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Posts posted by tow2topgun

  1. I have been very tempted to stop and ask them when they will open and what food they will serve. I have also heard BBQ. Maybe next time I see someone there I will tell them P.com wants to know!


    Phat Phils is good, but I have not been there in about a year. I have never been to the magic grill ,but heard they have great biscuits. I thought the oyster bar was a strip club??? Is that the place that had the KKK dolls inside?


    Now there is good topic!

    Yea the oyster bar is where the KKK dolls are or used to be. THis is the same place where he always has a very racist (in my opinion) sign posted out front. He also has hosted hamer fest (Hatefest) in the past which is a skin head/ white supremacy "celebration". Can't believe in 2008 that this is still allowed. I believe Censorship in any form is awful but when it comes to harming others and just being hurtful then I think it is a shame that they do it in the name of the Constitution!!!

  2. You can carry pepper spray but not into a school. May I suggest spraying some onto a cloth and then wiping around your eye before you just go off carrying this stuff? This will do two things,

    1)let you see that it hurts like HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and that it works.

    2)know that it hurts like hell but it ain't gonna kill ya and that you can still move around after getting it on yourself.

    We (police) have to get sprayed with this crap and I am here to tell you that I would almost rather be shot! It burns as if you have had hot grease poured on you at first. It makes it hard to breath and you wanna cough and snot just starts a flying! From your nose to your toes!!!

    It is very common to get it on you even if you are spraying it on someone else. I have never been on a call where OC has been deployed and not gotten some on myself. Either in your throat or on your skin.

    By wiping some on yourself you will see the efects of it and know that you can depend on it as a defense tool and also prepare yourself for the pain that you will be going through if it gets on you if you ever have to use it in a defense situation. Also be warned that it does not effect ALL.

  3. Finallt Tobacco free for nearly 3 weeks! YAY for me. My cravings are still there slightly but nothing like before. I was chewing the gum. Quit smoking 3 years ago and continued to dip skoal for 2 years and quit doing that to do Redman Golden Blend and have been chewing for the past 2 years. I LOVED LOVED LOVED the redman and still miss it but.........found a lump, knot, whatever in my neck 3 saturdays ago and chunked a brandnew pack of redman outta the truck window. Went to the doc and he put me on some antibiotics to see if it was a lymphnode that was swollen since I was sick. The lump has gone down but I still gotta go back to the doc in 2 weeks for a possible biopsy.....

  4. I hope those are the choices come Nov.

    True!! Yet another Republican would sleep nicely in the White House! :lol:


    I would actually pick Senator Clinton over Obama the Muslim.

    Thought he declared that he was Christian and not Muslim?? Not true? Wouldn't vote for him or her if they were both Southern Baptist, just curious. :D

  5. 11 Alive just declared Hillary and McCain the winners. :o

    :o is right!!! Them folks in NH should not be allowed to vote if they support Hitlery!!! MORONS!!!! Do they have any idea how messed up this country would be????? GEEZ!!!!!!!!

  6. Thanks for the best wishes. Problem is, we live in that kind of part of town. My father in law built a shooting lane in his back yard, and one Sunday afternoon while my husband was still in the Academy I decided to prove to the boys that I was a better shot than they were. We only got a few rounds off before Pauldings Finest showed up. We explained what was going on, and they proceeded to park across the street at the fire department and milk the call for another hour. So, while I think it's okay, as long as safety measures are taken, based on plain principle I will not call the police, not in this county anyhow. I have done it myself, but never four hours straight.

    They've moved on from shooting to just shreiking random thoughts like "FEEL THE FIRE" and barking like dogs, anyhow which is still annoying but anmmusing all at once.

    So call for the noise violation not the legality of shooting. Have you talked them about the noise?

  7. A driver is stuck in a traffic jam going into downtown Chicago. Nothing is moving north or south. Suddenly a man knocks on his window. The driver rolls down his window and asks,"What happened? What's the hold up?"

    "Terrorists have kidnapped Hillary Clinton, Rosie O'Donnell, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton. They are asking for a $10 million ransom. Otherwise, they are going to douse them with gasoline and set them on fire. We are going from car to car, taking up a collection."

    The driver asks, "On average, how much is everyone giving?"


    "About a gallon."



  8. Just an FYI. I believe it was last year that a young man in Mableton fired a gun into the air and the bullet came down and killed his uncle. The bullet struck the uncle in the head on the way down. This was an accidental shooting and occured on New Year's eve if I remember correctly. Anything is possible when it comes to a projectile. Those that fire off guns need to think about the potential consequences of their actions.

    MythBusters on Discovery Channel disproved this myth. They shot numerous rounds up and NONE of them had enough velocity to harm anyone. Kinda like the penny being tossed off of the Empire State building. Total Myth.

  9. Someone down the street has been shooting their freaken gun off for four hours now. I know there isn't a noise problem during the day but it is making me madder and madder by the minute cause I do not like it sounding like a warzone in my house. What can I do? Shoot back? I don't have a problem with guns and all but hours of shooting seems a little excessive to me.

    There is a county ordinance against noise at any time that it annoys you. There is also state laws about shooting within 50 yrds of a roadway and it is illegal to shoot on sunday (they may have removed this law but I know it used to be an actual Ga law). Good luck!

  10. The bastard should have got a bullet in the head as soon as they found out.

    Now subby if we just shot everyone that was guilty then there would be millions of defense attorneys out of work and there would be no need to pay those high taxes since we wouldn't have to feed, cloth, house, educate, or provide medical attention to them.

    Man, you must not be thinking clearly!

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