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Posts posted by tow2topgun

  1. Oh, no you didn't!!! JDL...you have no idea about my faith!! It's not always weak!!! :p


    Did you see my edit above?


    Oh blah blah blah....i was not talking about your faith. I was refering to your heart being smarter than your head. :lol:

  2. Its the Big 3 you forgot Penn State. By the way do you know that SEC teams vs. Big 10 Teams through out the last 50 years have almost a split record in bowls and regular season games? Its just recently that the Big 10 as a whole has sucked. I could careless though as long as Michigan does well.




    There running a two QB system according to ESPN this A.M.




    I would hope so if your a UGA fan you should NEVER root for Florida, NEVER! Like I said, I would rather see OSU win but I will NEVER ROOT for them. There is a difference. I guess thats where I'm different then most - I can sit and watch a game and not have a rooting interest in either team.


    I'm a Dawg fan but you must admit that the MI vs. FL game was about the best bowl game thus far as far as the game goes.

  3. I also wanted to say that sometimes I feel like my faith is not strong enough, or that I'm not in God's will enough, for my prayer to be answered. It's at times like those that I rely on others with stronger faith to help me pray because I just flat out don't have the strength to do it myself. :)



    Okay smartypants! :p It came right from my heart...which is sometimes smarter than my head! :)

    "Sometimes"? HAHAHAHAHA :lol:

  4. Quintain, I totally see what you are saying, but I feel like each of us is appointed a time to die. Any verse can be taken out of context, and I feel like that is why it is important to read the entire Bible and pray for guidance and wisdom as we do so. None of it is cut and dry, and any verse can be misinterpreted. That's kind of where faith comes into play...we just have to trust that God knows what is best for us, because our human minds are incapable of grasping the whys and why-nots of everything.


    As for the OP's question, I think it's more of a comfort thing, and like Madea said, "where two or more are gathered in my name". That's NOT to say that one prayer can't be heard, but the comfort of knowing others are sharing your burden and have true concern for you and your situation means a lot sometimes.


    I understand what you're saying about being private. I used to be a very private person, but I've learned that the more people who love me that I allow myself to lean on, the better off I am. When you try to shoulder it all yourself sometimes it can be enough to crush you. The Bible also says, "Pride goeth before a fall" so I've learned to let my dignity go sometimes. JMHO. ;)


    Now who came up with that and typed it for you. I have known you long enough to know that you didn't make up all of that! Impressive!

  5. I've used something similar. I walk around the house in my white socks and at the end of the day the socks are all black and dirty just like those de-tox pads. I think the socks are cheaper, so I'd try them first.

    You could also put some double sided tape on there and I bet that would get even blacker! Hey I am onto something here! I'm calling the patent office right now!

  6. If an emergency vehicle is escorting the procession then the entire procession falls under this code section. I'm sure yourignorant self will rebuke this also though. There is law, although it was made for idiots like you, it should go without saying......


    § 40-6-74. Operation of vehicles on approach of authorized emergency vehicles



    (a) Upon the immediate approach of an authorized emergency vehicle or a vehicle belonging to a federal, state, or local law enforcement agency making use of an audible signal and visual signals meeting the requirements of Code Section 40-6-6, the driver of every other vehicle shall yield the right of way and shall immediately drive to a position parallel to, and as close as possible to, the right-hand edge or curb of the roadway clear of any intersection and shall stop and remain in such position until the authorized emergency vehicle or law enforcement vehicle has passed, except when otherwise directed by a police officer.


    (B) This Code section shall not operate to relieve the driver of any authorized emergency vehicle from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons using the highway.



  7. you need a law to be stopped huh:

    § 40-6-76. Funeral processions



    (a) As used in this Code section, a "funeral procession" means an array of motor vehicles in which the lead vehicle displays a sign, pennant, flag, or other insignia furnished by a funeral home indicating a funeral procession unless led by a state or local law enforcement vehicle and each vehicle participating in the funeral procession is operating its headlights.


    (B) Funeral processions shall have the right of way at intersections subject to the following conditions and exceptions:


    (1) Operators of vehicles in a funeral procession shall yield the right of way upon the approach of an authorized emergency vehicle or law enforcement vehicle giving an audible and visual signal; and


    (2) Operators of vehicles in a funeral procession shall yield the right of way when directed to do so by a traffic officer.


    © Funeral processions escorted by the police, a sheriff, or a sheriff's deputy shall have the right of way in any street or highway through which they may pass. Local governments may, by ordinance, provide for such escort service and provide for the imposition of reasonable fees to defray the cost of such service.


    (d) The operator of a vehicle not in a funeral procession shall not interrupt a funeral procession except when authorized to do so by a traffic officer or when such vehicle is an authorized emergency vehicle or law enforcement vehicle giving an audible and visual signal.


    (e) Operators of vehicles not a part of a funeral procession shall not join a funeral procession by operating their headlights for the purpose of securing the right of way granted by this Code section to funeral processions.


    (f) The operator of a vehicle not in a funeral procession shall not attempt to pass vehicles in a funeral procession on a two-lane highway.


    (g) Any person violating subsection (d), (e), or (f) of this Code section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $100.00.


    (h) Any law enforcement officer who is directing or escorting a funeral procession in this state, whether such service is provided while on duty or not, shall enjoy the same immunities from liability as the officer possesses while in the performance of other official duties.



  8. ME too. You need a lot of mayberries though. WERD.

    So I have heard.. Someone compared me to you the other day and I wasn't sure if that was good or bad.....

    What's a mayberry? Opposite of a bullet? Got 3 of them in a week (my first week).

  9. If your attitude at work is like it is here on pcom then maybe you ARE THAT BAD!!!!

    Just don't Pi$$ me off...

    I have an opinion ("attitude" according to you I think) just like everyone else and will voice it. I say what some want to but are afraid of being politically uncorrect. ^_^

  10. Not liking th place is your prerogative.....I'm sure that you didn't wish for it to catch fire though...right?

    Do not recall ever saying anything about wanting to see the place burn. Looked back in the post as well and don't think I even came close to saying that I wanted to see it burn. SIMPLY said I didn't like the place....... :huh:

  11. That's a good thing because now the pressure will be on to give Richt the bigger contract that he deserves. If June Jones makes 2 then Mark Richt should make at least 3.





    You'll find more overall speed and better athletes in Conference USA, so it will definitely be more of a challenge for his offense. Most of those teams are located in this general area and often land talented players who get overlooked by the big SEC programs. That really showed when East Carolina took it to Boise State. But there are more than enough players to go around in Texas and I'm sure that his name alone will be good at attracting some decent QB and WR prospects. I'm sure he'll just be glad to make more in-home visits for a change. Unless a player came to them, their location and recruiting budget put them at a major disadvantage to the rest of 1-A when it came to recruiting players on the mainland. Colt Brennen and Davone Bess were two of the best players that he ever had at Hawaii and he never would have had either if they hadn't have both got into trouble and lost their scholarships at Colorado and Oregon State.

    $3 Million??? Saban makes $4 Million.......... UREAL huh?

  12. Well yall need to quit eating like rabbits then. The BBQ leaves a lot to be desired for me and I ain't paying over $30 for 2 kids to eat a burger/ hot dog and for my wife and I to get a BQ plate and a rib plate. Let me guess, someone is gonna say it doesn't cost me that much right...............

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