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Posts posted by tow2topgun

  1. I always wondered too! she was yelling and stuff.One day she came to my church the one I attended in Dallas,before I moved.She sat in the back and brought her tamborine and she got down! I always wondered if there might be something wrong with her until that day.Now, lately since I been going to church and thinking alot,I think maybe she could just be a prophet!Wouldnt that be amazing.I would love to spend with her and really figure her out for myself

    Prophet? Yea, I think NOT! :glare:


  2. I ain't accusing no one, but I am pretty sure she was stealing cloths from the recycle bin in front of Wal Mart the other day. Her sticking her arm in the bin and dragging out cloths kinda gave it away for me and I'm not even a detective yet!

  3. Because whites have too much to lose by starting riots and going to jail. But if having your own history month means that much to you, I say go for it. You might want to go ahead and get your welfare started, make six or eight babies for added income and probably leave your wife. That way she can qualify for section 8 housing while you are in and out of jail.


    And when you get white history month I'll do it the same way I do black history month, change channels when it comes on TV and ignore it. Means absolutely nothing to me, either one. I just wished the government would stop pissing away money so a few groups of people can get their "feel good" on.


    In 50 years the Hispanics will be claiming they were allowed to come here as slaves. So get ready for Hispanic history month too.

    I vote for a Hugo Chaves Day! What would be wrong with this? Maybe even a Pablo Escabar! Now there is a Hispanic Hero!!

  4. "African Americans" are just plain Americans like the rest of us. If they want African before America than Africa is where they should be. JMO A plain fact that everyone has overlooked. MY people were treated worse than any black man in America. We were slaughtered by the thousands. We were not allowed to come within miles of a town or we were killed because we were savages. And guess what, Black men helped to kill my people.


    I am not saying that slavery was right or wrong. But whose sold the "African Americans" into slavery? Their precious Africa did. Not America. So why does America have to bare the guilt for slavery? "America" was the salvation of the slaves that "Africa" sold. These slaves could have ended up in India, or Egypt, or Iraq, or Pakastan, where after they outlived their usefulness they were stoned to death. America was a salvation for the slaves that were sold by Africa.

    The Indian to this day still live on reservation. To me each African that lives in America should worship America as their home country and drop Africa as a bad experience or seek their guilt trips from the people in Africa that sold them. And if America is so bad for the African, why are they not going back to Africa now that they have the choice too?


    JMO , This is no way reflect the opinion of Paulding.com or it's owner or sponsors.

    Don't let us forget the Jews! They had it worse than any known group in the WORLD. I have yet to hear a Jewish person whine, cry, grovel, or protest because they were nearly gassed to death, nearly worked to death (for free...kinda sounds like slavery to me), nearly starved to death, and nearly beat to death. They mostly put this tragic event behind them and move on and become productive citizens. GOD BLESS THEM!!!!!!!!!

  5. Civil rights are not a "mentality".


    You are able to stand for yourself because of civil rights, just as I am.



    Brave men fought and died for the independance of this country. Even more brave men fought and died to end slavery.


    Women protested, were arrested and died so that I, as a woman, would have the right to vote.


    Rights just don't happen, someone, somewhere at some point in time paved the way for you and me, as we will for our children.


    If you think you got all of this freedom on your own, you're sorely mistaken.

    I'm a white male...

    Maybe you should read my post that you replyed to again. I never said ANYTHING about civil rights being a mentality. I said that I will stand on my own and that I dont like the "it takes a village to raise a child" mentality. I served in the US Army to protect this country and would gladly lay down my life for the same country. So no, I don't think I need you standing up for me. Thanks all the same though.



    Oh my goodness. Some of these responses really concern me. I thought we had moved beyond these types of comments. MLK Jr. was the LEADER of the Civil Rights Movement. It's a part of our country's history that needed to happen. African Americans in this country were treated so cruelly.....like they were subhuman. MLK received death threats on a regular basis and his family's home was hit by some kind of pipe bomb. But he believed so much in what he was doing, that he was willing to take the risks that he took and he eventually lost his life. If there are others that some feel should be honored with their own holiday, that doesn't mean that he doesn't deserve it.


    Free your mind and the rest will follow!

    He don't deserve it! no way in hell does he deserve it. Would be like giving bill clinton his own day... :o

  6. Thank You for your response.


    Please define the word "fixin"?


    I thought that was stuff we eat :mellow:

    Fixin = about to or repairing something. Multiple uses for this versitile word. I love it almost as much as ourght to. Like as in, "you ourght to go do there where them boys are fixin to fight"


  7. Awe now I find that all to be untrue....though there was one in our neighborhood who mouthed to my husband. He was all cocky and arrogant but we figured he must've ran out of them fancy pecker pills :lol: Any cops who I've come into contact with have always been nice :) Even the dude in Villa Rica with 3 teeth :lol:

    We are just like anyone else you meet. Of course there are jacka$$ cops out there (i work with some and have been one before). there are pecker headed garbage men too. So should we hate all trash men?? We all have bad days. We normally treat you with the same treatment that you give us. If you are a dick, well then.....GAME ON!!!!!!!!

  8. Well it could have been considered "work" if you were in the military at one point....maybe? :D




    Labor Day doesn't have anything to do with Men and Women who have laid their lives down for this country.....But Memorial Day has everything to do with it. :rolleyes: Pay attention!!!


    I did pay attention........thats why I asked about Labor day. I am clear that Memorial day is for vets (as I need no lessons from YOU) but the poster said Memorial AND LABOR DAY...... Dear mayber you are the one that needs to PAY ATTENTION....



  9. I'm not a "yes man". :lol:


    If someone can prove you wrong, why wouldn't you want to be corrected? Why would anyone want to be wrong their entire life? I don't understand that. Some people are so full of crap and wish to stay that way.


    Ignorance is bliss, I guess. :shrug:

    Don't believe that was what he meant. I do on the other hand think he was speaking of folks like you refutting everything just for Fu#$s sake....... -_-

  10. I don't particularly trust the Po-Po. They'll pull you over for the least little thing and talk down to you like you some backwoods white trash. They're cocky, arrogant, and downright rude. The po-po are nothing more than glorified tax collectors. By the way, the one's I know run around on their wives and drink like sailors...

    So I am guessing if I said all white trash has no teeth and lived in trailers then you would be offended and rightfully so I am sure!! :lol: :lol: :D

  11. I actually don't do much of that anymore, tow! I have been busy for the last two years rebuilding a house that I have moved into just recently. I used the word rebuild instead of remodel because that is actually what it took. :)

    Went ALOT last season (deer) and killed a doe and shot a 8 pointer but never found him (made me sick). Went several times this year and killed a 8 pointer. Plan on doing alot of turkey hunting this year thoguh. Gonna try to get some rabbit hunting in before seasons end.


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