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Everything posted by EagleWings

  1. I can't imagine what some folks are thinking. What is this country coming to? I believe some "idiots" need to be run out of town and told never to come back. Stank Link This includes perfumes, cologne, DEODORANTS, body lotions, etc..................
  2. From what I know, the rock had to be sold off first and the slow down in the economy has brought that to a snail's pace. Then, an Ingles Grocery is to be built there. The road from West Ridge Church will be brought through but I am not sure if it will tie directly into 120 or go to the round about.
  3. For the sake of arguing forever, most people use dollars to describe classes. Common knowledge. As far as the other variables talked about, they use cost of living and household numbers to define classes within classes. Common knowledge. As I stated earlier, there are so many factors that affect classification, it is hard to nail down a specific parameter for each class.
  4. Thanks for rubbing it in. I paid for your vacation (which you believe you deserve) and I didn't even take one. If you can't afford it, don't buy it. Maybe then you can pay for your own vacation. Edited: I will leave my original response because you got me HEE HAW. Nice one.
  5. Yep. Cost of living is taken in consideration. They said it was very difficult to put a value on it period. But they don't divide it up in 5 goups of 20% like pubbo said.
  6. Yo Dude. Your "assertions" are wrong. Based upon that ridiculous explanation that I so graciously removed for the sake of others getting sick, you claim that the numbers in each group stay the same. If one moves in one has to move out. That is sooooo wrong. If you are using % as your basis then fine but we don't use %, we use $ amounts. The middle class is usually decribed as a group making $25000 to $100000 a year. So you see pubs, you can move into another class without someone having to leave. (After a refresher course, even these figures are adjusted due to the amount of people liv
  7. I think they are just needling those folks to death.
  8. I never have wondered why mexican labor comes here. To me it is obvious and needed. Yes, needed. Like it always has. My only gripe it the legality in which they come. In alot of cases, they will do jobs that some Americans won't.
  9. Don't worry NG, I fixed your rating for you. There are plenty more of "us" than them, so I don't see it as a problem in the future.
  10. Patton staggered home very late after another evening with his drinking buddy, Paddy. He took off his shoes to avoid waking his wife, Kathleen. He tiptoed as quietly as he could toward the stairs leading to their upstairs bedroom, but misjudged the bottom step. As he caught himself by grabbing the banister, his body swung around and he landed heavily on his rump. A whiskey bottle in each back pocket broke and made the landing especially painful. Managing not to yell, Patton sprung up, pulled down his pants, and looked in the hall mirror to see that his bum was
  11. What makes more sense is DONT become part of the unskilled labor. You are vunerable to gov't control. What is middle class to you? I believe this group of people is too broad and is explioted more than any other group. You don't hear of upper poor or lower poor but the middle class is adjusted daily to make political points all the time. I do agree that the middle class is very important for normal society functions. What has been happening in big numbers over the past decade is the success of the middle classers. They have been making lots of money and moving into upper classes which i
  12. Here are some facts about the economy. Did you know that folks who make over $150,000/yr, the unemployment rate is 3%. If you make $12,500/yr, the rate is 31%. Ohhhhhhh, those evil rich.
  13. As a business owner, I say nahhhhh. Just responsibility on people's part. That seems to be what most people need to learn more of anyway.
  14. Off the top of my head without really thinking it through, I am with you on this one.
  15. Since you are soooo blind to our conversation, my point was stating that the BOE should be cutting more instead of thinking tax hikes. And you know me too, I am all about personal responsibility. If someone is getting something at my expense, then I say make them pay their share. I don't see you arguing that point. It has nothing to do with who presented it, just what is presented. You've brought up some valid points in the past and I'm sure you will in the future but to me, a lot of what you propose generally falls under giving something to someone else at my expense. However, if you pr
  16. Yes it is. Stupidity has major consequences.
  17. There's 27% of your shortfall right there. (14 million dollars) Alright, bring on something else. We only have 73% more to find and 5:00 is approaching fast. BTW, this would only be on a year to year basis until we pass this obama fiasco.
  18. Are they saying anything like suicide? I hope I read the report right.
  19. Now there's any idea...........hmmmmmmm
  20. CE, please understand that I am not condemning your post. I was just explaining my position on the matter. As further posts are added, sometimes the environment of the OP starts to deminish. Please accept my apologies if my position in any way brought upon any discomfort to you. It was my intent at all.
  21. It seems to me that the level of "appropriateness" and what is acceptable are the issues. My kids dance and sing and play air guitar too but they sure ain't gonna due it to music that swears and requires obscene movements. Let me ask this, If the child didn't have a diaper on and there was a pole on that table being used in the dance, would you still think it was "funny"?
  22. Great. Now I guess this thread will be sent to the Political Forum. Thanks alot pub. BTW, you left out the word Nazi.
  23. O good lord lady, it isn't about dancing. Don't turn this into something it isn't.
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