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Everything posted by gpatt0n

  1. I do that with the car I bought from them. pubby
  2. All eyewitness testimony is subject to discrepancies from one telling to another. Many people have been convicted by such testimony as coached by DAs eager to get convictions. The choice to throw out, wholesale, all testimony that contracted the raging bull image of the kid, who at first ran, then, like Michael in this scene, turned and charged, is as those on the right would say, a choice. It is almost a choice like that of the old southern farmer who ran across a labor bus that had turned over in a ditch. Things being the way they were at the time, he just took his tractor and covered
  3. the understanding of the way that grand juries work in 99.99 percent of the cases brought before these local entities nation wide is that the District Attorney presents only the information that the DA thinks will back his/her intention to prosecute the target of the indictment. What the DA in St. Louis did was that one in 100,000 cases where he presents more information and probably explains to the grand jury in non-evidence moments of the secret meetings, that he doesn't think he could get a conviction if he tried. The point is his actions say that he was not interested in prosecuting
  4. You, CNN, Fox, CBS, MSNBC all totally ignored the black cop shooting to death the youngster in Utah. I never saw the story and only heard about it third hand here. Not being in Utah, I didn't look into it. I don't think you could consume any news media in the USA since August without being inundated with the Michael Brown case. People talk about it and so, being manipulated by the MSM, you talk about, stradial talks about it, newsjunky talks about ... and I talk about it. I read about it too. I wouldn't be and you wouldn't be talking about it if it wasn't on the radar of the national
  5. Why aren't you? pubby PS: Actually I am of the opinion that all LEO ought to be automatically indicted and directed to a full trial for shooting and injuring or killing an unarmed person. I think such a law might allow the DA to drop the charges on the presentation to the a grand jury or some such but I think we need to erect incentives against, instead of for, officers shooting unarmed persons. I just see that happening too often whereas, I get the impression from you zorro, that if they piled a couple of thousand more bodies in mass graves doing this, you'd be good with it. Why
  6. Liar, lair pants on fire. I don't want officer wilson to be guilty of shooting brown. As to it being racially motivated... the plain fact is that an office shot an unarmed kid. I think that I would like to see a court battle that pits someone who believes it was those things against someone who believes that officer wilson acted with the highest morality and professionalism. That is the conflict and I don't know which side would have the most compelling story. What I do suspect is that current law provides wide latitude for the use of deadly force and that officers are resorting to sa
  7. You ought not judge others so harshly stonewall. I just know that what we're being fed by the media - Fox/MSNBC/CNN/ABC/CBS, etc is a narrative that has about as much to do with the reality of the situation in Ferguson as does my little story. It is all BS. I thought I would entertain you with as plausible an alternative narrative as possible. And heck, if you understand the implication of the multiverse, there is literally certainty that in some existence, my story is not just entertaining and fanciful but right and your belief is wrong. Since when does pandering to the popula
  8. They should advertise on FOX NEWS. Two points. While the story espoused by Darren Wilson was consistent with the physical evidence in the autopsies, there are other, less flattering narratives that also could be consistent with the physical evidence. As far as there not being rioting when OJ was acquitted ... there was great consternation. Still, it was okay for both whites and blacks because it confirmed that we were not a racist society to many because, for the first time, a black man could kill white people and get away with it because they have enough money to hire the best
  9. Bang bang, your dead ...No I'm not ... is a famously trite line from the 'play' performed by kids since before I was born and that was some time ago. It is called cops and robbers and it is a chase game that I'm sure folks still play. Similar to that game ... where the imaginary bullets never truly find their mark ... are the modern self-indulged renditions that also fail to teach the harsh realities of the deadly game of cops and robbers in virtual streets of your PlayStation edition of grand theft auto xx. Two parents, one parent or orphans, it makes little difference. I know that t
  10. It doesn't surprise me that they are Democrats ... it is an urban area. It also wouldn't surprise me that they saw the opportunity presented. Actually, that one of the things the DA did correctly ... although it is important to remember that the data dump was pro-forma. When you close a criminal case, the data in the file becomes public record. Since the DA et.al expected to have the information requested through FOIA, they just compiled it and published it on the web for all to see. No one condones it but it happens and it is often predictable. Further one perception of the
  11. I'm not in Ferguson, I've never 'reported on this case' so what makes you think that was a journalistic effort? But you're right, that is not 'journalism' ... it is opinion, speculation and observation. pubby
  12. I'm tell you guys ... 70 percent of this ... maybe more was street theater. What makes you think the upright folks in Ferguson are any less immune to gaming the system than the bankers on Wall Street? They saw an opportunity coming ... how do you profit from rioting ... and it is a fair bet somebody did. Do know that everyone knows absolutely that the fires in Ferguson were arson - intentionally set. What inventory was reported in the buildings and burned or looted that wasn't even there, was obsolete or what have you. The authorities gave everyone an eight-hour announcement allo
  13. Michael Brown is dead. Nothing is going to bring him back. What will keep other young, stupid kids from acting in such a way as to get them killed by potentially overzealous cops who are quick to pull the trigger. I still feel he should have been indicted and and aggressively prosecuted knowing that in the end, he would likely be judged innocent. So why go through this 'theater' and have the officer and his attorney fight for their innocence? Two reasons. The narrative of the officer justifying the shooting (assuming of course it would be) would be a good lesson for all the s
  14. I let my wife drive the HHR because it gets better gas mileage and I loaned my truck to a friend. pubby
  15. While there is damage including several fires, the reality is that this level of destruction could have been caused by a dozen individuals planning for this kind of effect. From what I saw of the crowd that was protesting, it was a mixed race affair with about 20-25 percent white and the balance black. There were some angry protesters but it didn't look like any number of riots I've seen in the past and it wasn't like the cameras were able to see and follow a mob of looters making an effort. The timing of the announcement, the telegraphing of that timing and its hour of the night was
  16. Okay, some drunks got together and plotted this was a good time to loot the liquor store too ... okay The shots being fired ... sure they aren't coming from the KKK ... they promised to be there, locked and loaded, ... or do you think they were skeered off by anonymous? pubby
  17. My skin's thick, Glenn ... but it is lowrider who has the audacity to complain about an ingrown toenail. pubby
  18. It is a surreal scene. As to the fires, I get the feeling that at least one of them was a set up - I mean if you had a business or building there wouldn't you make sure that damage from vandalism or a riot would be covered? I mean this is St. Louis County (Ferguson, MO) and most of the landowners are absentee. Consider also that there has not been much in the way of looting. You would expect 'looters' to try and make off with goods rather than arson anyway. With every yahoo predicting 'this' ... what a perfect cover and way to blame the 'black guys'... a lot better situation
  19. I'm hoping that it can be fixed tomorrow. I've got road assistance through the insurance and all I need is a place to take it who can fix it pubby
  20. Sitting here with a broken down car and realizing that the way it happened, I dodged a bad, bad bullet. LIterally as I was beginning to pull out of the parking lot here at the office, my right front ball joint popped, the wheel went askew and the car came to an abrupt halt. It hurt to put it into reverse and back up five feet out of the street but that was necessary. I can't imagine what would have happened had I been running along at 45 or even faster and this happened. The car would have immediately spun to the left (the rear end) and possibly even rolled. The abrupt stop would h
  21. you're welcome. I was relieved, considering where it was originally posted, that someone may have been slicing up the dead. pubby
  22. As far as the topic. A decision has been reached but has not been announced. pubby
  23. I know about the black panthers ... they were an urban group of black power/black separatists active in the 60's and 70's and were taken out in several confrontations. I'm not often impressed with the designation "NEW" as a descriptor of an old 'movement,' especially when it is being used by the MSM. Maybe the term has just been overused by Madison Avenue ... you know, "introducing the all New Mars Bar ... small, lighter and with less chocolate for just a few pennies more." I mean adding "new" to things like that just seems contrived, you know like, introducing the "new Beatles" ...
  24. My intention was for the video to speak for anonymous as I certainly don't. Considering free speech, I considered the klan's threat, the klan's insulting reaction to the warning issued by anonymous, the hacking of the klan site by anonymous in retaliation and the klan's abandonment of the web to avoid further virtual humiliation a 'side-war.' If the klan does start killing, that will be something closer to a real war in an analogue reality. The reports that I got suggested, not bombs, but guns and that ATF had arrested two guys with presumed ties to the New Black Panther
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