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Everything posted by copschick

  1. would that be the same officer that often forgets to turn his blue lights on???
  2. my income has no bearing on HOPE but I get NO Pell
  3. So it's not a big enough slap in the face that I qualify for no financial aid, but now my Hope grant doesn't pay anything toward fees either???? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR vent over
  4. just shaking my head at big sky....do your feet taste good or something? Cause you are forever putting them in your mouth
  5. Sometimes its the idiot getting pulled over that pulls into an unsafe area...don't put my officer at risk please
  6. hell, just drive real fast to get to the next safe roadway...then we he yells at you, tell him you were just trying to pull over quicker
  7. awww...poor poor Jet man Im getting drunk with the girls!!! Jen...we will be here if you wanna come out for a while
  8. and why would you imagine him like that?!
  9. I dont think in Paulding it matters as long as it is any above ground. We are in the process of a fence but Tow needed something to cool him off in between working on the fence lol
  10. our is a 24 foot...I would LOOOOOOVE to if you don't mind
  11. so have either of y'all used the little fishy warmers?
  12. I really don't know how long it will take to warm up. 13,000 gallons is alot of water!
  13. Of course...I can't get in or out of it because I have no ladder
  14. The pool is FINALLY filling with water!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Hallelujah praise God! Can I getta Amen??!!!!! :yahoo:
  15. yeah...he wouldnt be real happy about that.
  16. Even the fall picture looks too warm... lol
  17. I think you should have tackled her, called the cops, and held her down till they got there...
  18. I have had those feelings too...oh wait, that was wishful thinking...sorry, not the same thing...
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