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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. To show such disrespect to a man who comes in prayer and peace qualifies you for that title.
  2. Smooch some Pope butt? Ugh. Pig. Yes, we believe in separation of church and state but we cannot have either without both. That is the best way I can say it. IOW, One should not over rule the other.
  3. I was taught that you can only be responsible for your own actions. You cannot control the actions of others.
  4. You don't have to be Catholic to benefit from a holy man administrating a message of love and compassion for your fellow man. We all could benefit from that, especially now.
  5. He actually went into the crowd to give hugs. I bet the secret service was having a stroke! So glad to see this visit!
  6. You might want to check into a suicide watch for the day after the election.
  7. Good. He did it knowingly without regard, he should pay dearly.
  8. I wish there was some kind of penalty issued to the members that are on a seemlessly never ending hunt for TBAR cause it's gotten old, really old.
  9. Boy, you guys are a bunch of fancy pants. http://www.thatsjackedup.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/redneck_mailbox.jpg Hey! It gets the job done.
  10. Yes, it gets subsidies based on reduced rates for non profits and the like. Much more is covered under rate increases. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/explainer/2001/07/how_does_the_postal_service_pay_its_bills.html
  11. She is. But she also had the right to recluse herself. https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/3coi9x/why_people_claim_county_clerks_should_be_fired/
  12. In my experience, which is limited, roofers are the scum of the earth. But since they have ongoing work in your hood, perhaps they will pay. Do they have a corporate office? Good luck.
  13. Could be but from what I've read, they are being turned away because the country couldn't afford them.
  14. While you would like to promote that mindset, you're wrong, again. The only problem I've had was that she did not go through the proper channels. She thought she was a law unto herself.
  15. Tell me again how she doesn't want to be in the news. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/09/18/altered-marriage-licenses-concern-deputy-clerk-ky/72421600/ Where was the county attorney? Why wasn't he involved in the discussion of the alteration of the form. They just let this CLERK revise the form? Really?
  16. Mothballs also work. They are very destructive critters. In one night, seems like they dig fifty holes.
  17. She did NOT request any accommodation until after she was under the threat of a lawsuit. All your other comments are just your troll talk, again. Again, she did not request any special consideration until AFTER she was threatened with a law suit. She just refused to issue them to anyone. That is what I have a problem with. This is not about her religion, this is about her ability to do her job. Clearly she has a conflict, in the interest of keeping her beliefs intact, she should resign.
  18. I am not out to persecute anyone. My MO? Stay on topic and try not to wander into personal insults. Of course you're wrong so you resort to that because that's all you got. You got caught. Again.
  19. You're the one who posted that she tried to make arrangements for accommodation of her religious beliefs prior to this hitting the news. That is a dishonest statement, because she did not. I'm surprised you did not run accross this information before posting.
  20. The suit by the ACLU was filed on 7/2/15 so actually it doesn't look like she made the request to the state until she was threaten with a suit. Nice try through.
  21. And if I were a taxpayer in Kentucky, I would have opposed calling a special session because that would cost taxpayers. So she just refused to issue ALL licenses, because it was against HER beliefs. What about the applicants rights? What about their rights under the constitution? She just needs to resign. And this is a far cry from a "reasonable accommodation."
  22. Can you back that up? Oh brother. No one is attacking Christians. You would like that to be the truth so you can scream about the injustice, but that is not the truth.
  23. It would be a different story if her objections were ignored.
  24. Again, did she try to have this addressed going through the proper channels? No. Instead she choose not to issue licenses and crawl up on a soapbox and set herself up as a martyr to promote her agenda. I say she a zealot. I cannot find any information that she approached anyone to have this issue addressed. Can you?
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