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Everything posted by lilgallowsmama

  1. I started out using Skype for personal reasons - kids Skyping with grandparents in New Mexico, Skyping with friends of mine in Oregon, the UK, and India, and even Mini'er-Me Skyping with his dad (every night) when he doesn't have him. Then, I received a letter from the Dean of Law at the University of Oregon requesting a Skype meeting with me and thought 'Wait...professionals use this?'. I've been introduced to a whole new world of awesomeness since then. One of my favorite professors, who specializes in Gender Studies, has the opposite on-campus schedule as I do this semester, so we skyp
  2. We're all dying, honey. But you...you're sick. And, we need to fix that. HR turned 8 in October and Mini'er-Me will be 2 in a couple weeks. She's a mini-adult, and he's a mini-hurricane (plus some). They're doing great, though! Thanks for asking! I'll send you a PM with my blog link!
  3. The same as you were since the last time I talked to you...earlier today? I have chamomile tea - want me to bring you some? I don't know that I've ever even tried gin. Good, I take it? I've always been a rum kinda gal, but wound up so sick after my bachelorette party that I can't stomach the smell of the stuff. That leaves me with wine, or jager...and jager has a baby in every bottle, so....wine, it is.
  4. Now I have Bon Jovi stuck in my head. Thank you!! Thankya! That same photographer and I are working together this weekend, and then I have a photo shoot event/thing next week in Savannah, and another a few weeks after that for a business promo in a few weeks...so hopefully I'll have some that turn out as well as that one! I have some other photos from that shoot that are stunning, but I'm covered in red paint. Kind of looks like a scene from a horror movie. I do! I'll PM you a link. Blogging is addictive, but I wouldn't dedicate as much time to it as I do if it didn
  5. I haven't been around in awhile - life got in the way and whatnot. Over the past few days, I've been working with an IT crew to move one of my sites over to another framework, so I've been at the computer a lot, and probably will be for the next few days. HTML and CSS are not my friend, here lately. So...how is everyone? I know a few ladies had little ones, and a couple got married (or divorced), but I feel like I am so, so far behind on the world of P.com!
  6. Me, too. My grandmother (who does my taxes), my ex (we know each other's by heart), my mom, and now my computer-genius friend are the only four who know mine. My mom has mine and my brother's memorized - that doesn't bother me at all. My grandmother is meticulous about numbers and can probably remember my kids' SSN's just from using them this one time. That doesn't bother me. Having to give it out to strangers does, though. Other Half knows where to find mine if he ever needs it (if something happens to me, etc), but neither of us really have a reason to know. His is accessible to me, as
  7. Have you checked Where's My Refund? He had me check his daily, sometimes two or three times a day, while he was at work and couldn't access a computer. He way overpaid this year...luckily. His car died and he needs $ ASAP to fix it.
  8. I helped the Ex file his on the 31st and he got it back this morning. I hope you get it back soon!
  9. I can't imagine letting anyone around my computer or tax information that I didn't trust 100%. Even I think that's just a lot of information for strangers to have, and I share half my life with the public on a daily basis. My grandmother does taxes and was an accountant, so I had her do mine this year in hopes that she can limit the amount I owe and deal with all of the receipts/non-sense of small business taxes. Obviously, I trust my grandmother. She's the only person who knows exactly how much I made last year, and one of the only four people who knows my SSN other than billing offices that
  10. All you really have to do is Google. A friend of mine is a scary-type computer wiz, and he and I have these talks all the time. I can't tell you how many times he's started a chat with me on FB, which I've ignored due to being busy, only to have something pop up on my computer screen and realize he's IN my computer, making it play whatever video or song he was trying to show me. Once, an ex got into my computer while I was away, so I called my friend and he hacked into it remotely and changed all the passwords, locked the ex out, and set up a nice little 'Haha, gotcha!' type locked-screen a
  11. For now, I still put sugar in my sweet tea. I just haven't found anything I like as much, and I do love my sweet tea. However, five weeks (and two days!) ago, I quit caffeine completely, which cut my sugar intake exponentially. I use organic, locally grown honey in my hot tea as well as a dab in my oats or smoothies if they need sweetening. As someone who was raised on sugar and preservatives, neither have been easy to give up. But, out of all of the things I've given up, so far, sweeteners were probably the easiest.
  12. ^^ This is what I did. My grandmother does the same thing - send checks after I've told her they don't need any more toys, books, or clothes. What does Mini-Me want to buy? Clothes, books, and toys. Her dad and I have invested in a CD that will more than pay for her college education by the time she's 18, so the extra birthday checks/Christmas checks just get banked with the exception of what I send with her to the book fair, which is always the week after her birthday. We're working our way up to little man's investment. So far, I think we're at $300. We'll invest it eventually.
  13. I actually agree with you, for the most part. I have zero problem with my child being introduced to these types of problems, and I don't think she's too young to handle it. There are many examples of foreign education programs where students are light years ahead of this by 2nd grade. However, those programs also have longer school days and often Saturday school. My problem is that we're trying to 'catch up' to other societies (as we should) in the same amount of time (or less) than we were using previously. I've had numerous conversations with teachers about this exact thing, including o
  14. There's a huge antique mall in Ellijay (I think it's called Black Bear?) that sells this movie. Hubs and I stopped in on the way home from our Martyn House honeymoon to see what Pyrex they had, and I squealed and did a little happy dance in the aisle. My dad and i have hunted a copy for a long time, for the simple fact that I had never had the opportunity to see it.
  15. I got 22305.3....but I can't guarantee that's right.
  16. The Snorks, then Popples (both of which I still have sheets of, and will one day start an 80's cartoon quilt), then David the Gnome. I loved David the Gnome. My favorite shows were Shiny Time Station and Picture Pages. I apparently knew good comedians from a young age?
  17. That breaks my heart a little bit. I went to the public library once a week every summer growing up, and was at the school library near daily as a child. I had a public library membership as an adult until I started working at the University - faculty and staff can check out and order books just like the students. I've been hooked on that four-story building-of-bliss ever since.
  18. I am SO going to call them that from now on! I don't think they're lame, they're just definitely not my genre. I prefer classics, or non-fiction.
  19. Holy WOW, that's a high number! They told us (with both kids, 6 years apart) that it was around 25 words for 18 months and by the time he's 2.5 the normal average is 300 words. He's not even close. He's figuring out how to use two-word phrases, though. He says 'Sissy pretty' and 'Dada Pretty', and 'Kisses Yuck', and 'Cup, peas?'
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