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Posts posted by tow2topgun

  1. Sometimes I think that if I hear one more "King Louie" (Oohh Oohh Oohh, I wanna be like you hoo hoo) when it comes to what an overdeveloped, overtaxed, overrated county like Cobb does, I'll scream.


    To all of you who have moved here from the North, let me just tell you that I like you better than the folks who wish they had moved here from Cobb county.

    I moved from Cobb county to Paulding to get away from Cobb county. Not for it to be like Cobb but if they have something that works then why not use it? I know the Pct works in Cobb cause I work from one 5 nights a week.

    King Louie comment lost me????

  2. And by the way... Since when can the Sheriff give deputies raises in a vacuum?


    (JK has flooded PCom with so many topics that this comment might should be in another of the flotsam and jetsam that his posts have left behind).



    Thank You. He is making empty promises.



    Pay Cobb taxes and get Cobb services.


    .. And their problems, of course.

    We nearly do pay what Cobb pays for taxes. My mom lives in Smyrna and has approximately 3/4 of an acre in the city limits and she pays $1600 a year (includes Cobb County and City of Smyrna taxes). I live in west paulding and have 1.5 acres and pay $1800. Granted I have more property than she does but our tax rate isn't that far behind Cobb's

  3. Am I the only person that stopped on the first half of his first sentence where he said that he was not going to raise taxes?


    Balderdash! He is running for political office.


    As the snake said, "You knew what I was when you picked me up".

    I think he meant he could accomplish his goals with the Sheriff's office outlined in this thread without raising taxes. Furthermore, he is running for Sheriff, I'm not real knowledgable about local politics, but don't think the sheriff raises or lowers taxes. I believe he puts ideas in front of county managers, mayors, etc and they approve or deny his ideas. If they approve and it cost money then they allocate the funds.. I think..

  4. Deputies don't sit at the Sheriff's Office. Therefore, building precinct stations throughout the county isn't going to cause a de facto increase in response time. Currently, officers are assigned to zones. Response time with the current structure really comes down to manpower and call volume. Neither of which precincts will impact/help. Dice the current 'zone' structure all you want--you are still dealing with areas in this county with a lot of sprawl and lengthened response times are inherent.

    Pct do reduce respone time. There would be deputies assigned to one area of the county. Permantely assignment (not to say you couldn't trasfer) but not rotating. There would say, be 5 deputies to cover beulah (im just throwing numbers around) and 5 to cover union. If there were a Pct out here then there would be no need for the deputy assigned to union to be over in new hope. I am clear this revolves around many things such as man power and how long shifts are (8,10, or 12 hours) and such but it works in Cobb and could work here.

  5. :unsure:




    Don't be misled by Lee's Confederate uniform. True, he led the Southern forces through the Civil War, but he deplored slavery. A West Point-trained officer who fought with valor in the Mexican War, he made a heart-wrenching decision to remain loyal to his native state when Virginia seceded from the Union.

    In Alabama, Robert E. Lee's birthday is celebrated on the third Monday of January, whether or not it falls on the 19th.






    That is SEXY!!!

  6. I actually see em out here all the time, I know atleast 3 or 4 SO who live out here :)

    During the day maybe while I am asleep but I hardly ever see them in the evenings or at night. DO NOT get me wrong, I am not bashing our deputies! I am only saying that there could be more orginazation to how they patrol. We do not have much crime here YET and we actually can deter it if dealt with. JK seems to have fresh ideas that will deal with these areas. He sent me a pm that better explained his definition of the Posse that he proposed on here. Sounds like an awesome idea. I don't wanna speak for him but I gathered that he isn't wanting to make them gun toting volunteers but rather will train them to look for crime and be able to call it in to a deputy. I really like the idea of the elderly group. He stated that he would like to have a group to call elderly folks to ensure that they were ok. There is much more to the "posse" than what I first thought. Good Ideas JK!

  7. Oh good so I didn't sound like an idiot? :lol: Paulding is a large county and its really not safe to make an officer race from downtown Dallas to Union Community (for example)....

    In Cobb we have assigned beats within each Pct. We have 8 beats and one officer is assigned to each beat. They could do that now in this county instead of allowing the deputies to congregate at the courthouse. They should be out and about. If they have assigned areas, which I am sure they probably do, then most of them do not do a good job at patrolling Union Community or Beulah. Never seen out here.

  8. Well apparently there's more folks out there who do think like I do because it IS a holiday! Therefore I win.....you lose!!


    The world is mine!

    WOW. Did not know you lobbied to make this a holidy......oh wait that was Ronald Reagan who made it a holiday right. Yea your just like the rest of us. regular folks on the computer just running your mouth. nothing more, nothing less.

    You won? I missed that one.

  9. Wow all of that sounds great! You know what I was wondering.....back home there were various "mini" police stations in the different parts of town, sort of how there are various fire stations. I noticed Cobb seems to have something similar. I was thinking it'd be good if Paulding had something like that (but then again I know nothing :lol: ).......living out here in the sticks it seems to take a good 20 minutes for anything to get here, maybe 10-15 minutes if you have sirens and are going 70mph....even 10 minutes seems like a long time for help.

    We have sub-stations in Cobb which is broke up into 5 Precints. These Pcts are spread out evenly throughout the county to improve response time to calls. This is a definte need in this county!

  10. to the betterment to the blacks in this country. Not I. Presidents Day a ferderal hoilday, yes but not a recognized holiday like christmas, thanksgiving, martins day, etc... Just should not be a recognized holiday in my eyes!


    Unless you run a government office (and please reassure me that you don't), you are under no requirement to give your employee the day off with pay.


    Those who leave history in the past, and refuse to learn from it, are doomed to repeat it.

    Hence me calling it a "Federal Holiday" which means that the federal gov't does not work on that day..... We (Americans) pay millions to the federal employees on federal holidays and they don't even work for that wage. Why should I have to pay taxes to pay an employee for not even working? WASTE OF MONEY! FRAUD WASTE AND ABUSE!!!!!!!

  11. Actually, I wasn't drawing a comparison between what MLK accomplished and 9/11. My comment was more a reference to the laziness and apathy that has overtaken this country.


    That said, I'm positive you understand that the legacy of MLK far surpasses the segregation of schools. Regardless of what one thinks about him as a person, surely they can understand that MLK stood for more than desegregation.


    Sadly, his own family, as well as leaders such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, have taken the ideas that he stood behind and turned them into a mockery in an effort to promote themselves.

    Yes I am clear that he stood for more than desegregation. Just didnt feel that it was important enough to mention. I say move on and let the history be just that, IN THE PAST where it belongs. He DOES NOT deserve a Federal Holiday! Just should not be. If I own a business, then you tell me that I have to allow my employee to be off but I still have to furnish his wages to him. I just have a problem with this!!

  12. WTF?? We're talking about civil rights for an entire race of people for generations past and generations to come. It was more than just being able to attent the same schools as whites.


    9/11 was a tragic event, so was the Oklahoma City bombings and Pearl Habor. There is nothing to celebrate in tragedy. We're talking about a man who did some good here, not celebrating the death of thousands...

    Did some good for who? Not me and probably not you. I AM NOT IN NO WAY TRYING to make this into a racist discussion but am only saying that he (martin) only helped a few (in comparision) while the founding fathers help ALL of us and they get nothing for recognizition. Lets be fair is all I am trying to say. Veterans day isn't even a Federal Holiday! Both black and whites have laid down thier lives so that you and I can say what we want yet we don't even as much think about them..EQUALITY, ain't that what martin preached? Hmmmmmmmm


    I guess Rosie Odonell deserves her own day too cause she speaks out for homosexuals huh? Yea WTF is right!!!!

  13. The county's insurer and the excess liability carrier will just love this plan. So will some lawyers! :lol:

    Yea, I didn't think this one was that brilliant either. Maybe there is much more to his plan and he just scratched the surface. Maybe the "posse" won't be armed LEO's and will only have some type of admin function??? Fresh new idea though and I like change, especially in this county!

  14. MLK was a solidly good man.


    He would be horrified to see what this holiday has become, with the MLK furniture store sales, and the day off.


    This, right here, is why we should never allow 9/11 to become a national holiday.

    mlk marching in Alabama for blacks to be able to go to school with whites is hardly able to hold a candle to 9/11!!!!!!!!! Please! There is furniture sale today? I need a good recliner and if it's in the name of martin then so be it!

  15. Hello all,


    Our Deputes deserve to be compensated better than they are right now. I am currently working on improving the compensation that they receive. Some of what I am trying to do for them is increasing their pay. I am also in the initial stages of working with businesses that can lessen their monthly expenses. Thirdly, I am working on a plan to improve some work related issues that puts them in an unsafe position and I will be focusing on getting better equipment for them.


    Part 1-Pay...I will recommend to the commissioners that we increase the Deputies pay by $2,000 a year for the first 2 years that I am Sheriff, if elected, and an additional $2,000 per year in years 3 and 4 of my first term. This would be a substantial pay increase, however, in my opinion our Deputies are substantially behind in their pay. The last known pay study that I have found was conducted approximately 9 years ago.


    Part 2- As I said earlier I am in the initial stages of working with some businesses and organizations that will allow their businesses to get through a rough period of time and at the same time lessen the Deputies expenses on a monthly basis. More to follow on this when I get more information from these businesses and organizations.


    Part 3- Unfortunately, there are some challenges with communication equipment and other issues that puts our Deputies in an unsafe position. I am going to work on these issues, as well. We should not wait until a Deputy or Fireman gets hurt before we correct this problem. This is a top priority for me and I will solve these issues.




    Will your tax burden go up to do all of this? The answer is no.


    Why should the commissioners raise the pay for the Deputies? If we want to retain and hire the best we have to compensate them accordingly.


    Why should the commissioners listen to jk? I will go to them for their needed support, however, under my leadership I will do most of the heavy lifting on this. I am not going to throw a 10 pound bag of dirt on their lap and ask THEM to "make it happen". I am going to "make it happen" for us and them.


    How are you going to "make it happen". We are going to reduce waste of resources, maximize the Deputies time and empower them to reach their potential. They will have more input in the daily operations and with better equipment and compensation they will feel better about their long term career. In addition, we will work with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Mobile Enforcement Teams (MET) and receive drug asset forfeiture assets. We will also continue to come up with innovative ideas and maximize jail operations and patrol operations.


    There are more things that I intend to do and look forward to letting you know about them in the near future.






    SHERIFF 2008


    Sounds Great! Where do I get an application? Good Luck in the upcoming election and tell "Sandra" that Jason Dale says hello.


  16. So true! Jessie Jackson has been a ring leader in turning his legacy into something he would not agree with nor would he support.

    I think MLK was a truly great man and love the values he stood and fought for.

    mlk was a great man????? He took funding from the USSR at the time. He was about as loose as bill clinton when it came to morals (womanizing....SP?) and he hung around jessie jackson. Need I say more????????????????????????????????????????

    He accomplished alot of things because he was a great speaker and grabed peoples attention, but then again so did Hitler...

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