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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Grow up? You need to remember what is fundamentally right and wrong. Put your money where your mouth is. I did the Christmas float one year........in fact we, p.com, won that year.......perhaps we were on the same project. I feel I've done my share helping animals and people in this county over the years. I also feel I don't have to prove myself to anyone.
  2. Cash, our of your pocket is proof of a commitment to a site that promotes and supports a community.
  3. Hush. You, a member that does not pay for his /her membership has no place to talk. You don't support this site. Sorry, but that is the way it is.
  4. By the way, he does this with very little support from the most vocal. Again, this alone shows his commitment to this community.
  5. Know what? Pubby is not an elected official, therefore he can express his opinions ON HIS OWN MESSAGE BOARD. Just the fact that he has bought and paid for his board to be part of our county shows his commitment to the community. Go rant and rave to your commissors.
  6. Then go to your commissioner. Pubby has no say except how he chooses to run his board.
  7. Why are people ganging up on Pubby for HIS expressions/opinions? If you have questions, go to the commissioners or individuals and let them speak for themselves. Jeez folks!
  8. At one point didn't the Morrisons receive communications from the courts in the form of a settlement? At least there was some kind of communication. Understand, I am not condoning the actions of the court.
  9. The liberals voted in the county leadership? Being that Paulding co., ga., is largely republican, I'm not sure how that could be factual.
  10. OK......I'll put this out there. What is Blakes last name? Swafford? Hummmmmmm. Take it from there.
  11. I disagree......I think he was influenced with MJ's talent but he's his own person. He grew up with MJ....how could it be any other way? I do think he is catering to mainstream, but there's nothing wrong with that. He does it with talent instead of blah, blah, blah..... I really like Bruno Mars and I think he knows how to market himself. Good for him! Let's just enjoy and bop around to his music!
  12. I made a comment and then I thought.....I'm really not willing to have ANY kind of bad whatever between me and a member who I believe is a true stand up guy.
  13. I do too. I cut through Scoggins and go the back way. In fact, a past member, Solo, told me about that way.
  14. Yea, I don't think either one of us would go for the real gangster thing.
  15. This is a major question that's been bugging me. Just how many of the anti-group have a personal bone to pick with the county government? Is that why they protest? I wonder about this a good bit. While I'm more than sure the county government has crossed citizens, is this the way to get your pound of flesh?
  16. Mainstream perhaps but I defy folks to say they can sit still during this song. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OPf0YbXqDm0 Just awesome!
  17. My impression was that the county never had a plan to run the airport, oversee? Perhaps, but not run. So, in order to make revenue they enter into a agreement with a private entity, I'm betting it's a lease in reality, but let's call it an agreement. So they sit down and exchange information to ensure its a safe bet and that they will be able to collect rent and they enter into an "agreement." What gives private citizens the right to demand a business plan from a private entity? Define from who the business plan should come. Maybe that will help to clear up what is asked.
  18. I know what a business plan is as well as the layout, expenses vs projected profits, projected promotion, etc. What I don't understand is how private citizens should expect to see the business plan of a private venture. And frankly I don't how how a private citizen would come to review this plan with any kind of informed opinion as to the running of an airport. Honestly, that has been my main objection from the get go.
  19. I've only seen the county commissioners running the county, not the county administrator. So, I have to ask, how has the past county administrator been running the county? I'm aware that the county is not set up to be run by an administrator NJ. I don't believe, except in case of emergency, any county is. Administrators are not elected officials.
  20. Of course it is, no man is an island. I'm not clear, other than the background check issue, how has Mike Jones been running the county? I'm sorry if I misunderstood, but that's what I thought you were saying.
  21. With the last county administrator being gone, I'm curious how the county is or was being run by him. Day to day business is being done. No? What was he did to indicate that he was running the county? Exactly?
  22. I think it would help if there was a general support for the ventures that want to come to the county. While I have your ear.....what's the deal with the "business plan?" Are you asking for the day to day operational plan, the study of which was paid for by a private entity? That's not going to happen simply because they paid for it and it's up to them if they want to share. Can't think what the county government has to do with this. Who's going to sell the airport? The people who are going to profit from it! Private business as far as I can tell. All the pieces are not yet in place
  23. The references to hiring competent people is confusing to me. Once everything is ready to go, I would expect that qualified people to run the day to day operations, on both the administrative and technical side, would be sought out and hired. I would also expect that the FFA has minimum requirements to be met. I've always gotten the impression that some expect to see Blake Swafford handling baggage as well as air traffic control. Seriously.
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