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Everything posted by xxrsellars

  1. As will be evidenced shortly, some would prefer to remain asleep.....sad
  2. Congrats To you all !!! Thanks for his service ( He beat me by 4+years. Now it's time for another career. Wish him well !!
  3. Maybe has something to do with your opinion....
  4. Bet TP could provide you some awesome charts on this...
  5. Yep, The one just before your post....
  6. Not to be harsh, but they need to take Smith and castrate him, shoot roofing tar up his azz and let him have a slow miserable death.
  7. True, you work as a team or it don't work.
  8. Guess I'll have t lock her in the room.
  9. Not speaking for others, but to me the best diversity training was when I was in the Army. In the early 60's stationed in Panama, open bay barracks, guy's from all backgrounds and colors,we worked together, ate together, slept together (separate bunks)and would go into Panama City together to have fun, go to the snack bar or movies together. It seems more strained today than it did back then, maybe it's just me.
  10. Thanks for your Service !! I spent 21 years, but when I enlisted in 1961, we had the WAC's (Woman Army Corp)they had their side of the post, we had ours, didn't live in the same buildings, Not in combat areas. Sometimes I could go for weeks without seeing a female soldier. NO, we did not have the problems that they have today. And I believe you're correct, the 18-22 year old were a lot more mature than they are today.
  11. Not to worry.....Jesse Jackson and his group are going to investigate.... "Paula Deen fired by Food Network, investigated by Jesse Jackson's group" http://www.accessatlanta.com/weblogs/buzz/2013/jun/21/paula-deen-releases-video-statement/
  12. I got along great with my Uncle and he would do anything for the family. But he did have a very low tolerance for BS. He was a very wealthy man, and traveled a lot. I feel very bad for the things he and whoever the others are did.
  13. My Uncle murdered three people and an FBI agent, he died in prison... Based on your analogy I must be dangerous....
  14. What does that have to do with anything????
  15. Those Kids deserved a lot better than what they received. OH, and about Paula Dean, I don't watch her, but at least she Admits it.
  16. watch chu talkin bout willis ?
  17. Gotta keep the Racism fire burning....This kinda crap doesn't help the racial divide... "Chicago Teachers Union Boss Blames 'Rich White People' For School Woes" "When will we address the fact that rich white people"........ http://www.ijreview.com/2013/06/60390-chicago-teachers-union-boss-blames-rich-white-people-for-school-woes/
  18. That is a skill right there !!! The only way I can fold a fitted sheet is roll it up like a sleeping bag.
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