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Posts posted by tow2topgun

  1. Maybe those who think we should not "celebrate" today, should go to work on this "holiday" and work.

    I will be working tonight!! Gladly!!! This is no special day for me and I think it is tragic that our children are missing a day of education for this. Not one single founding father has a memorial day (Federal Holiday) and they set up the Greatest Nation in the world. I am not trying to make this about race but am screaming for equality, you know, the very thing that mlk was protesting for........... Kinda ironic isnt it?

  2. Ok let me see if I get what some thinks really happened.


    Girl comes home says man kissed her, Parents call police, police come and girl say man kissed her, police run out and arrest man for kissing girl, ok now time passes(I assume nothing was done except guy pays or may does not pay attorney), they go to court girl getss up and says "He kissed me" DA rest his case ,Man says "I did not kiss her" his attorney rest his case, jury of 12 goes and says ok girl is telling the truth. He said She said nothing else right? Do you really think it was as simple as that?


    It's NOT? :o


    Seems that some think exactly what you just stated. :lol:

  3. This guy apparently did a lot more than was posted in the OP article. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that after a judge and jury found the guy guilty TWICE and the guy pled guilty the second time it was tried.




    If the coworker was not a freakshow pedophile he would have just said "no thank you" at first contact. If he was interested enough to drag it out until the cops had enough ammo to arrest him; then he got what he deserved.


    Moose, It wouldn't make for a good argument if those on here just didn't forget to tell the WHOLE story. Just add enough to tell the story how they want it to be presented. There is NO and I mean NO judge in his/her right mind that would sentence a 18 y/o to jail for simply kissing a 14 y/o. I am sure there is much more to the story.....


    Just curious, but should there be a charge if you are a co-pastor of a church and you get caught sleeping with a female member of your church that happens to be married? Oh yea, in this make believe scenario the co-pastor was or is also married.

  4. y'all are lucky if you are only having to deal w/ it 2 nights a week. Lord knows, my husband found some crap on the ESPN classics channel. Good grief, as if watching it 3 nights a week wasn't bad enough, now my TIVO is filled up w/ some 1980's terrible film quality junk........... :wacko:

    Atleast it gives you something to b!tch about honey! :)

    You need to shut your hole and know your role though!!

  5. what are the ages for statutory rape in ga?


    here's the thing I know a 17 year old..with a 15 year old... I tried myself to talk to the mother... who blew me off... and was honestly unconcerned... and repeatedly drops her child at his house to spend the night...(from the words of her daughter's mouth because her boyfriend is coming over) I know this young man... and he's not a bad person..obviously misguided... and this poor girl is just looking for love from anybody... but my fear is she will become pregnant... and obviously her family will not help her as there not thee for her now..


    Should I call dfacs and report this mother? ... or will I end up ruining this young man's life... by turning him in

    There is no crime with this age difference and it doesn't take a village to raise a child. If mama doesn't have a problem with raising a whore then why would you become involved?

  6. What I heard is that everyone knew a suspected child molestor was on the loose in our area and chose to tout him as a hero instead of warning the community to be extra careful for their children. I am always careful, but sometimes a warning to be extra vigilant is warranted. This is one of those occassions. They KNEW he was being investigated, and so did he. He ran from charges, not from PTSD. This was a very bad handling of this situation by his family and the authorities. We know what happens when people look the other way because someone acts different, ala Gary Hilton!


    A man wanting to avoid people due to stress is a whole lot different than someone avoiding arrest for molesting a child.


    No, he doesn't need to be killed, but we as a community had the right to know he was a risk.

    As a cop that works in the area where he was supposed to be at (Kennesaw/Acworth not Paulding) I can assure you that we as law enforcement did not have this knowledge that you speak of ("What I heard is that everyone knew a suspected child molestor was on the loose in our area and chose to tout him as a hero instead of warning the community to be extra careful for their children") instead we were all told that he just got back from Iraq and had flipped out and didn't wanna go home. We were told to call his mother if we saw him and to not even approach him since he was supposed to be emotionally unstable. Don't ALWAYS believe what your told......

  7. I love it, this is hysterical...love the fact that Tow posts something then it takes off, and he is on here agreeing, talking about ppl not saying anything must be guilty, yada, yada, yada.

    What he is leaving out is that he is CONSTANTLY texting someone or talking on the cellphone while driving!! He can't drive all THAT well when he is concentrating, much less when he is trying to do something else (bless his heart, he can't walk and chew gum at the same time!)!!!! :p

    This is coming from a woman that backed into the same telephone twice within one minute and has hit our house not once but twice. I sense jealousy! How many wrecks have I had......Um, that would be uhhhhhh NONE! Yes I do text ALOT but I can stay in my lane and maintain a constant speed. I drive over 100 miles per day 5 days a week and while driving this many miles I talk on a radio, type on a computer, run a RADAR, listen to a AM/FM radio, text on my cell phone, and drive above the posted speed limit. Seems to me that I am an outstanding driver. The county has even given me an award saying so.


  8. Had all four of mine removed while in the Army. I was out in the field for training when my two on the right side became impacted (infected). When I chewed it forced food down into my gumline and the food got infected. I ran a fecer and would occassionaly pass out from the pain. They (Army Dentist) wanted to remove my teeth in a tent out in the woods but I pled with them to send me to the rear with the gear. Once in the rear, I went to the Dentist office where I had the two on the right removed. With NO (none, zilch, nadda) anesthesia what so ever. I passed out once while he was breaking my upper right wisdom and he stopped the procedure until I woke back up. I thought, "gee, wait until I wake so I can feel it again. Don't knock it out while I am out. I don't know if I was an experiment or if they possibly forgot to give me any Novacaine and just thought I was a big baby. At any rate, it sucked!!!

  9. Some ppl don't know what the word TIPS means. It means TO INSURE PROMPT SERVICE. I waited tables, if I didn't give good service, I didn't expect a good tip. I was the one choosing to work for $2.13 an hour. If I don't get good service, don't expect a decent tip. You get what you earned.

    Hey, I know you are smarter than me normally, but wouldn't you spell it ensure and not insure? :huh:

  10. Personally, I don't care what you do while you are driving as long as you can drive well while you are doing it........ Don't get me wrong, most people that talk on phones, put make up on, etc, while driving are all over the road, but not all of them. I have seen plenty of people that you can't tell that they are talking on the phone phone or eating until you are up beside them...

    This is true and there are people that couldn't drive if they were sitting in the drivers seat with no distractions!

  11. I think it is just funny. So many people want to gripe about what not to do knowing they are the ones who do it. I know not all but IMHO MOST do. I know I will get a lot of people mad but seriously if no one wants to admit it then who are all the people doing it? I admit I am guilty of a couple of things. Anyhow, I don't expect to get a lot of positive responses but it is what it is!

    See now, this is an open post and all that want to can post on it. I am guessing the "guilty ones" are choosing not to post maybe? Just a thought though....... <_<

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