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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. Now if Eddie had any doubts about voting for Obama you just cleared them up for him......He can't wait for November....One DA voting for another DA.....
  2. Hope you have a very speedy recovery !!!
  3. I hear the same old drum beating again.....over and over and over....
  4. A Plymouth...Really?? what year?? Shoulda shown your wife a real good time and gone to Merle's BBQ...
  5. A little case of wealth envy this morning?? Hope ya get to feeling better real soon.
  6. Brighter azz kickin days are ahead !!! Glad you're feeling better, welcome back.
  7. sarcasm. Shows it makes no significant difference.
  8. Well, who would have guessed.....Democrats won't agree... "In fact, the study found that higher tax rates for the wealthy are statistically associated with higher levels of growth." http://finance.yahoo.com/news/tax-cuts-rich-dont-spur-151649273.html
  9. about a 5-6 foot black rat snake in my garage, got him out so he go kill and eat some field mice... What kind was on your stairs?
  10. I couldn't wait to see the next picture after the tomato ......
  11. The golf course is where the real action is !!..........
  12. In your liberal Party they really keep you guys up to speed on Adolf Hitler, is that part of your training? You reference Adolf quite often. But I really think mrnn really zoomed past you for the liberal left lead....
  13. Probably thought he was watching SVU program on TV.
  14. Damn !! Georgia Tech has made you real smart.....
  15. Is the tax rate he pays legal?? He didn't write the tax code.
  16. SS goes out different times of the month depending on your SS#
  17. Not mine !!!............ Silent death..no odor, except for that little burnt cloth smell.
  18. xxrsellars


    Just curious, where did you get yours???..........We're waiting...
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