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Posts posted by tow2topgun

  1. I think your off your rocker,there prices are good and if you don't like it that's you.But to say they will raise there prices to cover this accident is outa bounds. They have insurance,they will have business as normal, I for one enjoy it and I have noticed several other people do also. ;)

    Yea Yea whatever....like I said, I do not enjoy it. I think you just copried and pasted my original post huh?

  2. Tebow was about the best one in the running. Colt Brennen (Hawaii QB) COME ON! He was good as long as they played a WAC team but as soon as he was put up against a real (SEC) team, he folded and cried like a lil girl (Literally!!)

  3. In the popo's defense it did go away from the original post but no one was trying to change anyones minds and I thought it was a decent debate. Friendly even. But, yea you are probably right

  4. As an educator, I firmly believe your children, and my children, and every child in this country has a right and a duty to THINK FOR THEMSELVES, to be what they are drawn to be, and to be their own person.


    I am absolutely shocked you would even try to defend the video.

    1st of all, I ain't defending the video because I think that is too extreme. I do think however that your children think what you think. You mold them and they become a younger version of you. Not always but usually. If you are a racist then your kids will most likely be the same. If you grow them up in a church then they will continue to go to church as adults. I don't agree that they think for themselves. They or most go through a rebelion stage in their teen years but then revert back to your way of thinking. Not absolutely but very closely.

  5. I suppose if people cross their eyes hard enough and stick their fingers in their ears far enough, they can live in whatever fantasy world they want to believe in, screw history, they'll make up their own and use the Bible to back 'em up...

    Is the following not history?

    "And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with his wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever." Thomas Jefferson


    "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men."



  6. And I support your right to feel that way, but when laws and legislation are passed by lawmakers to exclude, intimidate, and persicute homosexuals based on the lawmakers religious beliefs, that is wrong on every level...

    The lawmakers are basing their "beliefs" on those that which our GREAT nation were based and founded on. Ya know, Christianity...

  7. Homosexuality is against the christian faith and beliefs (aka. SIN) I cannot judge you (not you but a general term) if you choose to sin but can only pray for you as a Christian. I DO NOT however have to nor do I agree with this lifestyle! I think straight people should begin shouting from the tops of our breath that we are straight and have parades and wear shirts and get us a ribbon!

    Oh yea, I am a PROUD JESUS THUMPER too!!

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