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Posts posted by tow2topgun

  1. better than green jello.

    Green Jello? She hasnt told me about that one. I think it is great how we can just chat in these forums but most everyone else act like they know EVERYTHING and need to prove to us that they do in fact know EVERYTHING. Just like being happy go lucky myself. I know enough.....

  2. I forgot. You are fragile and delicate. I'll lighten up on you. Need a hanky? So sorry.

    My demise? I see you've been paying attention.

    Paying attention? Now my wife wants to shove me into some concrete ball and throw me overboard :o I told her this was to happen AFTER i died not while I was still alive!!!!!!!!!!!! :o :o :o

  3. Jacques Cousteau, is that you? :p

    My boat is in the lake at the damn. It is sitting in over 20 feet of water. It's normal for this time of year.

    Must you ALWAYS be a smarta$$? Geez I am hardly ever and you are ALWAYS!

    Oh yea and maybe they can bury ya near the dam under yer boat in a coral reef ball when you expire and become room temp. :p

  4. I thought it was more like $800.....?

    Maybe, I'm not sure. I do think they did change it to $799. So you might be correct.

    To the OP, what kind of car, motor, problems? There is an emissons shop over by paulding hospital and he got my old jeep cherokee to pass.

  5. It was bad. There were so many lights out there, and the bright head lights from all of those responding did make it hard to see. On top of that, there were many pedestrians who had pulled over to see about helping, and so many people standing on the side of the road watching. We drove through VERY SLOWLY to keep from making a bad situation worst.

    Thats more than most can say. We had to go through there twice and people were going through like they had been shot out of a gun.

  6. I would hardly compare Ghost Busters to "explorers"! I guess in the most simplest form of the word, yes. But as far as actually finding anything worth while (to me) it is just a waste of time.

  7. We passed this last night. There were lots of emergency vehicles. The car went down an embankment and hit the pole at the bottom. It looked awful. I had a horrible feeling when I saw the car.

    I had a horrible feellin when I couldn't see the trooper that was directing traffic. Had thier lights blinding us and he was standing behind them. Luckily he didn't get a life flight!!

  8. So does spell check. Guess you don't see that either. :blink: :rolleyes: :p

    Yes, I will be the first to agree that I am not a great speller but I ain't the moron looking for plasma balls or figments of my imagination. Have yall even seen the Marshmallow man from ghost busters? I am almost certain that he must in fact EXIST!

    Yea, I'm the tool!


  9. You people are serious huh? True Ghost Busters? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: MERCY!!!!!!

    Although, I hunt deer and turkey so I don't guess my sport is much different since I rarely ever see what I am hunting for. Oh yea, the big difference is, Deer and Turkey do exsist! :lol: :lol: :lol:

  10. Funny how those who gripe the most about Ms. Jesse tend to act the most like her. Just an observation, but a funny one.

    Not gripping about her, just think she is odd and an eye sore while in Hiram. No need in screaming at folks on the street corner. No one is getting her message (whatever it may be) while driving 55 mph down 278 and on the phone, shaving, waxing their legs, tweezzing their eyebrows, reading the newspaper, rolling their joints, playing PSII on the in car tv, and mixing their vodka and orange juice.

  11. Chick?!?! I prefer "Ol Broad". -_-

    Sorry Ma'am....

    Ya know, I got to thinking, Paulding is full of odd folks! We have jessie, The Dancing Man (nuttier than squirel Sh$%), and now there is a recent addition. There is a younger dark black female that screams on the corner of Scoggins Rd at Hwy 61. Think I am gonna get a water filtration system installed at my house!!!! :o

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