to rent to someone. In answer to the OP's question - I wouldn't NOT rent to someone just because he was an ex-con. Many people who have served time have gone on to walk the straight and narrow. If he's served his time, it would be a notation to me, and I'd check it out, but it wouldn't automatically disqualify him, howeve
  21. Didn't think about the dead angle...yeah, that might be a little more dangerous. Also, if it does include stump removal, that's a valid price.
  22. How tall is it? I guess the price depends on the danger in getting it down (i.e., is he gonna have to climb 75' to start with, is he gonna have to have four people pulling so it doesn't come down on the house, etc.). I have used Wills/West Cobb Tree Service and they've always been reasonable.
  23. I agree with the mrnn and GoBlue! in that men see things differently than women. Women see oh, a job. Men see a life purpose in that job/career. To a man, providing for his family IS putting them first. Of course, some take it too far and get consumed by it, which I'm sure could be a lot of things, like being insecure and using job to cure that, or that they just don't really care that much for their families after all. Otherwise, I think the two gentlemen above have it correct.
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