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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. The places that I did know of have all closed down....will check around.
  2. Worth thr drive for us, stopped by yesterday after reading all the reviews...... Great stuff, will just have to get there a lillte sooner for a better selection. Good Luck !!!
  3. If in the basement it's normally the outlet located close to the circuit breaker box.
  4. If the passenger had made a joke to that same TSA person, you know where the passenger would be........ JAIL !!
  5. Good luck to you and be careful up there with them northern folks (didn't want to say yankee, might offend someone).......
  6. You forgot the main one.......BHO.....you know, the one with the empty suit.....
  7. You are so correct........ These folks didn't break in, they walked through the security line along with the other people and were allowed to proceed by the so called "Security Staff". They should be hired by TSA and WH security......they're good.
  8. You're right, but they need to stay away from the road..........
  9. Need to plant that picture on the front page of the Dallas New ERA, like a weekly event.
  10. Prayer sent....Hope everything turns out well for this family.
  11. Me too !!! Every weekend is a 4 day for me...wait, it may be 5....I think it's 7....Ah hell, I don't care, I'm off everyday....
  12. Has a Temple Address, Lives on hwy 113 in Draketown Community.
  13. I must have missed the reports, he has a temple address (as I do but live in Paulding).
  14. Read this morning that the shooter Jessi James Warren lives in Draketown Community on hwy 113, that's about five minutes from me, I thout he was from the Cobb County area.
  15. Yep !! heat up the grease, they need to be fried !!
  16. Good one !!!! I had to wear two (front&back) when I had to take my walks so they couldn't "ICU"...........
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