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Everything posted by copschick

  1. copschick


    nope...impossible and thanks!
  2. copschick


    I know. I think I'm gonna go get some make me throw up stuff at the store on the way home...
  3. copschick


    now my head hurts...I need an advil, a sprite, and my bed
  4. copschick


    that is how I feel. I am hurting all over and just feel like I'm gonna puke. On the other hand if I did I would probably feel better. Is there a stomach bug going around?
  5. Did you read the one about Copernicus the monkey??? ahahahahahahahaha
  6. 10. David Silver 90210 9. Dylan McKay 90210 8. Whoever the characters name that Harry Connick, Jr. played in Hope Floats 7. Jacob Black Twilight 6. Mike Delfino Desperate Housewives 5. McDreamy Greys Anatomy 4. McSteamy Greys Anatomy 3. Sawyer Lost 2. Ryan Gosseling character in ANYTHING he is in 1. Edward Cullen Twilight
  7. no, no, I'm not talking about that sidewalk. There's one on 381 just before you get to Sara Babb park and the library. It just stops. Doesn't go anywhere...not even TO the park or library lol
  8. So the day before Tow and I got married, we went to Ringgold to get blood tests. Well on the way home, I told him to take 41 instead of 75 (I'm a backroads kinda gal). Well, one problem....41 is a rural road through there and isnt well marked. We drove for an hour and ended up back on 75 one exit FURTHER north than where we exited. To this day if I suggest an alternate route, I hear about hwy 41
  9. I don't know if she would want to EAT there yet...
  10. Tow had heard a total of 18 next year. Thank goodness that wont happen!
  11. hahahaha...that does sound like something I would do!!!!
  12. awww...I know Dr. Henry must be so proud!!! Yay for Chas!!!!
  13. Actually NG...it did do away with the furloughs :yahoo:
  14. I personally appreciate that they did. And so does my mother who lives in Cobb. This means that if someone breaks into her home or her home catches on fire, there will actually be emergency personnel to come help her. It may not seem like a whole lot to a lot of you, but losing 200+ dollars a month isn't easy when times are like they are. The taxpayers will spend an additional 87 dollars per year on a 200,000 dollar home. I don't think its asking too much to ask them to pay for the services that they use. So to whomever said "spend, spend, spend" so long as its someone elses money, th
  15. My child has just turned into the devil lately. He has horrible taste in MOST of his friends. There are a few that I don't mind at all, but for the most part, I wish he would find a new group. He is easily influenced, so he has started making some TERRIBLE decisions that are going to lead to major trouble. I know that I may seem mean to him, but I'm really doing it for his own good. I just hope one day he sees that...
  16. How funny!!! And Yes, Due Dilligence, we really do still have live folks for you to talk to!
  17. yes, we have that same issue at my house. He towers over me...he also has shirts with stretched out collars where I grab them and snatch him down so he's eye level with me. He doesn't want to admit it, but his mom is mean as hell and he knows it! LOL
  18. She would have found a doorknob jammed up into places doorknobs should not go...just sayin'
  19. bleck....I hate Italian sausage. I used to like spaghetti...Tow cooked it all the time and I got burned out. I really hate it if it doesnt get to cook all day.
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