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GT vs Tennessee

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Everything posted by GT vs Tennessee

  1. Its funny as heck to me the apartment complex told the detective "we have never had any car break ins"! I know of three since my mom has lived there. They were STUPID enough to try & use my debit card at the Regions Bank in Paulding Plaza & yes they have video cameras! So, hopefully we will know soon enough the low life that busted my car window & took what didnt belong to them.
  2. My youngest sister is getting married in June, so we drove in from SC to get my two children fitted for their wedding clothes, we always stay at mom's since we moved from the area. Well we arrived about 2am Saturday morning, unloaded our stuff, set the car alarm & as we were walking in, I told my husband I have to come back for my purse......! Honestly, I NEVER take my purse out of my car at the house here in SC. Needless to say we got to talking to Mom, it got to be 3am so we went on to bed. When we started to leave Saturday about 10:45 we discovered that my window had been broken &am
  3. Ms. Louise was a very sweet lady, Bill, Mark, Cindy, sorry for your loss. Keeping you in prayer. The Hurley Family
  4. I was the third one in my family to have Lasik & we all LOVE LOVE LOVE it! NO problems at all. We all had ours done in & around 2003/2004. We all used Dr Eugene Smith at Lasik Plus. The BEST $2800.00 I EVER spent. I do not have to wear glasses to read or anything nor does any of my siblings. The day of the surgery was the worse, burning, dryness, but as someone else suggested sleep is the best thing. Both of my children (13 yrs old & 14 yrs old) are both in glasses & I hope they will consider the surgery sooner than I did. Best of luck!!
  5. Nothing to worry about, my daughter had hers out at 3yrs old, and the same day my son had tubes put in his ears. She is now 14 and hasnt had any problems. Best of luck!!
  6. I am having my hair cut & colored by the owner of the salon. I have in the past usually tipped the stylist, usually the stylist has to pay a fee for her booth & purchase her supplies.... Do I tip the owner??? What is the normal % to tip for a cut & color? TIA for any help!!!
  7. I got my 1st (and only) tattoo at 35 (7yrs ago), mine is very personal, it is on my shoulder blade it is about 3 inches by 3 inches & its a butter fly. Again personal to me, the sign of freedon, freedom from a 13 yr marriage that was not good at all! I LOVE tattoos, I am considering a 2nd, again not just something I will pick off the wall of a shop it will also be personal to me... I am a professional, the company I worked at for 18 yrs was totally against piercings and tattoos as alot of companies are, so I will be very selective where my tattoo is on my body. As many before me have a
  8. My daughter was 3 yrs old when I got here pierced, I used it as a bargaining chip, she wanted her ears pierced like Mom's & I wanted her potty trained..... I had tried EVERYTHING & I mean EVERYTHING. We went on a 2 week vacation & I told her if she could go 2 weeks without peeing (or anythign else for that matter) in her big girl panties I would have her ears peirced. We landed back home mid day on Sunday & before the mall closed that evening she had her ears peirced. No problems infections etc. I do have a neice that has VERY sensitive ears & has issue after issue with
  9. I HATE HATE HATE the media and all their BS with the gas prices! I really feel they drive alot of the increases. As I told my husband, no matter how much it is if I have somewhere to go Im going! We have 3 trips planned to Rome, Ga from Hilton Head, SC in June alone, it dont do any good to fuss about it, so I just pay it & go on.
  10. I had it 8 years ago, I was the 3rd person in my family to have it done. It has been a good experience for all of us. I went from 200/400 to 20/15 overnight & still today see perfectly. No regrets at all.
  11. The little boogers have migrated to South Carolina! We are about 45 miles from Savannah in Beaufort, SC LOVE LOVE LOVE everything except those darn Gnats, now I know where the Savannah Sand Gnats got their name!! Reading online I just saw an "expert" state they dont BITE!!! OMG they must not have visited South Ga/South Carolina this time of year!!!!
  12. OK we need help! We have GNATS every where outside, not inside at all. We cant go outside without them swarming us and biting the crap out of us. Yesterday I was outside for a cople of hours doing some yard work and I have no less than 50 bites on me. DEET helps but nothing else seems to, my kids will not put the deet on, so I need something that will make the Gnats go away! At night they are even worse, cooking on the grill is murder & eating outside is a battle with the swarm. We have found starting a fire in the firepit helps. Is there something that will make the GO AWAY????
  13. Congrats on the new job & move to Florida!! I recently moved from Paulding County after 40 years!!! I got remarried in December & moved to SC in January, its be A M A Z I N G!!! The drive back "home" SUCKS, but we deal with it! Good luck & the home sick will get better.
  14. We LOVE it!!! The food is great & CHEAP!!! Cant beat their prices.
  15. If someone you LOVE it a textaholic (like I am) you need to read this…… My husband and I recently moved to South Carolina (he took an amazing job here), our cell phone provider stinks in this area so we changed to Verizion. Being old school, I HATED the virtual keyboard on my new Droid phone…. I was SOOOO against the change because of this. It was taking me minutes to send a single text that I normally done in seconds.. I was frustrated… Being the wonderful husband that Keith is, he got to playing with his phone (which is the same one I have) and found a feature on his phone called talk t
  16. Thanks NC-17 and yes you are right I want it as simple as possible! Will paint thinner work? I have some before pictres already and will post them soon.
  17. OK PComers I need your expert advice. I am restoring an older head board & foot board, it appears to have about 4 layers of paint one on top of the other, I want to strip that paint off and leave it the natural wood color.... Whats the best way to get 4 layers of paint off?! TIA
  18. These are AWESOME lap tops!! I have the 5534, have had it about a year & NO isues at all. GREAT price!!
  19. Debbie- I am so sorry for the loss of your mother in law, we will keep you in our prayers. Pam Hurley-Hand
  20. Thanks for the info Terri, its been slwwting here in Rome for almost 90 minutes & snowing for about 30, its really pretty. Merry Christmas to all!!
  21. My daughter and I Had them at the same time, she was 8 and I was 37!! She done MUCH better than I did handling the adjustments.....
  22. Someone was telling me about the fall foliage scenic train ride that takes you from Summerville, Ga to Chattanooga, Tn. However, I cant find anything on the internet. Have you or anyone you now ever done this? I have done the one from Blue Ridge to Cooperhill, Tn. and it was a blast!!! TIA
  23. I don't want to sound like negative Nancy here, but what is the plan if it rains? Thanks in advance for any info.
  24. I personally know Kimberly, she is a terrific woman and has done some amazing things for the Children in the community. She deserves this award!! Congratulations Kimberly!!
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