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Everything posted by adult.

  1. Down at the bottom, click the drop-down menu that says "IP.Board" and select "IP.Board Lo Fi." After it changes, go back to this menu and change it back to "IP.Board."
  2. Just curious, what operating system and browser do you use?
  3. adult.


  4. adult.


    Communist propaganda! They just want to scare us into drinking the fluoridated water!
  5. I was going to give your post a positive vote, but I've apparently met my quota for the day. So I'll star bump instead!
  6. Can't we gather from all this that IE sucks and everyone should have moved to FF long ago? And people still use AOL?
  7. What are those, regular buns? Try grilled cheese sandwiches and we'll talk.
  8. That is not true. I would pay $700 for a box of Steve Jobs' sheeze.
  9. I'm not going to pretend I've been reading the vaccine topics, or even a single post in this thread, but check out this potential (hilarious) side effect. I wouldn't be able to take this woman seriously. Of course, I can't take women seriously to begin with.
  10. The original lyrics referenced Dr. Dre, but he apparently isn't fresh enough.
  11. Personally, I don't see how any of that is equivalent to denying a couple a marriage license.
  12. And the Jay-Z song was on, and the Jay-Z song was on, and the Jay-Z song was ON!
  13. You're right, I'm sorry. The oven needs to be around 400, while internal temperature only needs to reach 150. My bad.
  14. No, no, rectal gives you an accurate reading. But 101 is way too low; you want the internal temperature to be somewhere around 400.
  15. “Kanye I respect you and I’m gonna let you quit but Michael Jackson had one of the biggest cancelled tours of all time.”
  16. Perhaps he intentionally took all of those drugs together, but he didn't necessarily intend to die as a result.
  17. [ url = "http://www.twloha.com/webcast" ] [ img ] http://www.twloha.com/files/library/twloha...st_10-05-09.jpg [/img] [/url] Without spaces.
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