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Posts posted by tow2topgun

  1. Thank you for remembering the lie/truth experiment I did last week, KLSX! Not many people were aware of the situation. I probably got more views in the truth section than I would have gotten, if I had not mentioned what I was doing.


    People are funny as heck, if one starts to really notice.


    I'm sorry, KLSX, I am not a sports fan. I just never got interested in public sports. I am a private fisher/hunter type. I grew up in a large family of fur trappers. I used to could skin a mink without cutting a hole in the hide in nothing flat.


    I became interested in animals, and now I am interested in human instinct. There are some strange goings on, around here, in the people world. They are more like wild animals than they know. B)

    <------self proclaimed Hunter.....

  2. Sorry, I mis-understood you.


    I was concerned you were acting on a hunch which gives an open door to toss out evidence.


    What is RAS?

    RAS is Resonable Articulable(sp) Suspicion

    PC is Probable Cause

    PC is "i caught you breaking the law red handed" ie. speeding

    RAS is "I think you broke the law or may be fixin to do so" Speeding away from a store that was just robbed and you are extremely nervous.

  3. Martin Luther King had a destiny. It was to bring freedom from prejudice for everyone.


    If you think that what he did fifty years ago does not affect you or your children, then you need to brush up on your history.


    Now, what the folks (whites included) have done with that legacy and what his children have done with his money, that's another story.


    I for one am very proud there was a Martin Luther King to stand up for me.


    As I tell my co-workers, if I don't stand up for you and your rights, who will stand up for me?

    I will stand for myself thank you very much. I do not like the "it takes a village to raise a child" mentallity.

  4. That is unfortunate to hear.

    Not to take anything away from martin. I know that sounded bad. I only find just a few days truely Honorable. Christmas for Jesus of course, Thanksgiving for the meaning that it brings (being thankful for family and such), Veterans Day (for my brothers that I served with and those that have served before me and those that have served since me) September 11th, December 7th, and the 4th of July.

    Look, I am not by no means a racist, I am just saying that we are AMERICANS and should not be african American or Irish Americans. Be proud to be an AMERICAN (not saying that your not) and let it be at that. I don't think martin did anything anymore special than Audie Murphy yet Mr. Murphy has no day in his honor.

  5. ^_^ Not entirely true. I'm insanely open minded and will listen to anybody's point of view. Not only do I listen, but I often find myself learning new things or decidint that they have very valid points also. Disagreeing doesn't mean you're wrong, you just have different opinions. :D

    LGM, my last comment was smaerta$$. The one about us both having opinions and yours mostly being wrong. Yea that was sarcasm. Sorry. :p


    I mentioned that I took a drink once, and I'm still fighting off the guilt trips that continues to be laid on me, Tow!


    A 12 pack lasts me a whole month, but I like beer, also! A 12 pack didn't last but a week in time past, though! B)

    Not here to judge on the drinkers! A 12 pack last me a while too but I still like it.

  6. So you find probable cause or make up a RAS call to act on one of your hunches?

    I dont recall ever saying I made up anything. RAS (if you are familiar) isn't made up PC, it is something that I (the police) can articulate that I believe to be illegal or was about to become illegal. Not made up though.

  7. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Thank you very much, tow!


    By the way I have noticed that we are not in argument about jk rogers. He is a fine man, tow. But, we don't agree on some other things. B)


    Honesty is the best policy, though, and I have a high respect for your opinion! :)

    Thanks! I am very out spoken and that tends to piss some off and gets me in trouble sometimes. It is a trait of mine that I cherrish. I cannot stand two faced people that are to afraid of hurting someones feellings over telling the truth. Something that I learned from my PAPA. I don't know Mr. Rogers to well. I kinda work with his wife and she talks about him all of the time. She keeps me posted on where he is and when he is coming home from the Army. She sure is proud of him and that is cool!

  8. I am not disagreeing with you on that, but he is the most widely know Black historic leader. It took a lot more for him to do what he did than it would for a white male to do it. All I am saying is that some of these views are not what I would want my children to be exposed to. I think that George Washington Carver and the Tuskegee Airman should be honored for what they did. I do think that this is an important holiday, especially for Black Americans. I think that white Americans tend to overlook what it means to Black Americans because as white Americans we have a lot more historic leaders to look up to.

    How about we all try being "AMERICANS" instead of african Americans or so on and so forth. In the words of the great black orator (Rodney King) Can't we all just get along?

  9. Some people will disagree with you even if they are not concerned about the issue. They just enjoy frustrating people with their argument, no matter what it is. They will get on the internet to look up facts, to make their argument sound official, so it will seem that they care when they actually don‘t. But, no matter what you say, no matter what solution you offer, no matter what you have to contribute, their response is always, “Yeah but,” followed by a myriad of reasons why your contribution cannot and will not work.


    How do you handle an encounter with one of these people? B)

    I understand you and have no idea why I bother loggin on here. I have only been on the site for about a month now. I like it for some reason but most of the people on here really are annoying! I enjoy debating but it is never a debate for long on here. Everyone wants you to think like them and if you don't then there must be something wrong with you. I have my opinions and you have yours. You are just mostly wrong though........

  10. India launches Israeli satellite in boost to space business



    BANGALORE, India (AFP) - India successfully launched an Israeli spy satellite into orbit in a boost to the South Asian nation's efforts to win a share of the multi-billion-dollar space launch market.


    The launch of the Tecsar satellite by an Indian-made rocket was carried out in clear weather at 9:15 am local time (0345 GMT) from the Sriharikota space station in southern India, the Indian Space Research Organisation said.


    The 300-kilogram (650-pound) satellite, sometimes referred to as the Polaris, was steered into orbit about 20 minutes later, said Antrix Corporation, the marketing arm of the Bangalore-based space agency.


    "Antrix is happy to announce that its second full-fledged commercial launch has been successfully completed," said executive director K.R. Sridhara Murthi in a statement in this southern Indian city.


    The satellite was designed and developed by MBT Space, a division of Israel Aerospace Industries. It is equipped with a camera that can see through clouds and carry out day and night all-weather imaging.


    The mission was carried out under a commercial contract between Israel Aerospace Industries and Antrix, Murthi said.


    The launch is another step in the commercialisation of India's 45-year-old space programme, which put an Italian satellite into orbit in April last year for a fee of 11 million dollars.


    "Basically, any user will look for reliability, timely delivery and the cost," said G. Madhavan Nair, chairman of the Indian Space Research Organisation, in a telephone interview. "We are well placed on all parameters."


    India's launch service costs abut 60 to 70 percent of what is charged by other international space agencies, giving it a cost advantage, Nair said.


    India wants to compete alongside the United States, Russia, China, the Ukraine and the European Space Agency in offering commercial satellite launch services.


    Paris-based market research firm Euroconsult estimated last year that the launch market will grow to 145 billion dollars over the next 10 years, from 116 billion dollars in 1997-2006, as space-faring nations launch more satellites and deep-space probes.


    "This is a major step forward in India's efforts to penetrate the global satellite launch market," said defence and space industry analyst B.K. Pandey, a former air marshal in the Indian air force.


    The successful launch showed that India had a launch capability with a "high degree of reliability," he said in Bangalore.


    Monday's mission was the eleventh consecutive successful launch carried out by the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, which is also slated to launch India's first spacecraft to the moon, Chandrayaan-1, later this year.


    The "copybook" launch had been kept secret because of its "geopolitical sensitivity," NDTV television network reported.


    Tecsar's signal was received at the Israel Aerospace Industries' ground station 80 minutes after launch, the Israeli organisation said in a statement issued in Jerusalem.


    "By all indications so far, the satellite is functioning properly," it said.


    The satellite is the first "of its kind developed in Israel, and ranks among the world's most advanced space systems," the statement said. It will transmit the first images after 14 days, the statement added.


    India started its space programme in 1963, and has since developed and put its own satellites into space. It has also designed and built launch rockets to reduce its dependence on overseas space agencies.


    It carried out the first successful launch of a domestic satellite, which weighed 35 kilograms, by an Indian-built rocket, in 1980.


    Here's the link...



    Glad to hear that they have a sat. up watching over their hethen neighbors now!

  11. Dangit, I had a long typed out reply and got the boot for some reason. I basically was saying that I do not violate peoples rights. I find Pc or have sometimes used RAS to conduct stops to id John Q. Citizen (he gets let go) and Johny the Junkie (he ain't so lucky most of the time) I can't remember much past that. Got pissed at my computer and lost focus!

  12. We actually went to buy bread and milk the other day while it was snowing. I felt like a freaking idiot. Told the cashier that we were not buying this because it was snowing but that we actually needed the items. The heffer said, "yea whatever".

  13. I'm not saying do as Cobb does. I dont care if there is 100 people in west paulding and 1000 in east paulding. The 1000 in east paulding are NO MORE important than the 100 out west. They should be covered too. I agree that we don't need 25 deputies to cover beulah and union buit 5 or six would be nice. There is alot of Meht in paulding and it is going to do nothing but get worse unless it meets with resistance. Resistance comes with stopping cars out here and finding dopers, It also comes with routine patrols in and around neighborhoods. Cant do this if they are protecting the 1000 in the est. Please Please do not think my problem is with the deputies or even with the current command staff. It is just a problem that needs to be fixed. I will openly declare that I will be voting for Mr. Rogers. I know his wife and she has pushed him on me for years now. Seems to me that he is a heck of a family guy and that is enough for me.

  14. You weren't rambling at all....your point is very valid. All I was saying is without the men to patrol the zone, precinct, or whatever we choose to call it; it will be just that, another zone/precinct.


    The broader point I am making is you can't blame response time on the Sheriff if the system is in place and the funds to push it to its best capacity aren't available. Pay raises are good, more deputies are good, better equipment is good, however, if you don't have the money, it is but a wishful thought.

    The money should be there. Don't know where it is but it is somewhere. I only compare us to Cobb because I am familiar with Cobb. Granted they have a much larger population than us but they also have much more up keep than we do. Look at all of the schools, teachers, cops (over 600 of us), fire fighters, etc that they have. They have great roads, schools, and their wages are good. We on the other hand seem to be falling behind. Our county looks old, run down, used, and falling apart. The latter statement doesnt apply to eastern paulding where it looks like all of our money goes.... Cobb has a butt load more schools than we have and we only have a hand full. We seem to have a Mayberry police force and sheriff's office. Don't think the county managment was quiet ready for people to start moving into paulding because they sure have not been able to keep up with the growth. Look at Buchannan Hwy. Has grown greatly yet the actuall road is still a 2 lane with no plans in the current future to widen it. It is a curvy, hilly, and unpassable road. When there is a wreck on it, they shut it down to wait on GSP to come clear it up. Work the wreck and clear the roads!!!!!!

  15. That is already being done with the way the SO has the county split into 'zones'. I was referring to precincts as an actual physical building--perhaps where I wasn't clear. If you are referring to an actual precinct--geographical region--it is already done that way in Paulding.

    Ok, no I wasnt meaning that we need physical buildings. I wasnt sure if we have zones out here or not. i was guilty of rambling on about something that I wasnt educated on. Happens often.

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