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Everything posted by rbpls

  1. In retrospect, President Obama should have added "....unless your plan is one that ultimately doesn't cover you when you get sick or hurt, causing financial ruin to the "policy" holder, and would expose your fellow citizens to extreme expense paying for your care. Plans like that should be illegal, and will be." The real death panels have always been from private insurance companies. Some people still have no awareness of that plain true undeniable reality. But if he'd said it that way, it would have been more honest. Looking back though, we all knew, or should have known, that since
  2. What percentage of their country could we attack with nukes? From their perspective, what is the only country that has used nuclear weapons? Goldwater said he would be willing to use nukes in Viet Nam. The most effective political ad ever run, no doubt, ran only one time. It showed a girl picking flowers in an idyllic field... and then the flash of a nuclear weapon. It was run to beat Goldwater. Their are extremists worse than Goldwater turning the Republican Party into the asylum it has become of late. And other countries, perhaps reasonably, fell they have more reason to be afraid o
  3. Look, if the answer weren't already extremely obvious, and it is, then recently Republicans claiming credit for the shutdown should make it obvious for even the reluctant truth acceptance crowd. No accounting for those with beliefs equivalent to flat earthers.
  4. Oddly enough, it works pretty well in some places but not in others. High correlation to not working well and Red States ruled by admitted obstructionists...wonder why? Social Security was a disaster that would kill the American way of life... Medicare was to be the end of America (listen to the propaganda recording Reagan was paid to do) when Medicare was being proposed.... (if you listen to the same sorts of folks we have playing chicken little today...) And don't confuse the incompetent website roll out with the ACA in general. It ain't what we should do: the fiscally muc
  5. Can you name any other form of energy production that doesn't get subsidies? (heating with wood doesn't count) The energy buy back from individual producers is meant to make large battery back-up banks at every house that generates power unnecessary. I believe the amount paid back to individuals is much less than they charge individuals for the same amount of energy. I did some work at a kaolin plant in south Georgia in 1986. The plant owners were installing a diesel generator at the plant for load leveling. The EMC they bought power from informed them they would be charged $1500 a m
  6. ...and "ruble" walls instead of "rubble." They know of walls made with Russian currency?
  7. Mine is pronouncing height "hith" with a long i (as in eye) versus the correct long i hit. "h eye t" not "h eye th" height
  8. Bernie Sanders is a socialist and so are you. He understands the definition. He is also more honest than the fake conservatives in the Republican party that you support to your own and your family's detriment. He is also more fiscally conservative than the CONservatives in the Republican party. MLK was a Republican and a Socialist (before all the racists Dixiecrats made the Republican party the new home of their racism.)
  9. Of course not. That would save too much money, too many lives, and benefit citizens and corporations instead of just insurance and drug companies. Wouldn't be CONservative enough. If the UK increased their healthcare spending by 22% and became awash in money compared to any previous spending level..... Hell, that huge increase in spending in the UK would mean they would be spending HALF as much as we do. Most countries are too smart to spend half as much as we do. It's just way too much money. And, it's way more than most countries need to provide good universal healthcare covera
  10. That would mean Republicans wouldn't get any votes.
  11. There is a private for profit corporation with the primary function of finding persons who are on any sort of assistance called welfare not based on disability and finding out how to move them from welfare to disability. This company gets them to doctors or whatever avenue is needed to prove they qualify for disability and get them off welfare. No doubt, some of these cases are legitimate. What percentage that is...who knows. Maybe someone does but I don't. Anyway, the primary employers of this for profit private enterprise corporation? State governments. Yep. Welfare payments
  12. Use synthetic with a better filter. Fram makes good and better filters. High grade Frams are fine. Other brands are fine. Look for steel mesh to keep the pleats from collapsing. If you spend $110k on a BMW and they do scheduled maintenance, the dealer oil change interval is 15,000 miles. For overkill, use 15,000 mile oils and change at 12,000 miles. Your engine won't break from oil related problems. If you don't do constant hard stop and go driving (NYC taxi) or pull heavy loads in very dusty conditions, the 3000 mile interval is an extreme waste of resources.
  13. Where does it say to spend one dollar? Why don't you throw a number out with no basis or context? Why do you seem to support the CONservatives who are most responsible for our explosion in debt to begin with? Are you trying to be funny?
  14. It would be conservative to save money and lives by moving to single-payer. Folks who know this subject and are conservative know single-payer saves money and can save lives by providing good healthcare to more people. Till then, we have to live in the confines forced on us by our "love of money" inefficient system with the improvements added by Obamacare. Conservatives who know want single-payer. People who don't want single-payer just don't know.
  15. Some Republican governors have seen the light and stopped being stupid about it. There WILL be more. Of course if you and the Republican governors were serious about the finances, you would all be pushing the most fiscally conservative way to pay for healthcare: single-payer That is the best reason and justification for an exemption from Obamacare. Just do something actually better that actually covers more people and actually provides better healthcare for the people in your state, and your state could get rid of Obamacare. And save beaucoup money... and lives. If finances are
  16. Actually, it was hashed out. The House committed to the spending when they passed the bills. Of course, if the CONservative Republicans hadn't gotten rid of "pay-go" so they could raise deficits the way they intended to with the Bush Tax cuts (yes this is fact) then right now we would have much less problem with debt and debt limits. Now, we'd really have something if we could just get CONservatives to stop doing things to slow the recovery and increase debt.... Reagan would be Jap-slapping the idiots trying to stop the debt limit increase. Of course, these obstructionist extremi
  17. Yes, it's economically hot in North Dakota... like a meth high hot. Apartment? Six thousand a month for an average apartment. Garage or basement apartment? 3 thousand is pretty common. Of course the weather is nice. But if you do work that is in strong demand, you might get housing paid by the company.
  18. You are correct, Sir. Jan Brewer told her own Republican obstructionists that whe would not sign ANY bill they sent to her until they voted for the Medicaid expansion. They ignored her at first and went in recess... she said get your asses back here and pass the Medicaid expansion. In other words, I've exposed your stupidity... now get back here and do the right thing. (translation of her words to the obstructionism of the CONservatives in her legislature...) They did come back and sent her the bill she demanded. She had been one of those "I'll never sign the expansion into law..
  19. CC, some of these folks have been pounded so hard and for so long by the people who are screwing them THAT THEY VOTE FOR that they don't even feel it anymore. Truth won't gain their attention.
  20. Yes you are probably correct. We all know insurance costs never went up before Obamacare. Healthcare costs never increased before Obamacare either. You CONservatives were right all along. Damn it.
  21. Should others be forced to pay for the roads you drive on? The military that protects you? The fire department that protects your family and property? The police that protect you and your family? The easy answer is yes....especially when it is so much cheaper to do it single-payer style. You know, the fiscally conservative way. The way that saves money and lives all over the world... except here. Cause CONservatives aren't really conservative.
  22. Don't forget Yetter (Yehta.)
  23. If one opts for the Silver Plan level at least and qualify for subsidies for premiums, there is also a good chance he or she (or they) will qualify for subsidies to help pay co-pays and deductibles. That is the one thing I've heard abot the ACA lately that I didn't know already. Just remember: Bronze doesn't qualify. Silver and above does if income is below certain levels.
  24. Whoever told you it is government insurance will likely lie to you about lots of other things.
  25. Don't forget that the Democrats received millions more votes than Republicans in House races but the GOP retained control because they have gerrymandered districts to such a perverted degree. In other words, America voted much more more for Democrats in House elections than for Republicans but the people don't count. The Republicans made it so that the will of the American people is stinky-pooh to them. Republicans don't care what the American people want except for their water carriers and their Lobbyist masters. And anyone who thinks the Republicans aren't responsible for this shut
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