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Everything posted by copschick

  1. yes and yes...I say it to my friends and my family...and I hear it from friends and family. I love you are 3 of the most important words EVER!
  2. I'm so sorry I dissed on Cobb Fire yesterday...I love you guys, I really do! :wub: Cobb Fire is WAAAAY hotter than Marietta, btw
  3. Actually, you can mix vinegar and baking soda and drink it ( ) It works but it is DISGUSTING!!!!!
  4. I'm with cruisegal...I've dealt with some real assholes this week. At that doesn't include when Im at work!
  5. I was in Kohls and the power went out...then sounded like the roof was going to collapse! all the while, my poor baby was outside getting dented up
  6. roflmao....IM not the one judging. I simply pointed out that YOUR responses would lead one to believe that YOU are jealous. I give a flip less what the girl does or doesn't do...
  7. people have bashed Weiner because he is an elected official who was posting all his junk on the internet while being paid by tax dollars. Not because he didn't marry someone. And I doubt I am the only one that feels like the green eyed monster may have gotten you just a tad bit, honey.
  8. I find it funny that people are getting all bent outta shape over some girl that they don't know and hasn't done ANYTHING that even remotely affects ANYONE in Paulding county GA. Going on and on about some hot blonde that wanted to marry a multi gozillionaire and then saying how terrible she is and how she is obviously dumb and can't get a job...blah blah blah. So? So she is hot...she is also young. And if she is being financially savvy enough to marry said gozillionaire and make a name for herself, so what? And if she used same said gozillionaire to make a name for herself by leaving
  9. and it truly appears that way too...just sayin'
  10. honestly...if you are freaking hot and can use it to your advantage...I say do it! Hell if you got it flaunt it...
  11. Amen...and I'm not ashamed to admit it!
  12. I love people watching....its a blast. Always a good boost for the self esteem Tow says that you would think I'm damned near perfect as much as I can talk about someone else when we go somewhere. Really though, it does make me realize that I'm actually not as hideous as I think sometimes
  13. Uhhh...do you and Tow share a brain? That is EXACTLY what he said to me LOL
  14. Thats a good description...uneasy. UGH, I hate this.
  15. I just wish I had some sort of idea WHAT my gut is trying to tell me. I have no clue and I feel like I'm gonna get blindsided.
  16. Do you ever get a nagging feeling that something is wrong, but you don't know what? I've been feeling this way a lot lately and don't really know why but I wish it would stop. It sucks because I'm just waiting on something bad to happen
  17. well darn Lacey. I was going to suggest a cat. The way mine chases them and kills them, I'm guessing they must taste pretty good...
  18. copschick

    Flag Day

    I wore a flag shirt in honor of Flag Day.
  19. (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Love ya girlie and you know my thoughts and prayers are with you, the hubs, and the kiddos. I'm so sorry that y'all are having to go through all of this
  20. I would think so...I mean it IS the book word for word...
  21. as a not stick girl I have to say to my fellow curvy women...just because they make it in your size does NOT mean you should wear it. Some clothes are really best left for skinny girls to wear. And for heavens sake find a friend that will be honest and tell you if your outfit looks bad!
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