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Posts posted by tow2topgun

  1. I am married to a deputy. I know full well that there is a huge difference between what one would like to do, and what one is legally responsible for doing. I also know that regardless of whatever my husbands personal feelings are while he's on the road, he does his job, the one that he was hired to do...not whatever hate and fear might be influencing him consider.

    That's what makes a good cop. Being moral enough to do your job, and not whatever the hell you feel like cause you've got a badge and a gun. ;)

    Ok, I can agree with that and I can also say that I am allowed to vent my feellings on the scum. I would love to hear on the news that some Dekalb brother blasted them away though. That is not being vigilante. Vigilant maybe but not a vigilante. I have NEVER abused my power. I may have cussed more or hollered more than needed but as far as physical abuse, NEVER has happened! I am not apologizing for having feellings. We (LEO's) put up with enough of crap and I'll leave it at that....


    Look, I am sorry for allowing this thread to turn into an argument. It was not my intent to argue with anyone over this issue. I have feellings and am passionate about my job. I have a bond with all LEO's and would lay down my own life to protect any of them as I am sure that most would do the same for the rest of us. When you have a bond like this there is emotion when one of us gets hurt or killed. I mourn for them as I just heard that one of them has or had 4 children. I have only known this bond on one other occassion in my life and that was in the Army. I have a half brother and a half sister and I can honestly say that I am closer to some of the officers that I serve with. Sorry!

  2. GALLSTONES ARE FROM HEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY ARE THE FRECKING DEBIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would rather have 10 babies naturally than one more experience of these dang things- doesn't look like that's gonna happen, feel another one coming on.


    Suck it up and quit your whinning! :p

  3. Vigilante cops. Yep. That'll make everyone around here respect law enforcement. That'll prove that cops don't just hide behind their badges and guns while they run amuck and do as they please. Show everyone how cops don't have to play by the rules, g'head and further the opinion of cops being dirty, or above the law.

    Yep. Just what we need.


    So, if you have a brother and someone kills him for whatever reason, you would pray to the moon and wish his killer well and hope they possibly win the lottery huh? NOT ME! I hope they die some horrible, rotten, painful, long drawn out death! You and I, We are different!

    And as far as "people" respecting law enforcement officers...........YEA RIGHT! It would not matter if our first names were Father and we wore black robes and had one of those white neck collar things (sorry, I ain't catholic) on. Would still get no respect. I dont do my job for respect and could care less what you think of me. Just continue to pay your taxes and call if you need me, I'll be there and will do my job.....ya know, protect ya.

  4. I would probably take into consideration that the parking lot in private property, so the cop probably couldn't take them to jail, and is there to keep the peace or whatever. Isn't it Hiram that patrols that movie theater? Sad that we even have to have an officer patrolling our movie theater, over all of these innocent kids who are always just minding their own business.

    Then I would take into consideration the rose colored glasses I was wearing while looking at my son, take them off, and tell him not to act like that in public, and to tell his friends that it is a fact not many people think barking tires in a parking lot is cool anyhow, so they might as well not act like that.

    Sorry, I have been driving for a while now, and have never once, not once, "barked" my tires, accidentally or otherwise.

    I am not trying to be mean, but I hate going anywhere in Hiram, with all these kids showing their butts all the time, and me thinking they look ridiculous. Maybe I am wrong about this incident, though, and maybe the officer just randomly picked your son's group out of the parking lot and decided to pick on them. Who knows.

    Check the law on reckless driving and you will find that we can arrest for this offense along with several others like DUI... Wish we all had those rose colored glasses! :D

  5. Aren't they rent a cops there? I would be calling the movie's and letting them know what the fine company they hired to patrol their lot allows there "officers" to do. (by the way those trucks can spin there tires REALLY easy) Personally I would also tell your sons friends not to stop for rent a cops as there is nothing they can do other then harass you. At the same time I doubt this is as innocent as your son has made it sound


    I do believe that it is Hiram City Police that are the "rent a cops" there and they can and will lock the "idiot" kids up. I do not think a "big jacked up truck with big tires" can easily spin the tires. I have a 2500HD with a 6.0L V8 and I have a hard time spining my tires unless I am trying to do so. Seems to me that the driver probably was being a dumb kid and spun his tires on purpose if they got spun (which I lock kids up on Barrett Pkwy all the time for this) and then mouthed of at the cop. How come it is always the smarta$$ cops fault? Yes, I will be the first to admit that we are arrogant and smarta$$es but have you ever thought that it is becuase of the morons that we have to deal with? Hmmmm

  6. Both police officers had children. They were in their late twenties to early thirties. I pray that the men that did this are captured. I will be praying for their families.

    Kids....the only reason I worry about being a police officer. I grew up with no dad but do not want that for my boys! I hate to hear that these men had children!

    Once again, I don't know the specifics on this case but I have heard that it was possibly an ambush attack on them. We have been told for years about this type of attack happening in California. Almost to the point of being common place. May as well go back in the Army.........I think it was safer!

  7. How awful is it that you can be working one minute and then the next your world ends! We do not know all of the details in the Dekalb officers deaths yet but the fact remains that there are two dead Police Officers. I totally understand that once I walk out of my door at night that I may never return. I can live with this fact or I guess I can also die with it. It makes me sick that we live in a time that there is such violence and perversion! These two guys were most likely working this part time job to make ends meet and it cost them their lives. I just pray that they were not married and have no kids! I hope the scum bag SOB's that killed them are found and I also further hope that the Dekalb brothers mow them down like the animals that they are! I know that the correct thing would be for them to be arrested and to stand trial.....I say BS to that in this case. The scum bags didn't provide the officers a trial, why do they deserve one! I pray that God has mercy on them but pray that the cops that find them do not shed the same mercy!

  8. So, I am on my way home this morning after working all night. I get behind a lady with van (new brown Kia Sedona with an orange Hardy drive out tag) full of children on Buchanan Hwy. Her speeds vary greatly from 30-nearly 70mph. She keeps slamming on her brakes and fails to maintain her lane. She would tailgate a car that was in front of her and then drop back nearly 400 yrds away from the same car. I, at first think she is either drunk or having a medical problem. I think this until she got down to 30 mph (in a 55 MPH zone mind you) and I noticed that she is putting on make up. PUTTIN ON FREAKING MAKE UP while driving down a busy roadway with possibly her children in the van with her. Can you really save this much time by painting your face while driving down the road versus driving to work and getting there and then putting the paint on while in the parking lot. The latter would be much MUCH safer for you, me, and your children!! This crap just ticks me off!! If I had been in my other car, I would've turned on the lights and issued a few coupons to her!!!! UNREAL!!! Please, just drive while you are driving!!

  9. Why would you base your tip to your server on things that are beyond the servers’ control? The server does not control the quality of, or the preparation of the food. The server has no control over the atmosphere of the establishment, nor does the server dictate the price or quantity v price of the meal. My tip is based solely on the servers’ presentation, demeanor, and performance of tasks reasonably expected from one who holds a server position.

    I apologize, I read your last sentence ("My tip is based solely on the servers’ presentation, demeanor, and performance of tasks reasonably expected from one who holds a server position.") and someone thought you were saying that you are a server. Now that I read it again, I see what you were trying to say.

  10. Thanks!

    Oh yea, As a LEO, I think EVERYONE should have a weapon! If you don't believe in this then take a look at the violent crime in Kennesaw (I don not work for this dept) and then compare it to that in Australia. City ordinance in Kenn to own a firearm and ownership was banned in Australia. Their violent crime went up over 300%. Note that the illegal drug problem is not as huge and out of control in Australia. So you could probably add about 600% to that 300% figure if we in the US were to ban ownership.

  11. Here in Paulding County; the best deals you could ever imagine on AR's is Keiser Arms. Joe Keiser knows more about AR's than almost anyone; and gets amazing deals on Stag Arms. I have a few Stag Arms and swear by them almost as much as I swear by my Bushmasters. Speaking of which - I hear Remington just bought Bushmaster.




    More people die in swimming pool accidents than in firearms accidents.


    Where is this shop at?

  12. Why would you base your tip to your server on things that are beyond the servers’ control? The server does not control the quality of, or the preparation of the food. The server has no control over the atmosphere of the establishment, nor does the server dictate the price or quantity v price of the meal. My tip is based solely on the servers’ presentation, demeanor, and performance of tasks reasonably expected from one who holds a server position.


    No, you (a self proclaimed server) do not decide what I (the customer) base my tip on. If I were a server then I would not work at some dirty dive of an establishment. This will attract certain types of customers and so on. A server is responsible for making sure the carpet in his/her section is clean and that the tables are clean. Sorry if you don't think I am correct in blaming the value or the quality on the server....The server is the salesman for this business and he/she will suffer if I get a hair in my food, cold food, nasty food, etc... This IS how I base my tip. Tip is money that I give because I want to, not because I feel obligated to. You earn a paycheck just like the rest of us. Most servers hourly rate just happens to suck. Not my decision to work for a sucky hourly wage!

  13. How many of you actually read peoples blogs, on PCom or elsewhere?


    I actually just realized PCom had blog options :wacko:



    Or do you post blogs?


    I have heard of Blog sites that are Private, but I dont know what the addy's are. If you know can you help me here.


    What is a BLOG?

  14. I'm a STIFF I guess. My wife crawls all over me nearly everytime we go out to eat. I would leave a dollar bill and not feel bad about it. I don't expect a tip for doing my job an dhave never gotten one, yet I continue to work. I agree to work for a wage that is paid by my employer. If I need to supplement my income then I work a part time job. The ones wanting tips agrees to work for thier $1.25 (or whatever it is now) wage. They only hope for a tip. Now don't get me wrong, I am not as cheap as I mentioned before. That was for shock value.... I will tip good (20-25%) if I was taken care of, but if I didn't get good service (meal, attitude, atmosphere, value, etc..) then I have and will continue to leave that dollar bill that was before mentioned.

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