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Blunt Trauma

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Everything posted by Blunt Trauma

  1. In my work there was a saying. "Sign it so that your half blind 84 year old granny could get thru it at night if she had a snoot full." You have to expect a percentage of the population to come thru your area with that degree of situational awareness. Right or wrong that's just a fact of life when you deal with people.
  2. Wish I was there. Never been. But the bikes in for major surgery anyway. Maybe after.
  3. Then obviously it wasn't. But reading comprehension skills are still up in the air.
  4. If you are going to shout to the world how you would pounce into action in a situation like this and you have never had a gun fired at you (or even pointed at you for that matter) in anger, then please include a qualifying sentence. Something like "I am of course a chest thumping blowhard who has no idea what I'm talking about, I just think I'm that tough for no substantial reason." You know, something like that.
  5. I already knew I was a Libertarian. Ah, if only they had a clue on national defense. There's 10 minutes I'll never get back.
  6. According to 24/7 Wall St., at 61.1 fatalities per million residents over a 5 year period from 2011 to 2015 the most dangerous state to live in when it comes to weather is............................................................ Alabama! The majority of that statistic being attributal to tornadoes. It's just a theory, but I believe it's possible that they have this problem with tornadoes because Alabama both sucks AND blows so badly. Thus creating dangerous vortices. Discuss.
  7. Heard the thunder rolling in while I was in the shower. The first thought was "Man, I need to get out of this shower" . But then it occurred to me that if cleanliness IS next to godliness, then if you show up at the pearly gates with a back scrubber in your hand, that oughta be an automatic right there.
  8. Does the elderly lady with dementia have a problem with forgetting she's already said something and then repeating herself?
  9. Copied and pasted from the 11Alive News site "Around 11 p.m. officials sent in a robot to try to locate the man and found his body."
  10. In the larger sense the answer to that would be entirely a matter of perspective. As short as possible, it condenses to the fact that the situation ended in a suicide.
  11. Right behind Kroger up in rich folk land. Only somebody with a sure 'nuff sense of entitlement orders a pizza in the middle of a SWAT standoff.
  12. Be it right, wrong or indifferent, when they go back up it will look like a welcome mat to the ACLU. Buckle up folks.
  13. Tried the chili dog at the 278 store. Good dog, good chili, curiously chewy bun. 4 stinkin' dollars.
  14. Just watched a guy stand in front of a voting booth for a good 10 minutes while repeatedly asking a poll worker "Are we voting on the airport this time?" and when told no asking "Well when are we going to vote on it?". If you got no clue, do everybody a favor and stay home.
  15. Your late to the party on Fred's. They made it in the 2nd post of the thread and would have made the first one without so many murdered brain cells on my part.Tried the gyro at the 278 store. It was big and pretty good. They got the order slightly wrong and the sandwich was $10. But what the heck, I'll take out a second mortgage and try the dog.
  16. Eenie Beanie Chilli Weenie the Spirits are About to Speak. Three weeks into the new gathering I'm seeing a bowl on a table near the door. Inside that bowl I see many sets of keys. Looking on into the parlor I see.....wait....whats that......is it an angry walrus...........an impassioned shiatsu......no it's....it's........OH GOD!!!!!.......MY EYES!!!!......MY EYES!!!......
  17. Yes'm, I have. I've gone so far as to copy as close as I could the varsity's chili. Got pretty close if I say so myself. Unless you have a toaster/steamer and your own recipe buns it just ain't the same. And now I have leftover 6 weenies and 6 buns.
  18. OH MMMMMY GOD!!!!!! LUM'S.......do ya remember LUM'S? The BEST FREAKIN DOGS EVER!!!!!!
  19. Yeah forgot Fred's, went by HoA the other day and got one. I'd say they're second to HH. Never ever will I walk into the BBQ house again, thanks but just......no. And beans? AND a fork!???????????? Choices man.....choices.
  20. Like a lot of folks I guess sometimes you get on a certain "kick". Lately for me it's been chili dogs. Yeah there bad for ya and there's government regulations for the acceptable level of insect body segents and all that, But sometimes.....sigh. OK, I'm back. Did a Homer Simpson for a second. Anywho, as far as I'm concerned the perfect example is the Varsity "Heavy Dog". Bun, weenie, mustard and double chili then throw on some minced onion. In my youth (to be honest, right up until a couple of years ago) I'd sit down and do some damage on these, now it's just the one occasionally, so you k
  21. Consider that nit picked. So, in the sentence which previously stated: "So, do you suck it up and fight the fight, or get some help from renters and visitors." Please read instead: So, do you suck it up and fight the fight, or get some help from the net tax consumer class which tends to be renters and, seperately, visitors of which there are not many.
  22. Torn on SPLOST's in general. My past tells me that these governments are (in all practicality) going to operate at a given funding level. The only two real questions are what level of funding are the people willing to live with and where does it come from. Voting no is the only way to communicate to officials that they are exceding what you're willing to live with. But in the short term, that's not going to be the first message that those officials perceive and they will get that same funding somewhere. The only place they can reach into to get that much money is the pocket of the property
  23. Get yourself a chimenia, automatic recreational fire. Now should you decide to place that chimenia on your wooden deck there is the possibility of your recreational fire being much bigger than first invisioned.
  24. Macland is State Route 360. Information including a general description of the work, proposed let date(s), proposed completion dates, etc. can be found on GDOT's website. Unless you happen to know someone working on the project in the preliminary planning stage, you can't get more current and accurate information.
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