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mei lan

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Everything posted by mei lan

  1. Happy anniversary, sweet person!!! I'm so happy for things to finally be moving forward for you!
  2. We Are the Facebook Refuseniks. We will not be assimilated. We will never give in! Neverrrrrrrrr!!!
  3. OH DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN. Mo, I hadn't seen that story. Any doubt in my mind is now GONE.
  4. Apparently this woman was on Piers Morgan last night. I like Piers, in spite of his unctuous sermonizing at times, and he lets her talk almost the entire time here. I'm including two links; the first is CNN's video, which is the last couple of minutes of the interview, and the second is the YouTube video, which is the entire interview, which is seven or eight minutes. The second video's quality isn't as good. I didn't see any traces of tears, even though her face crumpled up sort of a time or two. Which like I said, if she's the unemotional type, that's understandable, but the folks I
  5. Why, I oughtta... Imma sic UM on you. That'll fix your little red wagon.
  6. OK, should I call to report my slowness?
  7. My contacts ARE blue (they're gas-permeable, which look like hard contacts) and my eyes are still the same dark brown they've always been. (A secretary told me once that I had the prettiest dog-sh*t brown eyes she'd ever seen. ) Good heavens...we really ARE twins!!!
  8. Oh, will do, Nitro! Thanks for the tip... JGB, I think you're not too far from me...not on the same trunk, but certainly closer than Powder Springs. Maybe there's hope for me!
  9. Yeah. I worked for a guy who told me when he was out of the office to wait on his phone call for information...he would call RIGHT at 5:30. Dork.
  10. Mine is even suckier than yours. Only options are this and Comcast, and I refuse to go Comcast. :angry2:
  11. Glad I did my tunnel work earlier today. I don't need no cops breathin' down my neck when I'm tryin' to make a deadline.
  12. I've been amazed at the employers I've had/known of who were absolutely INFLEXIBLE about things that didn't really have a bearing on the job, such as you have to be here 8:00-5:00 and take lunch 12-1. (I'm talking about jobs where it didn't require answering of phones for others, etc.) Really, now? If you want to be pendantic about it, I'll be pendantic about working, too. I have worked overtime for every job I've ever had, including salaried jobs, worked through lunch, NEVER taken a break, did work that wasn't even my responsibility, all without complaint. However, when faced with this a
  13. This is VERY true. A friend used to say "You pay peanuts, you get monkeys to work for you." And if you can't pay a lot, offer other incentives, like flextime, Friday afternoons off, whatever. Sometimes other things are worth as much as or more than money to an employee.
  14. The banks have been closed for going on 10 days now to prevent runs on them. The way I understand it, they are freezing the taxed money so it will not be available for withdrawal (as in, take it out and then pay it to the govt. later). Bad anyway which way you look at it.
  15. Ketchikan is one of my favorite places EVER. I am so jealous of your fishing excursion!!! We were going to do the Gardens thing in Victoria, but the seas were too rough for us to dock. In Skagway, we did the train trip to the top of the mountain (we didn't get off in Canada) and back. LOVELY trip. I could live in Ketchikan happily ever after. :wistfulsigh: I did not know this...good tip!
  16. Perhaps if you have a service at the church where you belong and the pastor/assoc. pastor is already there or it's not inconvenient, I can see not paying a lot. But if any other effort is required, like having the service somewhere else, a graveside additional service, etc., seems to me that it would be proper to pay. We thought so, anyway.
  17. These two threads make my head hurt. I don't understand. Imma stop thinking about it and get me some coffee.
  18. Coming soon to a first-world country near you.
  19. Our pastor was out of town when my father died, so we got a family friend to do the graveside service. However, it was a considerable inconvenience to him, so we paid him $200. For someone not the deceased's pastor, I'd say $100 minimum.
  20. Great minds!!! I keep going back to the article in the AJC, as they keep updating it with new comments from neighbors, information, etc. Two new pieces of information (to me) in the past couple of hours: a) The father was briefly detained by police when it first happened because he was shouting at her, blaming her for what happened. He told the reporter he doesn't blame the kids, he blames her. He kept telling her to walk another way because of housing projects nearby, but she kept going the same way. 2) Not only has she packed up all his (the baby's) stuff, she had him cremated an
  21. OK, that tears it. I'm way close to calling a Susan Smith on this chick. Here's what she said in the latest AJC version of the story (link below): At her apartment Saturday, West had filled several bags with her son's clothes and diapers to donate to charity. FYI - I've seen a goodly number of comments on a couple of other national sites, and we're not the only ones whose radar started pinging. Oh, also in this article - the kid's aunt alibis him for the time of the murder. Shouldn't be too hard to run down either way. http://www.ajc.com/news/ap/georgia/police-arrest-2-te
  22. Thanks for keeping us updated, low. I would also like an update from time to time about smoke14's son who has cancer if he/she feels like posting.
  23. What is that? I LOVE old cars!!! How is the interior?
  24. Point taken. I was just pointing out the inconsistency with her story to the reporter vs. what actually happened, and all that combined with the lack of tears, etc. Just observing.
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